Dirty Aristocrat Read Online Georgia Le Carre Free Book

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Contemporary, Crime, Drama, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 81922 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 410(@200wpm)___ 328(@250wpm)___ 273(@300wpm)

He fell to his knees and to my surprise executed some unexpectedly cool moves while on them. The tequila started buzzing in my head and we carried on like two fools until the song ended

and I smiled sunnily up at him.

The next track was Galantis’s Peanut Butter Jelly.

‘Spread it like,’ he prompted, miming the action of combing his hair.

‘Peanut butter jelly,’ I bellowed, and turning wriggled my butt provocatively at him. He slapped it and I whirled around with exaggerated surprise and showed him my middle finger.

Laughing he spread the fingers of both his hands and made circles with them.

He looked so ridiculous I had to laugh.

It was the most fun I’d had since the hogs ate grandma and I was giving it all I got, widening my eyes, and making silly faces, when he suddenly grabbed me, pulled me towards him, and

kissed me. The laughter died in my throat. His cologne flooded my senses. Delicious. Everything around us melted away.

Oh my God! It was like our mouths were made of chocolate. They melded into each other. We were just a hot mess of lips, tongues, saliva and desire. I became lost in him.

Spread it like. Spread it like. Spread it like.

I felt the effects of his kiss down to the tips of my toes. When he raised his head I could only stare at him dumbfounded.

‘Oh wow!’ I said, my lips tingling.

Reaching my hands around his neck, I pulled his head back down and carried on kissing him. I was like a hungry animal that had been kept in a cage and not fed for days, while it could

see the food just outside its reach. I could have stayed like that forever, just drowning in the sensation of that mind-blowing kiss if he had not pulled me off him.

‘Hey,’ I protested, frowning up at him.

‘This club is not wild enough for what I want to do to you,’ he muttered thickly and dragged me off the dance floor.

We were standing facing each other at the coat counter, waiting for my coat, when I saw a woman behind Ivan approaching us. She was slim with shiny, dark-chocolate hair and her skin was

smooth and olive toned. She was staring at me intently. Not taking her eyes off me she tapped Ivan on the back. I watched him turn and look down at her.

‘Isla is having a party,’ she told him. ‘You can come. There will be girls there for you.’ She let her eyes slide toward me. ‘I can take care of her while you are busy.’

Hot bling was blasting in the background. The expression on Ivan’s face did not change in the slightest, except for the sudden tightening of his fingers on my hand.

‘Maybe next time,’ he told her flatly.

‘Shame,’ she said looking at me. ‘I really like your little friend.’

‘Have a great time at your party,’ Ivan said and turned his back on her. I looked up at Ivan. His face was a frozen mask.

The girl who had taken our ticket emerged from the back room with my coat. She put it on the counter and he took it and helped me into it.

We walked out into the cold air and Ivan took hold of my elbow. I looked into his eyes.

‘Did you want to go to that party?’ I asked.

He shook his head. ‘No, I can go to parties like that any day of the week.’

‘Good,’ I said.

He hardly spoke in the car. I stole a few glances at him, but he seemed to be in his own thoughts. He parked in the underground car park. I turned to look at him.

‘Thank you for a lovely evening.’

He smiled. Slow and sexy. Oh! I’m so screwed.

‘It’s not over yet,’ he said softly.

‘No?’ There were butterflies in my tummy.

‘Come on, I’ll walk you to your door.’

‘Makes sense,’ I joked, but my voice sounded nervous.

He came around and helped me out. We walked without touching, but the air between us was throbbing. I did not look at him in the lift. When we got inside the apartment he closed the door

behind him and I turned to look at him. His eyes were veiled. I stared at him nervously. It had been fun in the nightclub, but now that we were at the point where it all got serious, I

felt incredibly nervous. Whatever buzz from the alcohol seemed to have completely exited my system.

‘Should we have a drink first?’ I asked.

He shook his head slowly and began to advance. Sensuality dripped from him. ‘Shit, Tawny. I’m going to make you scream so hard tonight,’ he promised.

I opened my mouth. There must be something clever to say to that. My mind was a blank. Oh sweet Jesus. Then my legs began to move. Backwards. I was retreating. Damn. Who’d have ever

thought I was such a coward? My mouth started making words.

