Endless in Love – The Maverick Billionaires Read Online Bella Andre

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 86020 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 430(@200wpm)___ 344(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

Cammie had never known Dane to be sentimental, but he avidly watched Paige as she lay in bed, a blue-swaddled baby in her arms. Evan, the proud father, held a pink bundle, gazing down with what could only be called total adoration.

For a moment, Cammie’s stomach tilted at the beautiful tableau. Not only for the Collinses and their new family, but at Dane’s enchantment as he took them in. The sight brought a tear to her eye. And it made her tremble with a vivid memory of that night, a moment when he’d put his hand on her breast, sleekly naked, infinitely sexy, and looked up at her as if she’d enchanted him.

She zipped her memories shut. This wasn’t the time or place.

Evan, or one of the Mavericks, must have pulled a few strings, because the whole clan overflowed the birthing suite, where usually only two or three visitors would be allowed. Thank goodness the room was huge. Painted a soothing powder blue, it could have housed three new mothers, but for now only Paige occupied it. Bean bags and easy chairs sat on the floor, and puffy clouds drifted across the blue ceiling.

Cammie and Dane remained on the periphery out in the hall, like twin Scrooges looking through the frost-laced panes of Bob Cratchit’s house on Christmas Eve and wanting to go in.

As if he felt the same thing, Dane curled his fingers around hers. “It’s unique and amazing, don’t you think?”

She had to agree. “Yes.” It was unique for them both.

Dane had never been around babies or children. Neither had she. This was a first. And it was awe-inspiring. But sharing this new experience, she relished the warmth of Dane’s hand around hers far too much.

Bob and Susan Spencer got first crack at the new family, with hugs, kisses, tears—most of them Bob’s. The man was a big softie.

As they stepped aside, Theresa moved in to tenderly kiss Evan’s cheek and her tiny granddaughter’s forehead, then bent to Paige and the baby in her arms.

It was so loving, Cammie felt like crying too.

Will took his turn at the bedside, smoothing a finger over the baby’s hairless head. Then he turned a stern face on Evan, reminding Cammie of Fernsby. If one looked up the definition of stern in the dictionary, it would show a picture of Fernsby.

“You’re on indefinite parental leave to be with your wife and babies,” Will said. “When you’re ready to come back, you let us know. But don’t make it too soon.”

Harper stepped to Will’s side, her words for Paige. “I’m not going to let you come back too fast.”

Ari, now at the bedside, Matt’s arm around her, gave Paige a few instructions that were obviously for Evan too. “We’re going to hold you guys to a pinkie swear that you’ll take three months, maybe even six, just to be parents.” She put a hand to her chest. “This bonding time is very important for the babies.” Both Evan and Paige listened earnestly to her, their expert in child development.

Evan nodded resolutely. “We will. But it’ll be hard not to be a part of this family.”

Sebastian snorted a laugh. “Just because you’re not working doesn’t mean you’re getting out of coming to the barbecues. And dinners. And whatever other events we feel like throwing. You just won’t be working yourself to the bone. You’ll be looking out for your family.”

Evan bowed his head in agreement.

Rosie stepped in to kiss each newborn on the forehead, then placed a loving kiss on Paige’s cheek. “Take this time,” she said. “They grow up so fast.” Then she looked at Evan. “The business will be here when you come back.”

Paige wiped away a tear. “You’re right. All of you. Thank you.”

The rest of the women, as if they were of one mind, gathered round Paige. Ari put out her pinkie finger. “Pinkie swear.” All of them hooked pinkies in a circle. “We want you to take care of yourself while you’re caring for your babies. Anything you need, we’re here for you.”

Paige rubbed away another tear. “Thank you. I love you all so much.”

Then Susan took over. “We’ll let you get some rest now. It’s been a long day.” She glanced across the bed to Evan, and even from the doorway, Cammie recognized her joy and love. “And a long day for you too.” She gave Evan a loving smile.

The Mavericks separated into couples then, and Cammie had a feeling the pregnant ladies would receive tender foot rubs tonight. It was so sweet—Gideon kissing the top of Rosie’s head, Matt with his hand on Ari’s burgeoning belly, Cal with a sweeping gaze of love over Lyssa’s features. Noah held his hand out to Ari, looking up at her with the love only a seven-year-old child could feel. Gideon hefted a sleepy Jorge into his arms and gathered Rosie’s hand in his. Charlie laid her head on Sebastian’s shoulder, Daniel nuzzled Tasha’s hair, and Will wrapped an arm around Harper.

