Enticing You (How to Marry a Billionaire #1) Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire Tags Authors: Series: How to Marry a Billionaire Series by Helen Hardt

Total pages in book: 77
Estimated words: 77452 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 387(@200wpm)___ 310(@250wpm)___ 258(@300wpm)

My main one is that I drove Rachel away. I may not find physics fascinating, but Rachel?

She’s another story.

“Would you excuse me?” I rise, grab my drink, and follow Rachel, until⁠—

Someone clinks a fork against a glass.

“May I have your attention?” Evangeline stands next to the table where the food is set up. “Gentlemen, you all wanted to say a few words.”

Right. Our big welcome thing. I head toward Evangeline, nodding to Brett and Alex along the way.

Once we’re there, Evangeline makes eye contact with me, and then Brett and Alex. "Where is Sebastian?”




Sebastian Tate takes my hand and we slip away from the group slowly so as not to draw attention. But once we make it beyond the French doors and inside the mansion…

“Your room.” Sebastian growls.

My breath catches as I remember the lingerie I left strewn on the floor. Normally I’d rather be in my own room, but we’re perfectly safe here, according to Evangeline. “What about yours?”

“I just got here. I’m not unpacked or anything.”

“So what? Did I ask you to brush your teeth or change your pants? If this is happening, it’s going to happen in your room, Sebastian.”

A moment later we’re inside his suite, which is way larger than mine. Not that it matters. He does indeed have walls, and at the moment all I can think about is getting scratches on my back from him thrusting into me.

He closes his door, grabs me, and crushes his mouth to mine.

A kiss.

A kiss that devours me and drugs me all at once.

How is it that I want this man so much, yet I haven’t even kissed him?

That’s being remedied now, and my God… He tastes of champagne and mint and musk. I melt into the kiss, returning it with all the ache in my body, all the ache between my legs, until⁠—

He breaks our contact with a slight smack of his lips.

I let out a soft whimper.

“You don’t kiss like a proper English rose, Emily. You kiss like a seductive siren. You’re not proper at all.”

“I think that ship sailed when I threatened to expose you on the lawn,” I retort.

“A shame.” He pushes a lock of hair off my forehead. “I’d love to dirty up a proper English lady.”

“You won’t find one here, I’m afraid. Now, are you going to fuck me, or are you just a lot of American hot air?”

He grips my shoulders and presses me against the wall next to the door. “Those are fighting words.”

“They’re meant to be.” I squirm against the throbbing in my core. I had sex a month ago—a one-nighter after a gala in Manhattan. It was good, but I’m already more turned on by Sebastian’s kiss than I was by—what was his name?—all night.

“I ought to punish you,” he says through gritted teeth, his whisky eyes on fire. “Punish you for making me want you so bad. Making me leave the party.”

“This was your idea, Sebastian. Get on with it.”

His mouth comes down on mine once more.

This time the kiss is even more raw, our lips sliding over each other’s, our teeth clashing, our tongues dueling. If this is how he kisses…

Damn, I’m in trouble.

When he moves from my mouth to my ear, nipping my lobe, I sigh, my legs trembling. He trails wet kisses over my jawline, my neck, and then the tops of my breasts, which are pushed up to the moon by this dress.

“Fuck,” he murmurs against my flesh. “What color are your nipples, Emily?”

“Nipples…” I gasp out.

“Yes, nipples.” He sucks on my flesh. “What color?”

“Bloody well see for yourself,” I offer.

He yanks my bodice down, exposing my brownish nipples, already hard and aching for his lips and tongue.

He groans. “Beautiful.” He pinches one between his thumb and forefinger.

A tingle shoots straight to my pussy. “Suck on it. Please.”

He closes his lips around the nipple while cupping my other breast. Prickly warmth surges through me, and I want more, more, more…

I reach between our bodies and grab the bulge in Sebastian’s trousers. He growls and tightens his teeth against my nipple.

My God, he feels huge. Perfect to drill into me and ease the ache inside.

“Oh!” I cry out when he gives my nipple a sharp bite. “Sebastian, my God!”

He sucks me and I rub my palm against his bulge, ready to⁠—

Three knocks on the door vibrate through the wall and into my back.

Sebastian lifts his face. “Shit,” he whispers harshly.

“Mr. Tate? Are you in there?”

Sebastian holds a finger to his lips. We stay silent.

“Mr. Tate? It’s time to—” The doorknob turns.

“Coming!” Sebastian throws himself against the door to keep it from opening.

A throat clears. “Ms. Livingston says it’s time for your welcome.”

“Be there in a moment. Thank you.”

“All right.” He rolls his eyes. “Cock-blocked by a matchmaker. That’s got to be a first.”

