Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

“Which means we shouldn’t pick favorites either.” I sigh. “He’s right for sure. I didn’t realize how difficult this would be.”

“Me neither. When Evangeline came to me, all I could think about was what a great opportunity to forget about Leroy this was. So I forgot about him. At least for a few minutes. Alex is the anti-Leroy. He’s perfect for me in so many ways, but…”

“But you don’t really know him.”

“No. I don’t.” She rises. “I’m going to bed.”

“Good luck. Any pointers for getting to sleep?”

“Don’t you Brits like to drink tea?”

"Tea has caffeine."

"Chamomile tea, then?"

I grimace. "Ugh. Hate the stuff. Night, love.”

Sienna opens my door and then closes it quickly without venturing into the hallway. Her eyes are wide as saucers.

“What?” I ask.

“You’re not going to believe what I just saw.”

“Misty and River?”

She shakes her head.

“Misty and Alex?”

She shakes her head again. “Ginger and Rachel.”


“They were holding hands, Emily. Gazing into each other’s eyes. And they went into Rachel’s room.”




River, Alex, and I walk from the beach back to the house and in through the French doors leading to the kitchen. Alex heads to his suite to replace the clothes the tide swept away.

“See you back down here in a minute,” he calls, still holding my undies over his bare ass.

“I don’t need those back,” I say dryly.

He flips me the bird.

River grabs three bottles of water out of the refrigerator in the gourmet kitchen while I take a seat at the table. He hands me an ice-cold water and sits down across from me. “Brett should be here.”

“He should, but he’s not. This is on the three of us for now.”

“We could—” River shakes his head. “Fuck. No cell phones. We can’t call him.”

“Nope. Besides, two of us have already been cock-blocked tonight. I’m not going to do that to Brett.”

Alex returns wearing cargo shorts and a plain white T-shirt. He pulls his fingers through his hair and takes the third bottle of water. “I need a shower. My hair’s full of sand.”

“We could all use one,” I say, “but first things first. I’m going to knock on Evangeline’s door and get the information we need.”

River eyes me. “You plan to seduce the info out of her and you don’t want to shower first?”

I lift an eyebrow. “Maybe I’ll shower with her.”

Alex twists the cap off his water bottle, takes a long drink, and swallows. “She’s probably in bed.”

“Good enough. I’ll join her.”

“You’re serious.” River’s voice is low and a little menacing.

“Have you ever known me not to be serious, Riv?”

He scoffs. “Only…let’s say…all the freaking time, Seb. This is serious.” He leans in and lowers his voice. “If Misty conspired with Evangeline, or vice versa, and either one of them knows something⁠—”

The French doors open, and June and Heather—their dresses still down and their tits still showing—enter.

“Oh!” June gasps, pulling her dress up. “We didn’t know anyone was in here.”

We’ve already seen the goods, so why is she embarrassed now? This is a woman who models the skimpiest lingerie for a living.

The three of us stand.

“Easy there, June.” Heather gives her an elbow nudge. “River’s topless.”

They both gaze at Riv’s sculpted torso. I don’t lean even slightly that way, but I admit River’s a magnificent specimen. Must be all that ranch work. He could hire everything out, but damned if he still doesn’t like to be outdoors working.

“Sienna took my shirt,” River drawls.

“I’m sure there’s a story there.” Heather opens the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of Chardonnay. “Anyone want to join me?”

Alex shakes his head. “We were just retiring.”

“Come on,” Heather cajoles, wiggling her firm ass clad tightly in her snug royal-blue dress. “The night is still young.”

Is it? I don’t have a clue what time it is. Don’t much care, either. These two women would make for some awesome bedwarmers, but the guys and I have an agenda—one that can’t wait a minute longer.

I smile—a big Sebastian Tate grin. “I’m sure River and Alex here can entertain you two. I’ve got something to do.”

“Something more important than the two of us?” Heather tilts her head. “I suck at using a corkscrew. I need you to open the wine.”

“Riv and Alex are both expert wine openers.” I back out of the kitchen, turn, and then look over my shoulder. River takes the corkscrew from Heather and opens the bottle.

River and Alex both hate Chardonnay, so I doubt they’ll imbibe. Not at this point in the evening. But maybe the two of them will get lucky tonight after all.

I’d rather be in their shoes—or balls deep in Emily. Or Sienna. Or Ginger—than deal with the fate that awaits me tonight, but this one’s for the team.

I walk up to the second floor, stop in my suite, wash up quickly and brush out my hair, and open my trunk to find a clean pair of jeans.

