Deeper You Dig – A Lost Kings MC Halloween Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Mafia, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 27
Estimated words: 26232 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 131(@200wpm)___ 105(@250wpm)___ 87(@300wpm)

Rock’s furiously tapping out a text to someone.

“Everything okay?” I ask.

“No. Knucklehead thinks he doesn’t have to go to the party tonight.” He curses under his breath. “I don’t know what part of everyone needs to be there was so hard for him to understand.”

I bite the inside of my cheek so I don’t laugh. Even with their relationship out in the open, Rock and Teller continue to butt heads with each other from time to time. While I still think it’s normal behavior as they get adjusted to their new roles, it drives Rock nuts. They’re both headstrong men. Gee, what are the odds they’d clash once in a while? They’re alike in so many ways, especially in the stubbornness department.

“Maybe he’s worried about Charlotte,” I suggest.

He stares at the ceiling for a few seconds. “I understand that, but I can’t order everyone else to be there and then give him a pass. Bricks also expressed some annoyance about it, yesterday. If I had to tell him to suck it up, then the same has to go for Marcel, too.”

“I understand.” I run my tongue over my bottom lip, considering if I should even offer this suggestion. “Have you thought about having Wrath be the one to deal with Teller in an MC capacity? He’s good at laying down the law. Then you two can just work on your father-son relationship.” And if Teller gives him lip, Wrath will snap him like a twig. I don’t say that part out loud, though.

“Wrath might break his neck if he throws attitude at him.” Rock’s mouth curves into a feral grin. “But yeah, discipline is supposed to be his role, anyway.”

I duck my head and laugh. “At least until Teller works through this ‘pushing-Dad’s-buttons’ phase he’s going through.”

“You think that’s what it is?” he asks.

“Some of it, yes. I think he’s also worried about Charlotte and the babies. First-time dad stress.” I pause and try to word this next part carefully. “I understand you’re trying not to show favoritism toward him now that the club knows he’s your son, but don’t go too far the other way and be too hard on him, either.”

“Too hard on him,” he repeats in a grudging tone.

“And don’t forget he’s babysitting for us tonight,” I remind him.

“I know. That’s why I said he doesn’t have to stay at the party too long. But I need him to show his face.” Rock holds up his phone in his fist. “Now he’s saying he ‘feels like skipping it.’ As if it was optional. Fucker.”

“Oh, well.” Gosh, Teller must be feeling suicidal tonight. “Tell him ‘tough shit.’ Skipping it isn’t an option.”

“That’s what I said.” He shoves his phone in his pocket. “Let’s stop by his place on our way to Furious.”

“Only if you promise not to choke him.”

“Baby doll, I can promise you a lot of things.” He steps in front of me and rests his hands on my hips, pulling me closer. “That’s not one of them.”


Hope’s calm, rational presence is probably the only thing stopping me from throttling my son today.

“You have to at least stop by,” I warn Marcel. I swear if he gives me one more dickish smirk…

“I’m going to be busy here.” He holds out his arms. “With all my little guests.”

A spot behind my right eye throbs. Hope was right about that button-pushing thing.

Our gazes stray to the small maze Marcel and Carter built for the kids out of hay bales. Alexa and Grace had spent most of yesterday running through it. And screaming bloody murder the few times they’d run into a dead end. Today, Grace is more interested in grabbing fistfuls of hay and tossing them in the air. Hope runs after her, thwarting Grace’s attempts to dismantle the whole thing.

“It’s fine, Hope,” Marcel calls out.

Hope gives up and tosses her own handful of hay.

Marcel chuckles and turns to face me again.

I’m not laughing.

“When Heidi and Murphy get here later, I expect you to take your ass down to Empire and visit that fucking clubhouse,” I say.

“I’ve already seen it.”

What’s so hard for him to understand about this? Hope got it immediately. Maybe I should strip Marcel’s patch and give it to my wife. “You heard me tell everyone they need to be there.”

He opens his mouth, probably to protest some more, but I cut him off.

“I can’t give you special treatment.” I cock my head and drill him with a hard stare. “You get that, right? The club accepted the news that you’re my son with no issue, but I can’t give them the impression that I play favorites.”

He seems to consider that for a second or two. “I have a pregnant wife I don’t want to leave.” He waves his hand toward the house.

Guilt pokes at me but I remain firm. “So does Grinder. Serena’s going with him. Charlotte can go with you.”

