Do You Dare Read online Lylah James (Truth And Dare Duet #1)

Categories Genre: Angst, College, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: Truth And Dare Duet Series by Lylah James

Total pages in book: 119
Estimated words: 112926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

No one had ever measured up to Lila since she came into my life. No other woman had ever been… beautiful or exquisite.

Her eyes widened before she quickly tried to mask her surprise. “Liar.”

I cupped her elbow, steering her away from the stairs. “I don’t lie.”

Lila mumbled something incorrigible under her breath before she rolled her eyes. We walked out of the beach house, which was owned by me–well, my parents. We had a caretaker who cleaned up and kept the house safe while we weren’t here. My parents and I used to spend a lot of time here when I was younger, a child.

Before everything changed and I became a stranger in my own goddamn house and to my own parents.

A limousine was waiting for us outside. Lila let out a breathy laugh. “Seriously, a limo?”

I shrugged, halfheartedly. “The host for the gala tonight arranged it. Apparently, he sent a limo to all his guests.”

Her eyes crinkled to the sides as her smile broadened. “Damn. I don’t what it means to be that rich. Pardon me for being a lowly peasant.”

We climbed into the limo, and the driver peeled out of the parking space, taking off through the neighborhood I was familiar with. The drive to the gala was short, and we were only about fifteen minutes late due to traffic.

We walked into the ballroom, and all eyes fell on us. Lila’s fingers tightened around my elbow, gripping me hard, as though her life depended on it. I got you.

I met my father’s gaze with a hard one, and he jerked his chin at me in greeting. My mother smiled, though it was tight. Probably fake, too, but I didn’t know any longer since I long stopped caring if it was real or fake.

The moment we descended the stairs, I was surrounded. I was Brad Coulter’s son–prestigious, important and held in high honor.

The night ended before it started. My bow tie suddenly felt like it was restricting my air flow, and my skin itched. This was exactly why I didn’t want to attend this gala because all they were talking about was when I’d take over my dad’s company–asking about the future. He built an empire, and I was the only heir.

I was approached by businessmen left and right. They laughed, and we shared a drink, appearing as courteous as I could be.

I loathed it.

Lila stayed by my side until she was pulled away by the wives. I kept my gaze on her, watching her every move. She didn’t know these people, and I knew this was beyond her comfort zone.

But she was here for me.

My date for tonight, my friend and my ally.

A slow song came up, and the couples spilled onto the dance floor. This was my chance. I nodded at the gentlemen and made my brisk escape, stalking toward Lila. Her head snapped up as if we were connected by an invisible thread, and she could feel me coming for her.

Her brown eyes brightened, and a small smile twisted her lips with relief.

“Maddox.” My name spilled from her lips, and my chest squeezed.

“Sorry, ladies. Can I steal my date away for a dance?” I asked, offering Lila my hand. She giggled and took my hand, and I whisked her away.

“My savior,” she whispered as we joined the other couples on the dance floor.

“I thought you didn’t need a savior or protector.”

Her eyes narrowed on me, and she pinched my bicep. I swallowed back my laugh. “Forget I said that. I take it back,” she grumbled.

Beautiful Lila, sweet Lila.

My hands landed on her hips and hers curled around the back of my neck. The second her soft skin touched mine, I realized what a mistake it was.

We were too close, after I’d been trying to put distance between us.

Her body pressed against mine, and my fingers teased the top curve of her ass before I gripped her hips again. She swayed to the music, and we slowly started dancing.

This was a bad decision, and my dick was pissed at me.

Her cheeks were flushed, and I wanted to ask her what she was thinking about.

Was it as forbidden as my own thoughts?

Did her desires match mine?

I shook my head, trying to clear my mind.

“What’s wrong?” Lila asked, her voice delicate. She tilted her head to the side, her eyes sparking with curiosity.

My eyes swept over the ballroom, and my gaze landed on my father’s. He was watching us dance, an unreadable expression on his hard face.

Anger burned like acid in my veins at the fact that we were in the same room. Fuck, I didn’t want him anywhere near my Lila.

I bent my head, my nose brushing over the tip of her ear as I whispered, “Let’s get out of here.”



His voice was gruff when he spoke, “Let’s get out of here.”

