Deeper (Bad Boys of Texas #3) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Bad Boys of Texas Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 21
Estimated words: 19408 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 97(@200wpm)___ 78(@250wpm)___ 65(@300wpm)

“Sounds like her. I’m Wolf. It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Miller.” I offer my hand once again. Instead of shaking it, she squeezes my upper arms and kisses my cheek. That was the last thing I expected after Reese mentioned she was statue still while her dad laid into her.

“It’s nice to meet you too. Sorry you’re getting wrangled into this. My husband and daughter are two birds of a feather. Of course, I can’t say that I wasn’t apprehensive because I was and still am. After a long night, worrying sick over my obstinate headstrong girl, I should know she knows what she wants. And Joe here knew she’s been miserable at her job. Haven’t you, Joe?” Mrs. Miller busies herself in the kitchen, leaving us in the open concept living room that allows you to see where she went.

“Yeah, not real proud of the words that were said. I figure you showing up here, though, it shows us what kind of man you are. Well, depending on how everything is handled. One day, you’ll understand if you have a daughter of your own. I just don’t want her to come home, penniless, without a home, and heartbroken.” He grabs the newspaper, shuffling it in his hands. The front door banging open has us all turning our heads.

“Momma, Daddy, Wolf.” No hey, hi, or hello leaves Reese’s lips when she barges through the door. I haven’t seen Reese spitting mad. We’ve had one argument, and that ended up in make-up sex. Something tells me that won’t be happening this time around. I’m just not sure who’s she’s more upset with, her parents or me. And if it’s me, why she’d be spitting mad.

“Sunshine, come here.” Trying to defuse the situation before worse things are spewed, I watch as she stomps her feet but still comes to me. My arm wraps around her shoulder, pulling her into my side, I kiss her temple and say, “It’s alright, breathe through this. Your dad seems like he may want to talk.”

“Whelp, looks like that apology you wanted to give her is at the station. Wolf, why don’t you and I make breakfast and let these two have their talk. Then I need to trade spaces and do the same.” Thankfully, Reese’s parents seemed to have settled down some and don’t want to argue again. I’m not sure I can take another night of my woman attempting to sleep away from me, then get upset, drive home, and wind up sleeping in the barn again.

“Well, okay, then.” The frustration has seemingly left Reese, her body deflating against mine. As if she’s bone deep tired, which is probably the case. A rough night, only to cry herself to sleep, then wake up and be here in the morning. Yep, I’m thinking once things are worked out, I’ll be taking my woman home. Reese will get some kind of rest even if I have to wear her out.

“If you need me, just look my way. Give your dad a bit of understanding though. What if we were in their shoes? I’m not saying it was right, but I am saying that maybe it has some merit to it.” She wraps her arms around my middle, squeezing me tightly and placing a kiss over my heart.

“Thank you. I’m still not happy you left without waking me up, but we can discuss that later on.” I see the glimmer in Reese’s eyes. Yeah, I know just what she wants, and I’m more than willing to give it to her.



It’s awkward once Wolf leaves the room. This brings me back to a few childhood discussions where my father and I would butt heads and Mom would leave the room. We are both too stubborn to start a conversation or apologize. One thing is for sure, I’m not going to be the first one to do that today. I know he only wants what’s best for me, but sometimes that means letting go and allowing me to spread my wings.

“I know you’re upset. We’re both allowed to be. I may have said things in the heat of the moment I’m not proud of, but you’re my baby girl. My only child. Letting go is not easy. You up and moving down here with a man after you just recently met. It makes an old man weary. I will say I’ll give credit where credit is due. Him bucking up and coming over without you, that says a lot about him. Forgive me, pumpkin?” Shit, he used the big guns, went for broke and called me pumpkin. I’m toast when he uses that nickname. That and the semi-apology, totally like my dad. It’s hard to stay pissed off at him, plus I really want him and Wolf to get along.

