Evil Read Online Book by Tijan Full Free Complete Novel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Magic, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 88849 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 444(@200wpm)___ 355(@250wpm)___ 296(@300wpm)

On the way back, we were in the back while Damien drove his own car. Aumae was next to him in the front passenger seat.

She let a window down and then rested her head against the corner of her seat and closed her eyes, fast asleep. A soft hum vibrated from inside of her, and her skin started to glisten and then roll over her, around her. When I jerked upright, alarmed, Kellan pulled me back and murmured, “She’s healing herself. You should rest, too.”


“Because you’re going to need all your strength.” He squeezed my hand and slipped his fingers through mine.

“Why don’t we whisk ourselves there? They’re human. They won’t know we’re coming.”

Damien glanced at me through the rearview mirror. “Because your father will know.”

“Oh.” Point taken. And from then on, I kept my mouth shut. Sometime not long after, I felt myself falling into Kellan’s side, and he moved to put his arm around me. After that, it was lights out as soon as I snuggled into him. When I woke later, we’d arrived, and I was surprised to see it had taken three hours.

I’d been asleep for three hours in the car, and after a peek, I saw the alertness in both Kellan and Damien. Aumae was still humming, but Damien touched her leg gently and it went away. The glistening, crawling skin stopped, and the soft white color that had surrounded her was gone, too. When she sat up, she looked back and gave me a clear smile.

“You look better,” I noted, sitting up from Kellan’s side.

“I should be fully healed.” She looked at him beside me. “What’s the plan?”

“Shay and I go inside. That’s it.”

“But—” she argued.

Kellan shot back, “That’s the plan. You stay. He stays. We go.” He jerked on my arm and I only had a second to glance at Damien, expecting an argument from him. There was none. As he sat back in his seat, I realized that he never had any intention of going inside with us. He wasn’t going to help at all. And for some reason, that pissed me off.

“What—huh? Why isn’t he helping?”

Kellan hissed under his breath, “Because this is our fight, not theirs. Come on.”

He murmured as we started toward the house, “He needs to be on watch. If your father comes, I want to know.”

“Oh.” That made a lot more sense, and then I looked up. The house looked like a typical two-story home, built in the suburbs. There were shrubs neatly trimmed in front of the patio and two wicker chairs on top. The sidewalk had been swept clean with a line of flowers beside it, free of weeds. It might’ve been a home I could’ve grown up in as a normal human child.

But when he opened the door, I was assaulted by the evil. It was dark inside, and I smelled sex, desire, fear, torture, sweat. So much more. I felt like I was being choked, burdened down by it all before Kellan touched my arm. Then it was all gone. Looking up, I was able to see inside the room.

“Your messenger side is too much now. It’s like a muzzle around you. You won’t go berserk.”

Shuddering, I glanced around and heard moans from a back room. Kellan stepped forward, and the same cloak from before came over him. He put it on me, too, and we were able to walk around without being felt or seen. And as we went into the back room first, I stopped in disgust. Leah and Matt were tangled together, naked, on a bed with no sheets or pillows. He was thrusting into her, hard. As we watched, she tipped her head back and screamed. Matt thrust harder, banging her head into the wall behind them.

I felt like I should’ve thrown up, but there were no more emotions. The disgust was short-lived, and now I was unemotional, just there to gather information. Glancing at Kellan, I wondered if he had done that, too, taken away my emotions. I wasn’t sure if I should’ve been grateful or angry. It didn’t matter. We turned and went upstairs. When we approached another room at the top of the stairs, I knew I was clearheaded this way. Nothing was going to filter my judgment.

Then we saw Gus. She was naked, strapped to a bed, and bleeding all over. Her head jerked up, but it fell back down in pain with a rag between her lips.

Dylan was shirtless, and he turned with one hand on a fire poker. “What? Did you sense something?”

He clambered off the bed and snapped his pants shut in the same motion, going to the opened door. “Leah? Matt? You two still fucking?”

Leah screamed in response. Her voice was thick with desire.

Dylan looked back and perused Gus for a moment. “What’s that mean? You haven’t done that since…” Then he turned again, slower this time, and searched the room. His eyes passed over us and kept moving without pausing. I felt Kellan’s anger beside me and wondered if I could turn his emotions off, too.

