Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Nikki gave her an approving nod. Tell him, Lisette.

“You all are making a mountain out of a molehill,” Gunter said on a sigh, but he sounded resigned.

“You worried Nikki,” she retorted. “Worried them enough they came straight to us for help. Step one of being in a relationship, Gunter: don’t worry your partner.”

“Yes, yes.”

Nikki startled, head snapping around to stare at her. She knew Gunter had kissed them yesterday? Did the whole castle know? Well, probably. Cassie had been filming the entire thing, and she had no compunctions about sharing. Oh. Wait, she’d filmed their steaming hot kiss too, hadn’t she?

Nikki felt their face flush. Oh. Well, yeah, anyone who saw that would assume Gunter and Nikki were dating, at the very least.

The thought made them absurdly happy. Especially since Gunter hadn’t denied it.

The non-denial of their relationship put to bed a lot of Nikki’s fears in one fell swoop.

Oh, the two of them were so going to talk once the mages left.

Sora opened his bag, poking about inside until he brought out a wand. “Now, Nikki, what I’ll do first is lay a diagnostic spell over Gunter’s skin. Just in case this goes further than skin deep.”

“Wait,” Gunter objected, “why are you telling them that and not me?”

“First of all, because Nikki has more common sense than you. Secondly, because they’re the one worried and I don’t want to make that worse by throwing magic at you that they don’t understand.”

Nikki suddenly liked Sora a lot better. They could maybe see now why Ravi had chosen him as a mate.

“The way you accommodated his arm didn’t look right to me,” Sora said as an aside to Nikki before speaking the spell. Lines of red spread over Gunter’s pale skin in vivid contrast, numbers and symbols appearing that Nikki couldn’t decipher. Sora’s mouth pursed in thought as he studied them. “Hmm. Seems you’ve managed to jam your shoulder a little into the socket with the impact. Not badly—your dragon physique took the brunt of it—but no wonder that shoulder is sore and doesn’t want to move. Nikki, I’ve got a particular salve of witch hazel, untouched snowflake, and reflected snow I want you to put on that shoulder after I’m done. As often as Gunter likes. It’ll calm the inflammation around the joint and give him some pain relief.”

Nikki nodded seriously. Those sounded like good, calming elements, and they appreciated Sora explaining what was in there. Not that they didn’t trust Sora after all the man had done, but they felt more confident now about applying it to Gunter.

“I give up,” Gunter muttered, head lolling in the other direction.

“Now, the road rash isn’t serious,” Sora continued, entirely ignoring his grouchy patient’s attitude. “But he definitely didn’t clean this out right. The reason why it’s still bleeding a little is because the body is trying to shed the grit still stuck under the skin. It’s a foreign invader, and the body knows it, but it’s having a hard time repelling it on its own. Left to its own devices, this very well could have gotten infected, so I’m glad you fetched me.”

Gunter glared at Sora. “You’re married to Ravi. I don’t know why I expected better from you.”

Sora lifted a slim, dark eyebrow. “Indeed.”

“You are such a troll. I don’t know why I’m friends with you.”

“It is a question of the ages,” Sora agreed equably. “Nikki, this is a cleansing agent, mostly augmented honey, as that will draw everything out and give the skin some needed moisture. Once applied, I’ll lift the rest with a spell, and we can wipe it clean before properly dressing the arm.”

Nikki paid very strict attention in case they needed to do this again later. “Will I need to change out the bandages and clean it again tomorrow?”

“Every morning and every night, for about three days. It’ll heal quickly now that things are properly addressed. Don’t let him lift anything with his left arm for a while; let that mend.”


Gunter gave a weary sigh, as if everyone was exhausting.

Sora did precisely what he’d outlined—cleaned the area and put a salve on it—and it looked better already. Not as puffy and red. He taped gauze over the wound to protect it, gave Nikki the salve, and for some reason winked at Gunter before drawling, “I’ll check on you tomorrow.”

Gunter glared at him. “Without Ravi.”

“I make no promises. Nikki, if he has any issues, you know where to find me.”

Nikki gave him a shy smile. They were glad Sora had turned out to be trustworthy, and a nice enough person to silently forgive Nikki their caution against him. “Thanks, Sora.”

With a little wave, Sora let himself out.

Lisette lingered another moment to warn Gunter, “Be good.”

“Be good or be nice?” Gunter retorted.

“Both. You’re a terrible patient.” Lisette shook her head before leaving as well, shutting the door behind her.

