Do You Dare Read online Lylah James (Truth And Dare Duet #1)

Categories Genre: Angst, College, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Truth And Dare Duet Series by Lylah James

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 112926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

“Friends?” I breathed.

“Friends,” he agreed.



I watched Lila walk away, back into her grandparents’ store. I scratched my three day old stubble over my jaw, thoughtful.

The door closed behind her, hiding the perfect view of her ass from my feasting gaze. I had to remind myself to look away because, fuck me, Lila could bring any man to his knees with an ass like that.

Our eyes locked through the glass window, and she was smiling. A genuine fucking smile.

Lila waved at me to come inside, and my feet followed. If I was a puppy, my tail would be wagging back and forth.

Ah, for fuck’s sake.



I paused at the door, blinking as I came to a sudden realization.

The moment Lila aimed for my dick in that coffee shop, I was fascinated. Girls were usually on their knees for me, worshipping my dick like it was the best meal of their lives. I never had a girl who wanted to cause Maddox-Junior pain instead of pleasure, until Lila.

When she had smirked over her shoulders before walking away, I was instantly intrigued. Who was this girl?

I made it my mission to find more about her, to study her… and to break her. She was my pet project and I had wanted to bring her to her knees. Someone feisty as her? It would be sweet when she’d finally beg me.

Two months later…

Lila Garcia just fucking friend-zoned me.

Well, shit.

A laugh bubbled from my chest. Little Miss Perfectionist was ballsy, I had to admire that. I never had a girl friend before. If someone had a pair of tits, Maddox Junior had a one-track mind. Sex. Plain and simple.

Lila had three things that made me weak. Tits, pussy and ass big enough for my greedy hands.

I scoffed at the thought. This was going to be interesting. I wondered how long she’d last. The games have changed; the tables have turned, and I was going to play her game now.

Who was going to break first?

The player or the prey?

Fuck, this was going to be fun.



A firm hand landed on my ass, squeezing the soft flesh like its personal stress ball. The warmth of his body radiated against my back and the familiar, spicy scent of his cologne filled my nose.

“Take your hands off my ass. We’re friends, Coulter.”

When he didn’t let go, I elbowed him, and he let out a small ouf. Maddox came to my side as we walked to our English class. “Wait, I thought you meant friends with benefits. Because that’s the only type of friends I do.”

I rolled my eyes. Day three of us being friends, and Maddox was still an asshole. A somewhat bearable jerk, but still a jerk. Apparently, he couldn’t grasp the concept of just friends and was still trying to cop a feel.

Well, I couldn’t really fault him since he caught me eyeing his dick print again yesterday. He didn’t say a word, but his stupid smirk was enough.

“No. I meant normal friends. As in, you respect my boundaries, and I respect yours. Stop. Getting. So. Touchy.”

“So, you mean, I can’t slam you against the wall and fuck you?”

Sweet Jesus, help me, or I was going to murder this dude.

Exasperated, I gave him a look that said it all. “That’s the opposite of friends, Maddox.”

“Well, that’s disappointing. You’ve seen how good I am on the field, but I was looking forward to showing you how good I am at thrusting.”

There was a flash of mischief in his eyes, and my lips twitched. He was being annoying on purpose, the dumbass. Sure, we were still stumbling over this new friendship thing, but it wasn’t so bad. At least, I didn’t find any more cockroaches in my sweater today and no pink dildo for Maddox.

As expected, when we walked into Mrs. Levi’s class, all eyes were on us. The attention had me on edge, but with Maddox constantly at my side, I was starting to get used to it.

People always stared, after all, Maddox was the center of attention. He loved it, practically feeding off it. His chest puffed out like a proud peacock, eyes gleaming, and his signature smirk plastered on his full lips. Girls fawned, and guys burnt with jealousy.

Now that I was on Maddox’s side, more like he kept me next to him all the time, we turned heads wherever we went. People assumed we were fucking, and I was his latest conquest. Some said I was his girlfriend.

No one believed we were just…friends.

Even Riley was suspicious at first, but she finally understood the nature of our relationship when Maddox stole my apple, and in revenge, I sprayed ketchup on his crotch. Childish and stupid, right?

But there was just something about Maddox that made me feel…carefree.

I ditched the front row and followed Maddox to the back of the classroom, where he always sat. Settling next to Maddox, which put me in the middle of him and his friend, I gave Colton a nod in greeting.

