Down & Dirty: Dawg Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 75
Estimated words: 74122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 371(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

“Yeah. Gonna talk to Z as soon as you hang the fuck up.”

Dawg heard a grunt on the other end of the phone and then his cell went dead.

He pulled the phone away and immediately texted Z. He needed a meeting with the prez and his VP.

Like yesterday.

After telling Emma he needed to go take care of business, he approached the private bar at church not an hour later where Hawk waited for him. The VP’s eyes were serious as he tracked Dawg heading in his direction.

Hawk stepped from behind the bar and they clasped hands and bumped shoulders. “Brother,” Hawk grunted.

“Brother,” Dawg greeted back. His head twisted toward the end of the bar where Grizz had his ass settled in his regular seat and a half-empty pint glass already in front of him. “Mama Bear must be workin’ in the kitchen if the old man’s already in his seat.”

“Yeah,” Hawk said. “Can’t pay that woman enough to keep my kitchen runnin’ as smoothly as it does.”

“Hear ya, brother.”

Hawk ducked back behind the bar. “Jack?”

“Fuck yeah, will need it for this.”

With a raised brow, Hawk pulled a bottle of JD off the shelf, cracking the top and lining up a few shot glasses along the bar. He filled two of them and handed one to Dawg, who downed it in one swallow and hissed away the burn.

“Fuck,” he muttered, dragging a hand over his mouth.

Hawk blew out a breath. “I’d say that’s a good way to start the day, but it’s fuckin’ two o’clock.”

Dawg turned his head when he heard someone coming down the steps from the rooms upstairs. Crow, his black hair wet and loose around his shoulders, appeared, spotted them and headed over.

“Don’t you gotta open up shop?” Dawg asked him.

“What time is it?” Crow asked, rubbing a hand over his dark, tired eyes. He waved a dismissing hand and shook his head at the full shot glass Hawk offered him.

“Fuckin’ day’s half over,” Hawk grumbled.

“The fuck it is,” Crow grumbled back. He headed toward the commercial coffeemaker tucked away in the corner and looked at the pot. “How long has this sludge been sittin’ here on the burner?”

“The fuck if I know,” Hawk answered. “Don’t live here. You do.”

Crow grimaced as he emptied the coffee out in the sink and started a fresh batch.

“Don’t you got customers waitin’ on you?” Hawk asked Crow.

“Fuck no. Got a large piece scheduled for later. Ain’t doin’ shit before that. An’ that fucker who’s scheduled don’t roll outta bed until...” He glanced at the clock behind the bar. “‘bout now. I’ll still be there before him. What’re you two here for?”

Crow’s answer was the back door from the parking lot opening and Zak stepping inside. He spotted them and flipped his hand up over his shoulder in a greeting.

“Didn’t bring the kid?” Crow called out as Z made his way across the common area.

“I look like his mother?” Z shouted back.

“No, thank fuck,” Crow muttered as he moved closer to where Hawk and Dawg were standing, downing their second shot of whiskey. He sipped his coffee and sighed. “Now that shit’s good. Just need one of your woman’s cupcakes to go along with it. Can’t be bakin’ shit when she got a baby hangin’ ‘round her neck. Should be doin’ daddy daycare.”

Z hit the bar, clasped hands and bumped shoulders with all of them before accepting a shot of Jack. “Got my sled. Can’t be stickin’ the fuckin’ baby seat on the back of that.”

“Well, you could,” Hawk said, then laughed.

“Yeah, well, he still needs Soph’s tits. Kid’s a greedy motherfucker. Can’t wait to get her tits back.”

“Like you don’t...” Crow started, shook his head and then smiled. “Never mind.”

Z shot him a look. “Ain’t goin’ there.”

Crow lifted a hand. “Yep, brother, you’re right. Ain’t goin’ there.”

Z glanced down the bar at Grizz and then back to Dawg. “Okay to talk here? Or we gotta move into the meetin’ room?”

“Nah, it’s okay. Ain’t a secret. Just wanted to discuss some important shit with you an’ the VP.”

“Have to do with Emma?” Z asked, pinning his gaze on Dawg.

“Yeah, sorta. But it’s more than that.”

“Ah, shit. You fuckin’ claimin’ her?” the club’s president asked, the surprise evident in his voice.

Dawg’s head jerked back. Was he? He hadn’t even thought that far ahead. In his mind, he’d already claimed her. Though, she wasn’t his ol’ lady officially, and he wasn’t even sure that Emma would want that.

“Little early to be claimin’ her,” Hawk said, downed another double shot and barked out a “Fuck!” as he winced.

“Hell no, it ain’t. Knew Soph was the one after the first night, Chicken Hawk. Can’t tell me you weren’t ready to claim Kiki after the first time she made you blow your load.”

Hawk poured himself another double and smiled. “Was ready to claim ‘er as soon as ‘er hot fuckin’ ass wearin’ that tight skirt walked into the visitin’ room at County. An’ when she put on ‘er glasses... Fuck! Was ready to bend ‘er over the table an’... Yeah. Got your point.” Hawk reached down and adjusted himself.

