Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

“This is definitely more important than a threesome,” I say. “I don’t want to talk in the house. Or even in the courtyard.”

“Agreed,” Seb says. “You’re not going to believe what I have to tell you.”

A brick lands in my gut. This isn’t good.

The four of us leave the kitchen and walk out to the deck, through the vast courtyard, until we hit the concrete-stamped pathway leading to the beach.

“All right, guys,” Brett says. “What the fuck is going on?”

I quickly relay my conversation with Misty.

“But she didn’t tell you what she thinks she knows?” Brett says.

I shake my head. “I tried to get it out of her. Seb thinks she’s playing games.”

“I’m not so sure anymore.” Seb draws in a breath. “I was just in Evangeline’s suite, and I intercepted an email from Misty. It was only sent a few minutes before.”

“Fuck.” Alex rakes his fingers through his hair.

“Evangeline said she wasn’t feeling well and went to the bathroom, so I took a look while I was alone. Then I marked it as unread and came back down here.” He pauses a moment. “Misty’s got something on Evangeline—says Evangeline owes her—and it seems she’s set her sights on you, River. Plus, she wants Rachel and June out of the picture. Do you have any idea why she wants you?”

Normally I’d say something like, “Isn’t that obvious?” But I’m too fucking fretful at the moment. “Hell, no. I never met her before today. But she did tell me I was the hottest man here.”

Brett elbows me. “In your dreams.”

"What about the women?" Seb asks.

"I spent time with both Rachel and June earlier," I say, "but nothing happened with either."

“The thing is,” Seb continues, “Misty wanted to be here and approached Evangeline to make it happen. It could be as simple as her wanting Riv, but with all due respect to your ultimate manliness, Riv, I doubt that’s the case.”

“No offense taken.” I rub my jawline. “I’m not remotely interested in her. I had my eye on Rachel, but I’m far from making any decisions.”

“Warm up to Misty,” Brett says. “See if you can find out what she wants.”

“Fuck. That’s Sebastian’s style. Not mine.”

“I’d do it,” Seb says, “but Misty and I have zero chemistry. There was nothing between us when we attended that charity shindig a couple years ago. It’s you she wants, Riv, which means only you can get the information out of her.”

They’re right, of course. “How?”

“Use your masculine wiles,” Alex says dryly.

“I’ve got it.” Brett lights up. “Tomorrow on the catamaran, we’ll have Evangeline orchestrate a drawing for a special date with each of us and we’ll tell her to make sure you get Misty.”

“Then she’ll know I was reading her email,” Seb says.

“Why would she?” Brett shrugs. “What if we just tell her who we want to be set up with? And have her make it look like a drawing?”

“That might work better,” Alex says. “I’ll take Sienna.”

“Nope,” Brett says. “We should each choose someone we haven’t spent time with yet. I’ll take Sienna.”

Alex shoots darts at Brett, but then, “Fine. I’ll take Ariel.”

Brett doesn’t seem fazed. “Fine with me. Who do you want, Seb?”

“Hell if I know. How about the hottie doctor? Ginger? No, wait. I don’t want to know. We’ll tell Evie⁠—”

Alex’s eyebrows shoot up. “Evie?”

“Her nickname. I got it out of her.” Seb smiles. “We’ll tell Evie to put me with anyone she wants.”

Brett nods. “Good enough. And Riv, sorry, you get Misty.”

I sigh. “Out of the cast iron skillet and into the fucking inferno.”

“You have a way with clichés, Riv.” Brett nudges me. “I’ve got your back, man. Always.”

Twenty Years Earlier

“I’ve got your back, man,” Brett says to me.

“I know that.”

“Then know this.” He grabs both my shoulders, something he never does. We’re not a touchy-feely bunch. “The rest of us need this, each in our own way. Especially Jake. And you do too, Riv.”

He’s not wrong. I look down at Ernie, at my side as always. There was never a more loyal mutt, and if Larson had his way, Ernie’d be pushing up daisies. My dog looks up at me, pure trust in those big brown eyes.

“I’m in,” I finally say. “I’m all fucking in.”

Present Day

“I’m in,” I say. “Tell Evangeline what we want, and I’ll do my best to charm all the secrets out of Misty Holmes.”

Sebastian shakes his head. “Oh, man. River, you know I love you, but try not to bully it out of her.”

“I’m no bully.”

“I mean literally. Don’t be a bull. Use some finesse.”

“You think I don’t have any finesse? I’m a fucking bull whisperer, man.”

“It’s not a bull whisperer we need,” Brett says. “It’s a Misty whisperer.”

I nod, inhaling deeply. “I’ll do what I have to do to get what we need. Even if it means taking her to bed.”

