Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

I close my eyes, inhale the crisp aroma of minerals and saltwater, and I bring my hands to my breasts and cup them.

A groan. A groan from Brett.

I toy with my nipples through the crepey fabric as Brett slides his fingers under the waistband of my lacy white panties and pulls them over my legs.

I’m bare now.

He can see me in the moonlight.

He can see the most intimate part of me.

Another groan as he spreads my legs. “You’re lovely. As plump and sweet as those ruby-red lips I can’t wait to kiss again.”

I sigh in reply.

“Open your eyes, Ariel.”

I obey, and his handsome face becomes clear and silvery in the light of the night sky.

“Watch me,” he commands. “Watch me eat you.”

My gulp is nearly audible as I nod.

Then his tongue… His velvet tongue… He flicks it over my clit just once, and prickles shoot through me.

Then he’s licking me, sucking me, pulling my pussy lips with his teeth. I try to grasp something but the sand sifts through my fingers as I arch my back.

“God, fucking delicious,” he rasps.

He told me to watch, but I tilt my head back and close my eyes as my hips undulate against him. That stubble, scraping my inner thighs, his breath warm against my sensitive flesh, and that tongue…

Until he stops.

“You’re not watching, Ariel.”

My eyes pop open.

“Keep those eyes open,” he commands, “or I’ll have to spank that pretty little ass of yours.”

I gasp, though the thought doesn’t disturb me. Rather, I imagine the palm of his strong hand, the sting of his slap…

Until I can’t imagine at all because he’s sliding his tongue over my pussy again, teasing my clit. I lift my hips and grind against his lips, his chin, his glorious stubble. I’m climbing, climbing, climbing, and⁠—

I leap into oblivion when he pushes a finger into me, massaging that spongy place that makes me go mad.

“That’s it, beautiful. Come for me. Come for me, Ariel.”

Every clench of my pussy, every beat of my heart—everything, everything, everything…

Brett clamps his lips over my clit and sucks gently, and then not so gently. I’m reeling, clutching at the grains of sand around me, squeezing my thighs to bring him closer to me.

“You like that? You like my finger in your tight pussy?”

“Yes, God, yes!”

“I like it too. You’re as sweet as I imagined. More so, even.” He glides his tongue over my clit once more.

Once more…I erupt.

And once more…I lose a tiny piece of my heart.




Once the women have left us alone under the stars, all I can hear is the crashes of the waves and the blood surging through my ears.

“What’d she say to you, Riv?” Seb demands.

“What did who say to you?” From Alex, his gaze never wavering from Sienna and Misty walking away.

When the two women are safely on the concrete, I turn to Alex and Sebastian. “She said⁠—”

“You were wearing a black shirt, right?” Sebastian interrupts me, looking toward the women.


“Sienna just put it on and walked away with it.”

“Who fucking cares?” I shake my head. “We’ve got bigger things to worry about.”

“Yeah, like what Misty said in your ear just now,” Sebastian says once more.

I draw in a breath. Misty didn’t divulge what she thinks she knows about me. She said something completely unexpected.

“You won’t believe this.” I roll my eyes.

“Not unless you tell us,” Sebastian pushes again.

“Would the two of you please clue me in?” Alex leans down and washes the sand from his calves.

“Whoa, Alex.” Seb shields his eyes. “I never wanted that good a look at your ass, man.”

“Eat shit,” Alex retorts. “Now what are the two of you yammering about?”

“It’s Misty,” Seb says. “She knows something. At least that’s what she told Riv.”

Alex’s eyes turn into circles. “What?”

“She’s playing games,” Sebastian says. “I’ve seen it a million times with rich kids. But we can’t take any chance.”

“No, we can’t,” Alex agrees. “She said something to you?”

I nod. “She jumped into my arms, and she whispered…” I sigh. “God, this is embarrassing.”

“No more embarrassing than the three of us here in our birthday suits,” Seb says. “Spill it.”

“She said, ‘You’re the hottest man here.’”

Sebastian narrows his eyes. “That’s her big secret? That you’re the hottest? You wish.”

“Hey, the woman knows what she likes,” I say. “But I don’t buy it. Something else is going on with her.”

“So she didn’t say anything about…” Alex rubs his forehead. “What makes you think she knows something anyway?”

“She told me she knows all my secrets.”

Alex eyes widen even farther, which I didn’t know was possible. “Fuck.”

“Right?” I brush sand off my arms. “What do you think? Do you agree with Seb that she’s playing games?”

“Can we take that chance?” Alex asks.

“That’s the thing,” I say. “We can’t.”

“This can’t be happening.” Alex crosses his arms over his chest, as if to ease a chill, even though the night breeze is still warm.

