Eden High Series 2 Book 6 Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 24
Estimated words: 22496 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 112(@200wpm)___ 90(@250wpm)___ 75(@300wpm)

And now the rest of them seem to be following suit. Everyone seems so stoic, like they’d been reprogrammed. I know nothing of the sort had happened, because I don’t feel any different. But I have to admit there’s a new sense of excitement in the air.

I was happy that Jace did what he did in the auditorium. Maybe now people would leave my sister alone. But the way he’s acting, I don’t think he believes that.

Which means either Mandy or Stanley might come after her again. I’m still not sure what Jace meant to do with this move, but the others seem to have been expecting it.

Which makes sense since they’ve all known each other for much longer than I’ve been around. Still, I feel like odd man out because everyone else seems to be up to date with what’s going on but me.

Maybe I’ll ask Red later, she knows a lot about their pasts. And maybe I can get some insight into what this whole thing’s all about. I hope it’s not about Sian, or at least if it is that she never finds out.

I know how upset she’d be if she thought that Jace was giving up any part of his life because of her. Speaking of which, I didn’t even know what we were supposed to be doing about practice and all the other things we’re used to doing.

Jace had said something earlier but all that was lost in the white noise in my head. As long as everyone comes out of this okay in the end I’m on board with whatever.

Track and Jace were off on one side of the room together while Alex and Shane were walking around the room, opening drawers, rifling through tomes. None of them seemed to find anything odd about this whole thing.

Me, I sat near the window taking it all in. I had a feeling about the guys in this room. It’s one of the reasons I was staying put. As confusing at it was, and even though I’ve only known them for a very short time, I knew that this was now a part of my family.



* * *

Uh-uh, nope! I’m not sure about this new Jace. It’s like watching a movie in live stream. Who is this person? How can anyone make such a drastic change overnight? And how do I get him to switch back?

Not that there isn’t something exciting about this new Jace, another edgier side. Like he needed one. It was hot as hell though if I’m being honest. He’s always been the take charge, master of all I survey type but that seems to have been ratcheted up a few decibels.

That’s all well and good, but this new underlying menace thing he has going on is what I’m not so sure about. I have a sneaky feeling when it’s all said and done my freedom as I know it is going to be out the window. That’s usually the case when he goes through one of his crazy changes.

I ought to find that Mandy twit and knock her on her ass. I have no doubt that this is all because of her. But why is he being so extra? Nothing much had happened last night, nothing that was worse than her usual anyway. Or was it the fire? But what did that have to do with the kids at school?

That wasn’t it either. The way he’s acting, it’s almost like this is what he had in him all along. But how could he have hidden this side of himself so well that I was only now getting a glimpse of it?

Scary Jace, as I’ve already taken to calling him in my mind, is not the boy I went to sleep next to last night. I went to bed with my teenage fiancé who was a bit overprotective bordering on overbearing, and woke up with the head of a Fortune five hundred company.

Even Belle seems a little intimidated and she’s not one for that particular emotion. But even she doesn’t know the half of it. I guess you’d have to know him as well as I have come to, to recognize that look in his eyes.

I know that damn look and it means he’s dug his heels in. Whatever this is that’s going on with him, he’s drawn a line in the sand, chiseled something that was bound to make my life miserable in stone, locked the door to my cell and thrown away the key.

What’s making me even more worried is the fact that his whole crew seems to have changed overnight so it wasn’t just him. I’ve always known that he was the leader of this little band of warriors, but until now I never knew how true that was.

It’s spooky, but they all seem to be following his lead. Not only that, but Track seemed to be protecting Jace while the others were backup. How had I missed that before? It was so plain to see in their body language.

