Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

When she finished the sandwich and had taken a sip of water, he crooked his finger at her. “Come over here and let me kiss you. I’ve wanted to kiss you since the first time I laid eyes on you.” He deliberately didn’t ask. He didn’t use his voice. He didn’t make it a command. But he didn’t ask.

Scarlet sat facing him, about three feet away, tailor fashion. She unfolded her legs and, to his astonishment and absolute excitement, put her hands on the blanket in front of her so she was on her hands and knees. Her breasts, framed in that amazing lace bra, swayed as she crawled toward him. He could see her nipples with every movement. They peaked even more, showing him that she was excited, liking what she was doing. Her breathing had turned ragged. His cock went to pure steel—maybe moved past steel to straight titanium. She was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

He reached down and unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans. “Sorry, baby, got no choice. Don’t want to damage the important parts here.” The monster could breathe a little and the relief was tremendous.

He half expected her to pull back, but she didn’t. Instead, she shifted her angle of crawling so that she moved right up over the top of him, coming over his heavy erection, her breasts dragging over his cock and up his chest before she put her mouth on his. The moment her nipples and breasts made contact with his actual skin, images rushed into his brain—all erotic—moving from her head to his. In spite of her very real trepidation, she wanted him in every way. Every way. Fuck. He wasn’t certain he could control himself with the way he had to handle both their desires. He knew she would be feeling his as well, feeding her own.

He licked at her lips, tasting her, his hands at the back of her bra. It was easy enough to release her breasts, and again, she didn’t stop him, although he gave her the opportunity before he took her mouth. She tasted hotter than he expected. They both ignited the moment his tongue slid into her mouth. It was as if he’d touched flame to dynamite. There was no going back from it. Sensations rushed over him. He felt as if a blaze arced over his skin to hers and back again. He wanted her clothes gone. He wanted his gloves gone. He wanted to feel every single inch of her body. It was frustrating for her to wear gloves.

He pulled back. “Get them off.”

Her eyes looked as dazed as he felt. “What? What? Tell me what.”

“Everything. Boots. Jeans. The fucking gloves. I want your hands on me. I want your mouth on me. I want to do the same to you.”

She blinked rapidly, and he could see awareness, fear, creeping back in. He caught the nape of her neck and kissed her again. And again. Deep. Hot. Over and over. So fucking hot they were both going to burn in hell.

“Get. Them. Off.” He could barely growl the words. Like a graceful cat she moved back and unzipped her boots and carefully placed them to one side. He caught a glimpse of the neatly built-in compartments for weapons he already knew were there. He lifted his gaze to the trees around him and then nodded, indicating the boots once. That was all the time he could spare, the only clue his mind was capable in that moment of giving to his brothers that her weapons were close.

She removed her jeans and panties as he dragged off his boots and jeans. His gloves were the last items he removed. She did the same, but when she did, her gaze was fastened on his face, as if that was the only thing that could keep her from bolting. They remained like that, staring into each other’s eyes. He realized she was looking again for direction.

“We’re good, Scarlet. Come here, ledi, and kiss me again. Let’s see how this works for us when we’re touching each other. We might really find ourselves burning down the fucking forest.” Again, he was careful not to use the influence of his voice. He kept the tone low, velvet soft the way she liked, but not commanding and not the way he needed sometimes. He didn’t need that now. He needed Scarlet’s compliance. He needed this particular woman to want to be with him.

She crawled over the top of him, and again, he could see trepidation in her eyes as her gaze clung to his, but she didn’t hesitate. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He bunched all that red silk in one fist as her breasts slid over his bare chest, her nipples dragging over his scars and tattoos and he took her mouth. Immediately the flames erupted, even hotter than before. This time, he dared to slide his free hand down the curve of her spine, to take in the satin of her skin. He was immediately immersed in heat. In wild need. In desperate hope. In sensual anxieties.

