Everything For Love – Beaumont – Next Generation Read Online Heidi McLaughlin

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Novella Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 36691 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 183(@200wpm)___ 147(@250wpm)___ 122(@300wpm)

“Amelie, I’m not going to tell you again.”

“You didn’t ask her,” Aubrey says.

“I’m not asking her, Aubrey. I’m her father and I told her to go to her bedroom.” I start to stand, ready and willing to go to battle with either of them, when Mack comes back into the room.

“Come on, Amelie. Let’s go watch a movie.” We make eye contact, and that’s when I see he’s fighting back tears.

Fuck this.

As soon as I hear his door shut, I move next to Aubrey and keep my voice as low as possible. “What in the hell was that? Seriously, Aubrey. You’re a nurse. You know better than to put children in the middle of this type of shit.”

“You’re scaring me,” she says.

I nod and move a seat away from her. “Is this better, or would you like me to go into my office and call you to discuss the bomb you just dropped on our kids?”

“It was time.”

“Don’t you think we should’ve discussed how we were going to approach this, and when? Do you think it’s fair to ruin their Christmas? They’re children, Aubrey. Still forming their frontal lobes, and this is a memory you want to tie into on their favorite holiday? They’re never going to forget this. Ever. It’s going to be ingrained.”

“Fine. All right. But it’s done, and they know they’re moving.”

I scrub my hand over my face and groan. “They’re not moving. You’re not taking them.”

“I am.”

“Then I’ll file kidnapping charges. Is that what you want? Do you want the feds to stop you at the airport and make a scene? Why are you doing this?”

“Because they’re my babies.”

“They are, and they’re mine, too. And you’re not thinking about what’s best for them right now. You’re thinking about you and how you’re going to hurt me.”

“You’ve hurt me.”

“How? Tell me how and I’ll get down on my knees and beg for your forgiveness. Tell me how I’ve hurt you, Aubrey.”

“The affair,” she says quietly.

This time, I roll my eyes. “I’m not having an affair.” I pull my phone out of my pocket, unlock the screen, which is her birthday, and hand it to her. “Go through it.”

“I’m sure you deleted everything.”


I leave my phone there and go to the refrigerator to get a beer. Across the room of our open concept house, our Christmas tree sits in the front window. Two weeks ago, the kids and I decorated it while Aubrey stayed in the bedroom with a headache. Maybe that should’ve been my wake-up call.

“I booked flights to Johannesburg,” she says.


“The day after they get out of school.” Aubrey stands and comes toward me.

I shake my head slowly. “No, and I’m done having this conversation with you. Tomorrow, you’ll hear from my lawyer.”

I put my unopened beer back in the refrigerator and head down the hall to Mack’s room. Knocking first, I open the door slowly to find him sitting on the edge of his bed, talking on the phone, with Amelie asleep.

Mack stands. “I don’t want to move,” he says quietly so as not to wake his sister. “Please don’t do this to me.”

“You’re not moving. Who’s on the phone?”


“Hang up and come see me in my office.” I shut his door and head to my office. It’s my space and the only place I’ll get peace right now. Seconds later, Mack’s sitting on my couch, which is also currently my bed. At least I have the keen sense of mind to fold my blankets in the morning so the space is somewhat presentable.

“I’m sorry for what your mom did at dinner. This is not how I wanted you and your sister to find out.”

“What’s going on?”

“I’m going to be honest with you. Your mom wants to move back to South Africa. Apparently, she’s wanted this for a while, but felt like she couldn’t say anything. I don’t think it’s right that she takes you and Amelie. In fact, I’m dead set against it.”

“I don’t want to go, Dad. Amelie does, though.”

I nod. “I figured. Honestly, I’m not surprised. She’s young enough to still adjust and forge a new path, but you . . .” I put my hand on his leg. “You have a lot going for you right now.”

“Please don’t make me go.”

“I’m going to do my best, Mack. I have to talk to a lawyer tomorrow and figure some things out.”

“Are you going to move out?”

“Definitely not. Your mom and I have coexisted for a while now. I’ll just have to watch where I step.”

Mack’s eyes rim with tears. “I hate her. She’s trying to ruin my life.”

“Hate’s a strong word, bud. Right now, your mom’s angry with me, and she knows this is how to hurt me, through you and your sister.”

“But why does she want to hurt me?”

“My guess is she doesn’t see it as hurting you but protecting you from me.”

