Even if it Hurts (Coastal Elite #1) Read Online Sam Mariano

Categories Genre: Angst, Contemporary, Dark, New Adult, Romance, Virgin, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Coastal Elite Series by Sam Mariano

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 129986 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 650(@200wpm)___ 520(@250wpm)___ 433(@300wpm)

Thankfully, he called them so quickly after realizing I wasn’t at home.

Thankfully, the police made it here before Anae could finish what she’d started.

In light of the heroism of my incredible boyfriend, the officer seems surprised when I shake my head. “No. I don’t want him to come get me.”

“All right. Is there anyone else you can call?”

I nod.


When Hannah walks into the station, I feel better immediately.

She feels like the bright, beautiful light at the end of a dark and terrifying tunnel. I don’t know how I find it in me to smile, but I do at the sight of her face.

Her arms open to me immediately. I rush into them, holding her tight as tears sting behind my eyes. She hugs me back just as tightly, petting my hair calmingly and murmuring reassurances that everything will be all right, that I’m safe now.

I’m not so sure, but I don’t care. Not right now.

When I’m done blubbering, I pull back and look at her. She’s not tall like Dare, so I don’t have to look up. “Will you take me home?”

She flashes me a smile. “Of course.”

It’s early morning, the sun just starting to rise in the sky. Hannah asks if I’m hungry, if I want her to stop anywhere and grab me something to eat.

I crack a smile. “I’d rather have one of your muffins.”

“I’ll make you a batch before I leave. You need to get some sleep. What a long, horrible night you must have had.”

She doesn’t ask for the details, and I don’t want to talk about it, so I don’t give her any. She must know Anae has been arrested and why.

It occurs to me she might think Dare was, too, since I called her to pick me up.

Because of the threats I know he’s made, it occurs to me I probably should have told her. She probably came to pick me up thinking she didn’t need to worry about him anymore.

“Dare’s not in jail,” I say, looking over at her.

She glances back. “Should he be?”


I nod. “But he isn’t. And he won’t be.”

Her lips press together into a thoughtful little line but she just nods. “Okay.”

When we get to my house, it’s a crime scene. Police have been in and out of here taking pictures and collecting evidence.

The door closes down the hall. “Aubrey, is that you?”

“Yeah, it’s me.”

Mom’s wearing a mask, but I can still see how her face crumbles at the sight of me. “Oh, honey,” she says, rushing over to give me a hug.

I back up before she makes contact, holding up my hands. “Don’t. I haven’t showered yet.”

Mom pulls back, looking inconsolable that she can’t hug me. Hannah frowns, not understanding, so I explain.

“Go back to your room,” I tell Mom once I’ve reassured her that everything is okay. “I know people have been in and out of here all morning. I’ll… I’ll clean the place from top to bottom, but I can’t handle you getting sick on top of it. Please stay in your room until I can make sure the place is safe.”

Reluctantly, Mom goes back to her room.

I need to shower, but I’m too tired and emotionally depleted. I don’t know where I’ll find the energy to clean up, but that’s a problem for later.

My bedding is still wrinkled from Dare fucking me here before he kidnapped me. I’m a little mortified remembering that, but Hannah just straightens it out, then pulls the covers back so I can climb in.

She goes to get me something to drink and checks in on my mom. I thank her for the cold bottle of water, and I know I do need sleep, but I don’t want her to go.

“Will you stay with me for a little bit?”

She nods. “Of course. I’ll be here for a while, anyway. I have to make you muffins.”

“No, I mean…” I rub the bed.

“Oh.” She’s surprised, but she smiles, nods, and then climbs into bed with me.

Once we’re both snuggled up beneath the covers, I feel safe.

I know it’s an illusion just like Dare was because he’s still out there, and he’ll be back. But for now, I feel safe with Hannah, and I just want to enjoy it.

“Do you wanna be the little spoon or the big spoon?” she asks lightly.

I smile. “It’s up to you.”

“You could probably use a big spoon today, huh?”

“I don’t care. I’m just glad you’re here.”

“I’m glad I’m here, too,” she tells me.

I smile, reaching out to touch her face.

She smiles back, and then I close my eyes.

It only feels like a moment that my eyes are closed, but when I open them again, it’s much brighter outside and the house smells like banana muffins.

I’m groggy, but I roll over and check the time.

It’s after two, so I drag myself out of bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I stumble out into the hall.

