Doll Parts (The Game #4) Read Online Cara Dee

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Game Series by Cara Dee

Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 90852 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 454(@200wpm)___ 363(@250wpm)___ 303(@300wpm)

“Oh, for the—we’re not having this discussion for the hundredth time.” He started pushing the chair to the cabin again. “You blind idiot.”

What the fuck?

“Care to elaborate?” I followed him, getting irritated again.

“Not really, but since I know you won’t let it go, I don’t have much of a choice,” he drawled. “You just don’t see what you already do, KC. Even Cheryl sees it!” Why was he bringing up his assistant at work? “She comes into my office every single day with a dumb grin and says, ‘Your man is reminding you to eat lunch, sir!’” As he reached our porch, he turned to me. “You’ve been a fucking Daddy to me for as long as I’ve known you. Ironically, only our friends in the community don’t see us as dating because we’re used to unconventional dynamics out here. But everyone else…? Come on.”

I cleared my throat and rubbed the back of my neck.

“But hey, if you want something more archaic and concrete, I can start calling you sugar daddy,” he offered. “Last time I checked, you made more money than me. Would that make you feel like more of a man, KC?”

“Dick,” I whispered.

“I have one.” He stepped closer, until our foreheads nearly touched. “Wanna get over yourself and invite me into the shower so you can use it?”

Insufferable dick.

After our shower, we found Noa and Cam on the couch with impressive bed heads, milk and cereal, and a laptop on which they watched YouTube videos.

“KC and I thought we’d take a siesta since we’ll be up late tonight,” Lucian said. “You wanna join us?”

Noa scrunched his nose and wiped some milk off his chin.

“It’s like eleven, Master,” Cam pointed out with an unsure look.

“And?” I smiled.

They weren’t interested.

Lucian and I made our way upstairs to the bedroom we now shared. We lost the towels around our hips, and I all but threw myself onto the mattress. It felt good to get off my feet for a while.

“Noa must’ve been tired last night.” I yawned and stretched out. “He’s usually up earlier.”

Lucian hummed and pulled the duvet over us. “I wonder if he was up late. I woke up around two and thought for sure I heard them both downstairs.”

It wouldn’t surprise me too much. Noa got hungry in the middle of the night sometimes, and Cam was definitely the sweetheart who got up to make him a sandwich or something.

“Next time we order groceries, we’ll ask Cam to add some healthy snacks Noa can dig out for himself,” I said. “Or maybe we make it a rule that Noa has to wake one of us instead of Cam. Noa’s coordination skills are terrible at night. He’ll trip over his shadow.”

“Sure thing, Daddy,” he yawned.

I chuckled drowsily and kissed the top of his head as it landed on my shoulder.

Right now, everything felt perfect. My mind was at ease. I drew aimless patterns over Lucian’s shoulder blades with my fingers, he rubbed my thigh exactly where some leftover tension lingered, and we had our boys cracking up at whatever shit they watched on YouTube. Whenever we caught them with a laptop, it was either a skateboarder hurting himself in a stunt gone wrong or a news reporter making a blunder on camera.

“Their giggles…” Lucian sighed.

“I know.” They worked better than porn. Nudging Lucian onto his side, I cupped his jaw and leaned down and kissed him. He slipped a leg between mine, and I hitched one over his hip.

How strange it was that the comfort between us hadn’t changed one bit, yet the desire had intensified tenfold just because our connection was deepening and evolving.

The kiss grew heated, my senses sharpened, and my thirst was unquenchable. I pushed my tongue into his mouth and raked my fingers along his broad back. Underneath his flesh, his muscles moved every time he squeezed my thigh. Inch by inch, his fingers dug deeper inward between my legs.

Before I knew it, he’d rolled on top of me. He grabbed my jaw, kissed me forcefully, and pressed our cocks together.

I groaned and reached for his ass.

“Daddy!” Noa yelled in a demanding tone. “Are you canoodling?! Because it sounds like you’re canoodling!”

We let out a breathy chuckle but didn’t slow down one bit or break our kiss.

A flurry of activity erupted from downstairs. Glass clanked in the sink, whispers were rushed, and feet padded on the floor. It was only a matter of time before they ventured up here.

Lucian nipped at my jaw before he started kissing his way down my chest and stomach.

I threaded my fingers into his damp hair and dug my head into the pillow as he sucked my cock down his throat.

“Fuck,” I exhaled.

“Hurry,” Cam urged downstairs.

I grinned through a moan and thrust deeper into Lucian’s perfect mouth.

When Noa and Cam emerged by the ladder, they darted for the bed and jostled us all in their jump, their youthful exuberance flooding the air with excitement and impatience. Cameron joined his Master and wanted to help him suck me off, and I pulled Noa to me and ordered him to sit on my face.

