Deceitful Promises – Sokolov Bratva Read Online Flora Ferrari

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Insta-Love, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 58
Estimated words: 56507 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 283(@200wpm)___ 226(@250wpm)___ 188(@300wpm)

Then it’s like I can hear him wordlessly telling me a lot of stuff. I know how that would sound to anybody else, but our connection is so strong. Our bond grew almost sneakily, without me noticing, or maybe I didn’t want to see. He helped me get over this—the sickness in my belly. Maybe not forever. Maybe there will be ups and downs, but⁠—

When I feel it coming, I turn. Roman gasps as I puke all over his shirt and his shoes.

I think the shock of it hits him the most. He’s probably thinking, Did this bitch really just puke? Then he can’t think of anything.

The bullet cuts right through his head. I hear Dimitri and Mikhail gasp, but when I turn, my body covered in blood, panic boiling in me, I see smoke curling from Aiden’s gun. Maybe it’s the adrenaline making me see stuff that isn’t there. I don’t know, but I see it. I see him standing proudly.

“That’s it, fellas,” Mikhail roars. “Your boss is dead. Are you going to give your lives up, too?”

I glance sideways, vomit burning my lips and throat, and watch as the two big men let Mom go. All around us, men move in, roaring at the two men to get on the ground. Aiden drops his rifle and runs over to me, pulling me into his arms and hugging me so tight it’s like he never wants to let go.

“You’re mine forever,” he whispers, and I swear it’s like he’s about to cry.

Tears sting my eyes and slide down my cheeks. I wrap my arms tightly around his middle.

“Forever,” he says again, passionately, as sirens ring in the air. “No matter what happens, no matter what sort of life you choose, no matter what I have to sacrifice, you belong to me, my beautiful girl, got it?”

“Got it,” I say, pushing the words past the sobs that threaten to choke me completely.

“We’ve gotta go,” Mikhail says, walking over. “Damn, Aiden, you smoked his ass. That was one hell of a risky shot.”

“I wouldn’t have taken it if it was risky,” he growls. “I never would’ve risked Ania’s life, but you’re right. We need to get out of here and get Ania cleaned up.”

I know he’s talking about the blood, but I can’t think about that. Instead, I whisper, “Can you carry me?”

“Always,” Aiden says, picking me up and cradling me in his arms.

Maybe I should be strong. Maybe I should force myself to look at all the bloodshed. Maybe I shouldn’t cringe away, but I don’t have to be so tough on myself with my man holding me.

I’m his. He’s mine. Whatever happens next, nobody can take that away from us.



Ania looks up at me from her bed, wrapped in blankets. Her freshly showered hair and tired eyes somehow give her an even more vulnerable look. I sit next to her, my hand on hers, feeling like part of me is fused to her. That’s the sort of romantic stuff I never would’ve imagined thinking when this all started.

“Turns out being able to puke on command comes in handy, huh?”

“Hmm,” I say with a smirk.

“Hmm,” she teases, though I can tell the trauma will hit her later. I can see it waiting beneath the surface, getting ready to erupt. If and when it does, I’ll be there. “I helped, didn’t I, in my own way?”

“You helped,” I say, holding her hand even tighter.

“Now what?” she asks.

“You let me watch you sleep.”

She laughs adorably, almost like she’s making a point to laugh, a big fuck-you to this fucked-up world. “No, I mean, with the Bratva and everything.”

“The police in this city don’t give a damn about Roman Kozlov. With my father’s connections, I’d be surprised if anything comes of it. If they come after me, I have contingency plans in place.”

“Alone?” she says.

I lean down, resisting the urge to kiss her passionately, resisting the urge to claim her with all the fierce fire burning through me. I can’t deny it. I can’t fight it. I can’t pretend. I can’t smirk away this desire. “We’re never going to be alone again,” I growl.

“Good,” she murmurs, her eyes beginning to close. “Because I’d become anybody if it means I get to stay with you …”

“You don’t need to become anyone,” I tell her. “You’re exactly who you need to be already.”

“Just need a little more cushion, huh?”

“That’s for your health, not—” I read her smile then grin, promising myself I’ll never forget how magical this woman is. “You’re trying to drive me nuts.”

“I think I’m too late for that.” Her smile turns sleepy. “Will you stay with me?”

“Of course.”

I climb into bed beside her, not caring about tomorrow or that somebody might’ve seen me ice Roman Kozlov. I don’t care about anything except for the warmth of Ania’s body against mine, the heat of her, the closeness, and the fact she’s here: safe, alive, and mine.

