Dirty Wars – The Lion and The Mouse Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 247
Estimated words: 248926 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1245(@200wpm)___ 996(@250wpm)___ 830(@300wpm)

“Then, let me do what I do.” I held out my hand.

Sighing, Kaz didn’t hand the phone to me, but he did press the screen and turn off mute.

Pressure built in my chest. I stepped in closer. “Hello?”

Fela’s voice rode the line. “It is good to talk to you again, Emily.”

“Is it?”

“I am actually shocked that the Lion let you talk to me at all.”

“Then, why ask for me?”

“I hoped that you would be the most rational of the two.”

“I’m not.”

“Hmmm. Let’s hope you are wrong about that.”

I rolled my eyes.

“I believe that you are a woman of your word. You took care of Pavel’s son. That tells me that a dead man’s wishes holds weight with you. Is that not true?”

“It matters on what the dead man’s wishes are? What are yours?”

“Not so soon, Emily. I must say one thing.”


“There are limits to war, Emily. I do believe that you crossed them today.”

What the hell is he talking about?

“Limits?” I sucked my teeth. “You worked with my brother Darryl to have me kill Kazimir and possibly die from it. You had members of the Brotherhood terrorize me so much in Moscow that I lost my other twin baby. You kidnapped Pavel’s little boy to puppet Pavel’s moves, traumatizing that little kid and ruining his life. I can go on, but you get where I am going. I believe we are well past limits.”

A dark chuckle left Fela. “Yet, you safely stand on the beach with Kazimir and Pavel’s son, and I made sure no one shot you. That is a limit that I have not crossed.”

Fast, Kaz got in front of me.

Wassily gestured for our people to hurry over.

I stiffened. “Is that a threat, Fela?”

“It is just to say that you are not untouchable.”

“You’re not untouchable either or you wouldn’t be calling.”

Kaz roared, “I should blow Nigeria up right now just for that fucking comment.”

Fela’s voice never wavered. “I wondered when you would begin talking, Lion. But my comment wasn’t a threat. I was just simply clarifying my position.”

I took Kaz’s free hand and squeezed.

Fela continued, “It appears you both have turned the table on this little game that we have going. You win.”

I wore a skeptical look. “So, you are ready to end this?”

“And what will ending this mean, Emily? And how does the Lion define it?”

Kaz growled, “The definition begins with your death.”

Fela’s voice held no fear. “I assumed as much, but what happens after my death? Will that be the end between the Brotherhood and Black Axe or will you be bringing more terror to my people and country?”

Those question shocked me. It was as if Fela had already made peace with the idea of him having to die. Kazimir dealt with death. I was sure in his mind, he would have liked the idea of Black Axe being completely obliterated. But, I was not interested in any more deaths. For me, Fela’s death would be enough. His people should not have to be punished too.

Fela spoke, “Your silence makes me nervous.”

“Give us a minute.” I looked up to Kaz.

Kaz muted the phone.

I widened my eyes. “What do you think? Do you want more than Fela to die?”

“You know the answer to that, mysh.”

“And you know how I feel about that too.”

He groaned in annoyance. “You see them as innocent people only following their leader.”

“I do.”

“Then, my foot goes down with Fela’s death. His people’s fate is on you.”

I touched my chest. “Me?”

“It’s your move. I trust you. I just do not trust him.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

Kaz unmuted the phone.

I cleared my throat. “Fela, my hope is that with your death, your puppeting and trouble making ends. Would that be correct? Or do you have others in Black Axe ready to pick up where you left off?”

“Many disagreed with my moves in these past years. My daughter, Ufuoma was one of them.” His voice became tense. “You’ve already met her, since your people have captured my wife, Fara and Ufuoma.”

I blinked.

We got them! Good job, everybody.

Kaz curved his lips into a huge smile.

“I would like you as a woman of color to protect my wife and daughter.” Fela’s words grew shaky. “I don’t want them suffering at disgusting Russian hands because of me. I know what those men are truly capable of. They’re slaughterers.”

We may really be able to end this.

Fela continued, “I am hoping you can persuade the Lion to keep them safe.”

Kaz smirked.

I shook my head. “I will need a lot from you to persuade him.”

Silence served as Fela’s response.

To my shock, Kaz remained quiet.

My nerves frazzled. We were so fucking close to this being done, but everything had to happen properly. While I had gotten myself out of many tough situations, this was on a high international level of chaos.

Fela spoke, “One of the most revolutionary concepts that humanity learned in the 20th century is that time is not a universal measurement.”

