Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

Pulling the piece of paper with the drawing from their pocket, Nikki quickly moved down one aisle and up another, searching for cow parsley and oleander. They might have been humming the theme song to Mission Impossible, but no one needed to know.

In the end, cow parsley was the easiest to find near the end of one of the aisles in a big red and blue pot. Oleander was complicated. Nikki had drawn the leaves, but the light wasn’t great, and it was hard to tell between two different plants. In the end, Nikki shrugged and grabbed a few leaves off what had to be oleander. With the clippings shoved into two different pockets, Nikki folded up their drawing and tucked it in a back pocket. Successful mission all around. Now to get back to their room for some fun.

As they walked down the main aisle toward the door, a pair of shadows crossed in front of it and Nikki froze. Someone was coming to the greenhouse. Shit. Shit. Shit. They couldn’t be caught.

Nikki darted down a particularly leafy aisle and scampered soundlessly toward the end, their heart racing. They’d just reached a dark nook when the door opened and Lisette’s voice drifted through the greenhouse.

“This will only take a minute. I want to steep the tiniest bit of valerian in your tea, and Tori mentioned yesterday he’d just finished drying some valerian root.”

“That isn’t necessary, my love,” replied a second voice. It was only vaguely familiar, but Nikki had to assume it was Alric’s advisor, Dieter, since he was Lisette’s mate. “I hate for you to go to the trouble.”

Lisette gave an indelicate snort. “Trouble, my foot. You’ve barely slept these past few weeks and I’m done with it. You’re lucky I don’t give you something stronger.”

“There are four dragon kings here, my love,” Dieter said, as if that should explain everything. Clearly it didn’t since Nikki heard her give a huff. “King Chalo and King Roca haven’t been here in centuries. Their needs must be properly seen to.”

“Ha! Do you honestly expect me to believe Alric is demanding you to chase down their every request? I know him better than that. This castle is overloaded with dragons, and the royals have brought their own entourage. I’ve also spoken to Queen Ana and Queen Diya. They’ve made it clear those kings are more than capable of fending for themselves.”

“My love—”

“You, on the other hand, need sleep,” she continued in an unyielding voice.

“If you are so determined to get me to sleep, maybe we should discuss methods of wearing me out rather than drugging me.”

Nikki’s eyes widened at the sound of a girlish giggle. They slipped soundlessly out of their hiding spot and moved to peer between a cluster of leaves to find the dragon and mage wrapped in colorful robes, slow dancing in the middle of the aisle. Dieter was softly humming some tune Nikki didn’t recognize, his cheek pressed to the top of Lisette’s head while Lisette had one arm wrapped around his shoulders, a look of bliss on her face.

“You old rogue,” she chided, her voice full of love. “I’d have to whip up something for your old bones then.”

“Maybe so, but it would be worth it.” Dieter tipped her into a deep dip and then pulled her close again. “What’s it been? A thousand years?”

“Nearly so. It will be soon enough,” Lisette murmured.

“But not nearly enough time. I was thinking we should just continue for another thousand.”

“At the very least.” Lisette’s agreement was low and husky as Dieter bent to kiss her.

Nikki quickly looked away, blushing. They shouldn’t be intruding on this private moment, but they were trapped until the couple moved or left the greenhouse. It did cast Lisette in a different light, though. Humanized her. Nikki had always looked at her and seen a scary, powerful mage. But she was also a dragon’s mate—and one well beloved. And truth tell, they envied her a little. To have that kind of love and devotion would be amazing.

When they looked up again, Dieter was waltzing Lisette down an aisle at the far end of the greenhouse. As quickly as possible, Nikki scampered to the door and slipped out again without making a sound. As they walked, Nikki couldn’t help but dwell on what Dieter had said. A thousand years. They’d been in love like that for a thousand years and still felt like it wasn’t enough time. That was awe-inspiring to such a degree Nikki got goose bumps along their skin.

Damn, no wonder mages always dreamed of being a dragon’s mate.

They continued at a brisk walk until they were back in their own wing. They weren’t sure where Lisette and Dieter’s chambers were, but they knew the couple wasn’t on their floor. They were in the clear. Mission successful!

