Every Breath Read Online Eve Vaughn

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 73
Estimated words: 69025 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 345(@200wpm)___ 276(@250wpm)___ 230(@300wpm)

Karen threw him one last glare before taking Ben’s hand and pulling him with her. “Well, if you’re coming, then come on.”

Mason turned to the twins before he followed mother and son. “It was very nice to meet you both.”

They gave him a little wave before turning to talk to each other. He was about to walk off when Brandi came out of a classroom. His breath caught in his throat. Watching her from above had been one thing, but being this close to her again was another.

It took every inch of willpower in his being not to reach out and pull her into his arms. Brandi looked as beautiful as she did the day he met her. He ached to run his hands over her smooth dark skin. Facing her, he flashed her a big smile as he held out his hand. “You must be DJ and Mya’s mother.”

She looked up at him, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. “Guilty as charged. I’m Brandi Evans, and you are?”

“Mason Collins. It seems that our sons have become fast friends.”

As she took his hand, an electric shock went through his body. Brandi’s eyes widened before she hastily pulled her hand from his. He knew that she must have felt it, too.

He widened his smile, not sure what she thought about his new package but confident that the magic between them was still there. Now he just had to figure out how to make her love Mason Collins.

“You have two fine children. My son was singing your son’s praises earlier. Perhaps they can get together for a play date some time,” he suggested.

“Well, I don’t see why not. What do you think, DJ?” She looked down at her son, who was watching them silently.

“Sure. That would be cool.”

“Great. Let me give you my phone number.” He reached into his breast pocket.

“Dad, are you coming?” Ben tugged on his arm. Mason looked behind him to see Karen’s eyes narrowed and her arms crossed.

“Maybe we’ll just have the boys exchange numbers at school. I think your wife is waiting.” She smiled at him.

“Yes, that’s a good idea. Well, it was nice meeting you, Brandi. I hope we can talk again soon.”


He started to walk away, then turned around. “By the way, I’m divorced.”

She didn’t reply. He couldn’t tell from her polite expression what was going through her mind, but at least the groundwork had been laid.

Brandi watched the tall redheaded man walk away, not taking her eyes off his retreating back until he was gone from sight. What just happened? In most circumstances she wouldn’t have given a man like Mason Collins a second glance. It wasn’t that she was prejudiced or found white men unattractive, but she had never been as drawn to one before now.

He definitely warranted more than a second look. A long straight nose set in a classically chiseled face made him quite handsome. He had the greenest eyes she had ever seen, which went well with his dark-red hair. He had a full lower lip that gave his already attractive face a certain sexiness. His looks were enhanced by a full neatly trimmed beard.

On top of that, his tall sinewy frame was enough to make any woman’s pulse race, but it wasn’t his looks that made her so aware of him as a man. She’d seen men who were so physically beautiful that it ached to look at them but none of those men intrigued her this way.

When they touched, a jolt of lightning went through her. The feel of his hand holding hers felt so familiar and when their eyes locked, she could have sworn that they already met. There was something in the depths of his green gaze that made her want to find out more about him.

Snap out of it, girl! You are an engaged woman and that man should mean absolutely nothing to you. Brandi stood there for a moment, trying to convince herself that it was her imagination, but she had a nagging feeling that she’d seen him somewhere before.

Somehow, she made it through the rest of Parents’ Night without thinking about Mason, but on the car ride home he popped up in her thoughts again.

“Mom, why were you staring at Mr. Collins like that?” Great. Leave it to her daughter to not beat around the bush.

“I thought he looked familiar. I guess I was wrong,” It wasn’t exactly a lie.

“He’s got yucky red hair like Ben.” Mya tossed her nose in the air in disdain.

“That’s not a very nice thing to say. What do you have against redheads?”

“Missy Reynolds told her that all redheads have bad breath and she believed it. She believes everything that dummy tells her,” DJ chimed in.

“That’s not true, and Missy is not a dummy. She’s the third grade spelling bee champion.” From the rear view mirror, Brandi caught Mya sticking her tongue out at her brother.

