Embers (Scales ‘N’ Spells #4) Read Online Jocelynn Drake

Categories Genre: Dragons, Fantasy/Sci-fi, M-M Romance, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Scales 'n' Spells Series by Jocelynn Drake

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128269 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 641(@200wpm)___ 513(@250wpm)___ 428(@300wpm)

“Sounds like a second honeymoon,” Gunter added.

“After so many centuries, I think we’re due for a second one,” Dieter agreed with a nod.

Gunter grinned at the dragon and his mate. He wanted this for them as much as he wanted to return to the loving arms of his own mate. He wanted Lisette and Dieter to feel at ease enough they could comfortably leave the castle and explore the world, visit with other clans, and not worry about the Jaeggi attacking or whether they would ever find a new mage.

“I promise, I’ll do everything in my power to assist Alric while you’re gone. You’ll have nothing to worry about.”

Lisette clucked her tongue at him and gave a little shake of her head. “I believe you’re going to have your hands full with Nikki, but I like how you think.”

Gunter’s reply was stopped in his throat as Alric moved to the head of the table and all the other dragons found their seats. Gunter quickly pulled his laptop from the bag he’d been carrying and opened it to the fresh page he’d created for his notes. Not only would he keep minutes of the meeting, documenting all the discussion and decisions to be shared with everyone later, but it was his job to chronicle the history of the clan. This was a moment he knew they’d all need to look back on later. He just prayed it was a moment of pride, a true turning point leading to a brighter future for dragons and mages.

He looked up at Alric, admiring his king’s poise and bearing. Alric stood straight, no lingering signs of pain or discomfort thanks to Sora and his parents’ continued treatment of his shoulder and spine. Gunter had caught a bit of a hushed conversation between Sora and Alric, the king demanding Sora push up his next treatment to tomorrow. The king fully planned to fly into battle with the rest of the dragons, and Gunter couldn’t have been more thrilled.

“We have waited five hundred years for this moment, my friends. We lost loved ones, friends, and even hope in those centuries.” Alric spoke softly, his deep voice winding its way through the room. He paused and his expression hardened with fierce determination. When he spoke again, his words rang out loud and true, sending a chill down Gunter’s spine. “But we have crawled back from the abyss. We have found mates. We have found lost friends. We have even found hope again. And in a matter of days, we will defeat the Jaeggi Clan once and for all.”

A battle cry thundered through the room, rattling the windows, and the table shook as fists pounded in answer. Every dragon and mage shouted, echoing Alric’s sentiment.

“I am issuing a full call-to-arms for all clans. Kings, you have been generous to the Burkhard Clan, but I must ask more of you in the coming days. Coordinate with your clans and bring as many dragons as you can spare to Burkhard Castle. As we must launch our attack within a week, the dragons will need to be airborne within the next twenty-four hours so they may have time to rest and prepare.”

“Consider it done,” Roca declared with an added thump of his fist on the table.

“Excellent. Give all final numbers and travel plans to Cameron. He’s coordinating sleeping arrangements.”

“What about mages?” Rodrigo asked.

Gunter’s fingers halted on the keys and he looked up to see Alric’s expression soften slightly. That was a complicated request.

“I cannot in good conscience ask any king to command a mage into battle. Some of us have so few and lost so many,” Alric replied with a weary shake of his head. “But any mage with battle experience who wishes to volunteer, they will be welcome in this fight. Any clan who cannot send a mage, we will also welcome any elemental supplies for spells, protective amulets, or wands that can be brought via dragon to the clan. I know this is short notice, but we will greatly appreciate anything sent to us.”

A female mage leaned extremely close to the camera so all they could see was her eyes and the bridge of her nose. “You are going to be swimming in healing balms and potions!” she promised. Gunter pressed his lips together to hold back his laugh. She had to be one of Sora’s relatives from the Abe Clan.

Alric bowed his head deeply to the mage. “We are grateful for such a gift.” When he straightened, he continued. “Please send a list of all elements, goods, and mages who will be arriving to Gunter, Melissande, and Lisette. They will oversee the coordination of the mages.”

Chalo leaned forward at the other end of the table so he could see Alric. He held up one hand. “We have dragons.” He paused and lifted up the other hand. “And we’ve got mages.” He loudly slapped them together and rubbed them like some evil villain. “How do we get rid of the Jaeggi?”

