Deacon (Iron Tzars MC #12) Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Iron Tzars MC Series by Marteeka Karland

Total pages in book: 36
Estimated words: 33157 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

Deacon rolled his eyes before slamming the door on Falcon. Then he sighed and knocked his head against the door once. Then again. “Fuck.” The word was muttered. Deacon heaved a long sigh. “Just… fuck.”

“You have to go.” I tried to pretend it didn’t hurt he was leaving again, but it did. And it sucked ass.

“Never said that, baby. Let’s get dressed, then go see what’s goin’ on.” He turned and pulled me into his arms. “Everything will be all right. I promise.”

“Can you make that promise?” I didn’t look up at him but buried my face in his chest.

“I can and I am, Apple. I made you a promise and I absolutely will not break it.”

“But --”

He cut me off with a kiss. “Don’t borrow trouble, Applejack. Trust in me.” He gripped my shoulders as he searched my gaze. I could almost feel him willing me to take that leap of faith. It might be foolish, but I knew I was jumping in with both feet.

“You better catch me,” I muttered. Instead of asking what I meant, he just grinned at me.

Exactly eight minutes later, we were in Rocket’s office. Lemon had, indeed, made the guys let me in. As usual, Rocket merely grinned at his wife with affection like she amused him and, therefore, he’d give her whatever she wanted. Surprisingly, Venus was standing quietly in the corner, Piston stood a few feet away so still and silent he almost seemed to disappear into the background even though he wasn’t a small guy.

“If you want to get this guy, now’s the time.” Crush finished the details of his report. Looked like he and Byte had set something in motion to flush out Martin Calhoun, and it was working. “He’ll be on that private island he bought in exactly two weeks. I’ve arranged for a company called ExFil to take the private detail. ExFil is owned by a guy named Joe Gill who used to be president of Bones MC in Somerset, Kentucky. Pretty sure Iron Tzars has a relationship with him.”

“Cain,” Deacon said. “His guys gonna take care of the bastard?”

“No. And he’s adamant no one should find out about Calhoun’s disappearance until several weeks after they pull out. Which is where I come in,” Crush continued. “Me and Byte are gonna create some footage to prove Calhoun was out and about right up until everyone forgets ExFil was anywhere near the guy. Cain doesn’t want to tarnish the company’s reputation by a guy they’re protecting getting whacked on their watch.”

“Reasonable,” Rocket said, stroking his beard. He turned his gaze on me. “Well? This was your baby. What’s the next move?”

“I’ll get someone from the Tzars to take this. They can take care of business as good as anyone without the wrong people gettin’ wind of it.”

“Thought you’d be the one goin’.” Rocket gave Deacon a curious look.

“No. I made a promise to Apple I intend to keep. I went back on my word once, and it almost cost me everything, Rocket. Much as I want this kill, I’m not takin’ it.”

“Suits me.” Ringo sat back in his chair. “I’ll be happy to take it on.”

“Not if I take it first,” Bear, Olivia’s man, growled at Ringo. “I think I get first dibs on this one.”

“I’ll take it.” Venus moved from where she stood in the corner. “I’ll find out everything he knows, and maybe few things he doesn’t know he knows.”

Rocket raised an eyebrow. “You sure about this? You’ve been gone from Salvation’s Bane for a while. That’s your home club. Maybe you better check in with Thorn before you commit to something like this.”

Instantly, Venus’s expression hardened. “I do what I want. When I want. I’m with Thorn at Bane because he helped me once. He doesn’t dictate to me, or tell me what I can or cannot do.”

“I’ll go with her.” Piston shifted just enough to take everyone’s attention from Venus and put it squarely on him. “She's Salvation's Bane, so if Thorn has a problem with her takin' this up outside his club, tell him to take it up with me.”

“I don’t need you to fight my battles, old man.” Venus gave Piston an uncharacteristic show of anger and irritation. Usually the woman was as unflappable as they came, but I’d noticed how Piston seemed to get under her skin. Yeah. That was gonna be fun to watch.

“Didn’t say you did. But havin’ me as a buffer between you and everyone will let you get the job done quicker.”

Venus rolled her eyes. “Fine.” She pointed her finger at Piston. A finger with a dagger-sharp nail. Painted hot pink. “Stay out of my way.” With that she stomped off. Piston followed her without another word, his expression blank.

There was silence in the room as the two walked out. I glanced at Lemon who had tucked her lips between her teeth, looking for all the world like she was amused.

