Daughter of Deception (The Savage Heirs #2) Read Online Ruby Vincent

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Savage Heirs Series by Ruby Vincent

Total pages in book: 116
Estimated words: 110550 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 553(@200wpm)___ 442(@250wpm)___ 369(@300wpm)

I winked at my co-conspirator. “How else?” I stood, crossing over to them. Liam flicked to the peekaboo hole I cut above my cleavage. “I thought the four of us could have breakfast together. Sunny and I are going to Caddell House later today, which makes now perfect to spend time together.”

“I didn’t intend— Fuller is coming up to watch Elizabeth when her tutor arrives. I have meetings all morning, Kenzie. I planned for a quick breakfast, then out the door.”

I shrugged. “We’ll have a quick breakfast together. I’ll cook,” I said, skipping to the kitchen. “How do stuffed avocados sound?”

“Yummy,” Tricky said. “Can you make unicorn smoothies like Daddy too?”

“I can try.” I started opening and closing cabinets, searching out the pots and pans.

“Lizzie, keep Laurel company.”

I heard her little footsteps, then his presence bore over me, bringing scents of pine and licorice. How did he smell this good first thing in the morning?


I shivered. “I love the way you say my name.”

“Do I say it in some particular way?”

“Oh, yes.”

A firm grip on my waist turned me around. “Mackenzie, now is not a good time. You should’ve mentioned it before. Made plans in advance.”

“Sure, I’ll make plans to see you in advance as long as you make plans to get over your hang-ups and commit to a relationship with me.”

Liam’s eyes narrowed to slits. “Deal. Now out of my kitchen.”

Laughing, I kissed his scowling lips. “You think we haven’t known each other long enough for me to have you figured out? Your plan is to keep just enough distance between us that your feelings fade and you come up for air. That’s not going to happen.”

“Is that so?”

“Yep,” I popped. “In fact, I’m thinking we’ll make breakfast for four a regular thing.” Stepping close, I trailed a finger down his pec, enjoying hearing his breath hitch. “Along with midnight snacks for two.”

“Hmm.” Liam leaned in, lips brushing against mine, and it was my turn to stop breathing. I froze as his eyes pierced me. “I’ve played the seduction game much longer than you,” Liam whispered. “Don’t presume you can beat me at it.”

The slightest pressure on my lips, then he was gone. I stumbled, blinking like I came out of a fog.

“Stuffed avocado sounds perfect,” he said, strolling out of the kitchen. “Give me a minute to get dressed and I’ll help.”

“You can skip the ‘get dressed’ part.”

Liam tossed a wink over his shoulder, and that ass. “Behave, Mackenzie.”

My knees went weak. Seriously, I was going to ban him from using my full name out of the bedroom. If we ever get in the bedroom.

Getting my head out of the fantasies, I busied myself taking out ingredients while keeping one eye on Tricky and the baby. Elizabeth chattered at her nonstop and didn’t seem to mind getting shrieks and babble in response.

“They’re adorable together,” I told Liam when he returned. Sadly, the man donned sweats and a tank. The messy hair was combed into submission. “I think I’ll make matching outfits for the two of them.”

“Only if you want Elizabeth to burst from happiness.”

I laughed. “Take it from me, we can’t resist a little sister.”

“Don’t know about that.” Liam set on the coffee pot. I had a feeling he wasn’t really awake until he had a cup in him. “I grew quite tired of mine when she started putting garden snakes in my bed.”

“Oh my goodness. A young Genevieve Hunt. She must’ve been a handful.”

“To put it mildly.”

I clapped. “So I was thinking scrambled eggs, bacon, and cheese. Mix it all up and top it on half an avocado. Simple, but delicious. That’s my specialty.”

“Just tell me what to do. I’m in your capable hands.” Liam turned to head for the fridge.

“You’re not but”—I grabbed two palmfuls of his backside—“now you are.”

Liam jerked, nearly spilling his coffee down his shirt. “Dammit, woman,” he hissed. “What has gotten into you?”

Giggling, I tried to calm myself as the girls stared at us. “What can I say? I’m in a good mood today. My baby and I are safe. Digger’s dead. Genny’s back in the Fairfield. River is getting those women the help they need. We figured out why the Brotherhood always seemed to be two steps ahead, and today we’re going to do something about it. On top of that, Bane starts training me tonight.

“I felt powerless for so long, Liam. The day you realize you’re strong enough to face what’s coming... it’s a good one.”

He cleared his throat, straightening. “I’m genuinely happy that you feel safe with my family. That’s all I want for you—both of you. But grab my ass less.”

“No promises.”

I thought I peeked the ghost of a smile when he ducked his head in the fridge. “I’ll do the scrambled eggs. You do the bacon.”

We scrambled and fried in silence for a while—the good kind of silence. The kind a happy couple settles into on a lazy Saturday making breakfast for the family.

