Total pages in book: 95
Estimated words: 88879 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 444(@200wpm)___ 356(@250wpm)___ 296(@300wpm)
Estimated words: 88879 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 444(@200wpm)___ 356(@250wpm)___ 296(@300wpm)
I pick up my glass once again and drain it. "Yes, I do. It’s always been a problem. I can remember one time when I was eight years old and my father had gambled away his whole salary and my mom was so furious she refused to cook any food for him for a whole month. The problem has got worse since mom passed away. I will tackle it, but I just don’t want to go in there all guns blazing, I want to do it right, Leila, and not make it worse.”
"Okay, I trust you. Now, let’s get back to the rich, drop-dead gorgeous asshole. Jeez, I love the idea of him. Can I have him?"
I grin at her. “Yes, if you’re willing to share the money…”
"Oooo yes. You know I will.” She stops and becomes serious suddenly. “Listen, Lara, I know I’m giving you a hard time about saying yes, but you don't have to. You've always been more proper and careful than me, and you’ve never just given yourself to anyone. And I’ve always respected that. It’s an admirable quality. And right now, you're only considering this offer because of the weight it will lift off your dad's shoulders, but I don't think he would want you to do that for him. Especially, if it will mean you will lose something important to you."
I nod slowly as her words grind into my head.
"Maybe, the debts are not as bad as I think and if you keep working hard with your videos and ads soon enough, you'll be rewarded and the money will come pouring in.”
“Oh God, if only.”
“Why not? You know me, always looking for the quick, easy fix to my problems, but you’re not like me. You're always wary about the easy way out. That's probably why you feel so unsettled about this."
"Yeah," I reply. "Maybe."
She pours us both another glass, then she clinks hers against mine. "Let's just chalk this up to some cool story we'll talk about in the future when he dies of an incurable STD and ends up in the news."
At her words, something twists inside of me. I stand and walk to the oven. Opening it I take the scones out. "I don't want him to die. He was—he wasn't rude or horrible."
“I’m hungry.” She gets up and heads over to the stove. "Mmmm, beef stew. You make the best stews."
I finally make my decision. I put the tray of scones down. "I won't do it,” I blurt out.
At my bold announcement, she turns around a piece of beef in her fingers and nods her approval. "Good. That's awesome. You stuck to your principles. Now let’s eat Irish stew and be poor together."
Laughing, I join her by the stove, but halfway around the counter, my phone starts ringing and I freeze. My heart starts pounding. I meet Leila’s gaze. She too is frozen in the act of taking cutlery out of the drawer.
“That’s him, isn’t it?” she whispers, her eyes wide with intrigue.
“He doesn’t have my number,” I whisper back.
“Well, answer it then,” she orders.
I feel incredibly stupid as I scramble around frantically looking for my ringing phone in amongst all the food, but as soon as I note that the caller is not one of my contacts, my heart is in my mouth.
“Lara.” The way he calls my name… smooth, commanding, unmistakable. And my mind goes blank. I cannot believe he is actually calling me. I thought, no, scratch that, I almost believed it was all an improbable dream. That I would never see him again or even hear from him for that matter.
Leila is making faces so I turn away from her and try to put myself in order. My skin is already prickling with anticipation and excitement, which is mad because I’ve already decided I want absolutely nothing to do with him.
"I'm in an illegal gambling club in Brooklyn," he says.
I wonder why he is telling me this, but I am glad he is, because I can add it to the things I find unattractive about him. I want nothing to do with anything illegal. "Well, uh, good for you. Enjoy yourself. Good night, Mr. Ivanovich," I say, prepared to hang up, but his next words shock me into fearful stillness.
"And I’ve got your father with me."
"I'll send you the address. I believe you’re not far away. This is not my kind of place so don’t be long."
The call gets disconnected abruptly and seconds later my phone pings with an address in Brooklyn. I look up at Leila and I feel my world is spinning out of control.
“You’ll have to eat by yourself, Leila.”
Chapter Fifteen
“Was that my daughter on the phone?” Lara’s father asks incredulously.
“Yes,” I agree calmly.
“How do you know her number? I do know you, don’t I?” he asks, his voice sharp with accusation and new fear.