Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

She’s safe for now.

I also considered calling up Boris and taking him to the side to talk. He owed me an explanation on why he snuck a look while Kaz and I made love.

But, that was one problem I did not want to deal with.

Plus, I wasn’t sure how to proceed. Certainly, Kaz would want to be informed about it first. Unfortunately, I didn’t want to have that conversation with Boris or him. Too bad I knew I couldn’t afford that one. Eventually, Boris would have to be dealt with.

Instead of dealing with Ufuoma or Boris, I chatted with Blue for an hour, giving her my thoughts on her unexpected love triangle. I hoped my advice was good.

What did I know about maneuvering relationships with multiple men?

Kaz was my first and last love. In my heart, no one had ever come before him, and no one damn sure would come after. He was my everything.

After visiting Blue, I wandered upstairs to Paolo’s room and peered inside. My heart warmed at the sight. Softly snoring, Paolo slept with his little arm flung over Harlem. He’d clearly made my puppy his. And Kaz’s beach day had worn them out.

I remained in the doorway for several minutes, watching them sleep. So much happiness and peace swarmed around me, enclosing my body like a cozy blanket on a cold winter day.

I’m so glad I kept him. He’s all mine.

I dragged myself away and placed three extra guards at Paolo’s room, needing to make sure he was as safe as possible. Nothing else could go wrong.

I headed back to my master bedroom and went out to the balcony.

Is this our last night here? Will we finally get to say goodbye to Italy?

The black sky stretched forever. Gleaming stars peppered the darkness. Each glinting point was like a tiny, distant eye, burning holes in the canvas of space and watching me.

Judging me.

Unease crept up my spine.

Can I do it? Can I really kill Fela?

Now all alone, I had time to think about the oncoming situation.

Over and over, my mind and heart warred with one another.

My heart thought that killing him would be wrong. Was Fela not a victim of this world fighting the forces and doing what he thought was right?

Meanwhile, my mind was ready to end this, and if it meant taking his life, then so be it. He had to be stopped, once and for all. Was he not a threat to our way life, our peace?

I gripped the cold railing with my hands and took deep breaths.

This ends tomorrow. No matter what.

My throat went dry.

The baby fluttered in my womb.

Smiling, I whispered, “Hey, little one.”

He moved again.

“You’re right. I have bigger things to think about. Fuck Fela.” I moved one hand to my stomach—this tiny mound on my body swelling with miraculous life. “Should I have agreed to do it, baby?”

What would have occurred if I had said no? More days in Italy? More back and forth between the Brotherhood and Black Axe?

Since being in Italy, I’d almost lost my friends in this battle.

Not to mention, I damned sure had lost myself. My dark side, Lunita returned twice due to the stress and violence permeating each day. Each time, she had killed with no remorse. No mercy. The last time she had taken innocent lives.

I didn’t know if I made the correct decision on getting rid of Fela, but this had to end, before I lost myself even more.

“Baby, I’m trying. . .I hope I’m doing the right thing.” I rubbed my stomach. “I’ve made so many mistakes in these last weeks by putting us in danger. I’m sorry if I’ve caused you stress. I love you so much.”

Kaz’s voice sounded behind me. “How is my son doing?”

I turned around. “Fine.”

“Unfortunately, I am not sure he can hear you yet.”

I quirked my brows. “No?”

Kaz walked over. “I read that at around eighteen weeks, the baby can hear sounds in your body. Around six to seven months, the baby can hear sounds outside of the womb.”

I grinned. “I love that you read up on pregnancies.”

He gathered me in his arms, encasing my body in warm muscle. “And I love that you are apologizing for putting the both of you in harm’s way.”

I leaned my head back and frowned.

“Mysh, I do not want you to kill Fela tomorrow.”

I blinked. “Not this again.”

“Yes. This again.”

“What’s the alternative?”

“We kill him as soon as he arrives—”

“And you don’t think Plotting-Fela will already have something in place for if we did that?”



“Yet, Maxwell is correct. Fela should not get to decide how he dies—”

“Maxwell also may have triggered another war here, so I’m not listening to his advice right now.”

Kaz stiffened. “About Maxwell and what he has triggered. . .”


He let me go. “Rocco’s body is missing.”

I twisted my face in confusion. “What the fuck? Did somebody move it?”

