Delighted (Masters and Mercenaries #24.5) Read Online Lexi Blake

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Masters and Mercenaries Series by Lexi Blake

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 71110 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 284(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

Daphne actually felt her body heat up like a flash fire that was ready to explode. “Don’t ever say that in my presence again. I’m grateful to you for helping me out, but you don’t get to call him dumb. He’s not. He thinks differently, but he’s smart.”

A slow smile crossed Charlotte’s face. “And that’s what I wanted to know. Yes, he is. He’s amazing. You care about him. Date him. Let yourself fall in love with him. Even if it doesn’t work out, you’ll have shown your daughter that she deserves joy and love, and that some people are worth the risk. And do not worry about Lou’s friendships with these kids. Once they’ve made friends, it’s kind of a life thing.”

The door slammed open, and one of the twins ran through. Daphne thought it was Kenzie since she wore bright pink and her hair was up in a bouncy ponytail.

She was also carrying a length of rope.

“Hey, Mom,” Kenzie said as she ran toward the stairs.

“Kenzie Taggart.” Charlotte’s tone made the girl stop immediately. “Is that for one of your brothers?”

Kenzie shook her head. “It’s for Kala.”

Charlotte’s head nodded slightly, and Kenzie was off again. “Like I said, don’t worry about Lou getting excluded. Worry about the inclusion part. This is why I drink.”

“Should we…” Daphne began.

Charlotte merely took another sip. “Oh, no. It’s best to let the twins figure it out. Tash is up there with them. She won’t let them do anything stupid. I’ll text Ian in a few minutes, and he can check in on them. Now Bri is staying over tonight so Adam, Jake, and Serena can have a night out. At some point, they will absolutely ask Lou if she wants to join the sleepover. You and Boomer could sneak away and have an actual date.”

“That’s a good idea,” Serena agreed. “Lou and Bri are getting along so well. And I’m hoping Lou can convince her science is cool.”

“You could even sneak him back to the pool house,” Charlotte offered and then frowned. “Though if you do, I should stock that little fridge. I can’t imagine how much food Boomer eats after sex.”

Daphne’s cheeks went up in flames, but she laughed anyway. “He ate six eggs yesterday morning and like five pieces of French toast. Where does he put it?”

“That boy has werewolf in his DNA,” Serena proclaimed. “At least he would if I was writing him as a hero in one of my books.”

“Mom!” Lou yelled from the top of the stairs. Lou never yelled. Lou was quiet and thoughtful.

“Lou!” Daphne never yelled either.

It was fun to yell.

“Kenzie said Bri is staying over, and if her mom says it’s okay, I can stay over too and they’re going to build a pillow fort, and I think I can build a really good one and we’re already staying in the pool house so I…”

“Yes, you can stay,” Daphne said. “I think I’ll see if Boomer wants to go have dinner with me.”

“You are?” Lou’s eyes had gone wide. “Like a real date?”


Lou’s lips tugged up. “Cool. Hey, guys, my mom is dating Boomer and I can stay. I know a knot that will work.”

Dear god. “I don’t want to know what that last part meant, do I?”

“Hey, you just told a woman who could kill you twenty different ways that she better not insult your man already today,” Serena pointed out. “I think you’re brave enough for parenthood.”

“She did, and she was very convincing. I shall never again defame our beloved Boomer,” Charlotte announced. “Now let’s go join the other ladies and I’ll tell Daphne how I killed a dude with a nail gun once.”

Maybe she shouldn’t have threatened Charlotte.

Or maybe Boomer was worth the risk. She followed her new friends, ready to take the chance.

* * * *

“So the new security system is working. The security team programmed the camera so the feeds get sent to your computer and Daphne’s phone,” Ian said, sitting back in the big chair.

Ian’s office was on the second floor of the big rambling house he’d bought years and years before. Boomer hadn’t seen it before Charlotte had redecorated and added to it, but he’d heard that once this place had been more like a fortress than a house. Over the years the area had been developed, and now looked more like the city around it, though this part of Dallas was all large homes with big lots. Like much of the city, a person could go a couple of blocks in any direction and be surrounded by big buildings. Boomer didn’t live far from the Taggarts, but it felt like a different world, one where a person was surrounded by family.

Even sitting in the cool sanctuary of Ian’s office, he could hear the kids splashing in the pool, smell the scent of the grill starting up.

