Deeply Hers – Carmichael Security Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, New Adult, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 50
Estimated words: 46751 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 234(@200wpm)___ 187(@250wpm)___ 156(@300wpm)

"We have got to get you a law dictionary," I say, yawning. I'm fucking exhausted. "Stalking is stalking. It's all illegal."

"You know what I mean."

I shrug, closing my eyes again. Frankly, I'd take Zayne's version of stalking over the shit I'm dealing any day of the week.

"Hasn't she shot you down every time you've asked her out?" Zion asks. "I'm pretty sure that puts whatever the fuck you're doing in unwanted territory."

"She takes care of her grandma and her grandma's twin sister."

"Awesome. You're going to get your ass kicked by two old women when they find out. Gideon, please record this for my viewing pleasure."

"I'm not going to get caught. My point is that she's been turnin' me down because she's busy taking care of them."

"Or maybe she just doesn't like you."

"Plausible," I agree.

"Does anyone like him?" Zion asks. "Or do we just tolerate him because Ma said we have to at least pretend we like him?"

"B. The answer is B."

"Obviously. Not even Ma likes his ass. She just pretends because she feels guilty that she loves him less than us."

"Curse of the first child," I murmur. "They're always the forgotten, unloved ones."

"Especially when they look like him."

I chuckle.

"I called to tell you that you have a new client," Zion says when Zayne studiously ignores us. He's gotten good at that over the years.

"Can't take it. Busy."

"You don't even know who it is."

"Don't care. I'm busy. You're going to have to handle this one."

"She's a model."

"Don't care," Zayne says, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. "She could be the fucking Pope, and I wouldn't care. I'm busy. You handle it."

"Fuck, fine," Zion growls, clearly not thrilled. "But I'm telling Ma you're stalking Emma."

"I'll tell her that you're the one who set her shed on fire."

"That was ten years ago."

"She loved that shed," I murmur. "She could be ninety and still be pissed."

"Fuck. You're both assholes," Zion swears.

"You're welcome for the model," Zayne says before Zion hangs up on him, making me laugh.

"He's going to snap one day, and it'll be your fault."

"I didn't hear you takin' his side."

"I like stirring the pot." I shrug, my eyes still closed. I've been keeping the peace between the two of them when they're at each other's throats for most of my life. A motherfucker needs some kind of entertainment when they're getting along.

Zayne laughs quietly, and then his phone buzzes. I crack my eyes open, looking out the window. A delivery truck parked down the road prepares to pull off as my brother taps out a text. He tosses his phone in the console just in time for it to pull off.

I don't have to ask to know the pretty brunette standing in the driveway on the other side is Emma. It's evident in the way he sits upright, staring right at her.

"Gran!" she shouts as she marches up the sidewalk. "What in the world did you order from China this time?"

"She's cute," I say.

Zayne shoots a deadly look in my direction.

"I'm just saying, I get why you're all fucked up over her." I shake his head. "Jesus. I didn't say I wanted to sleep with her."

"Try it, and they'll never find your body."

A smile ghosts across my face. "So, it's like that, huh? You're serious about marrying her."


"What are you going to do about the fact that she won't give you the time of day?"

"Don't know," he growls. "She likes me."

"You sure about that?"

He sends another dirty glare in my direction, making me chuckle.

"Want my advice?" I ask, my mind on Kenna.

"Do I have a choice?"

"You invited me on this little criminal mission."

"Uh, no. You invited your damn self."

I flip him off. "Cut off her escape route. If you're in her face all the time and her back is against the wall, sooner or later, she'll have to stop running and face whatever the fuck is going on between the two of you."

It's all we can do. Force them to face us and the way they feel about us. When they can't run from it, eventually, they have to deal with it.

Christ, I hope that's true.

If it isn't, Zayne isn't the only brother that's going to end up with a broken heart. I am too. Because my girl hasn't stopped running from her feelings either.

I'm a little afraid she might not ever stop.

Chapter Ten


"Okay, I've had enough of this shit," Kane growls, slapping the contract down on his antique desk to glare at me. "What the fuck is going on with you?"

"What? Nothing. Why?"

"Don't lie to me, Kenna. You've been in a totally different dimension since you walked through the door. What happened?"

I drop my pen, pressing the heels of my hands to my eyes. "Gideon told me that he loves me," I whisper.

"You didn't already know?"

"I knew." I exhale a shaking breath. "But I didn't say it back, Kane."

