Date Me Like You Mean It Read Online R.S. Grey

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Drama, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 86495 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 432(@200wpm)___ 346(@250wpm)___ 288(@300wpm)

What. A. Kiss.

Now of course there’re the aftershocks to contend with. Will we discuss it? Won’t we? Should we laugh it off or should I demand we sit down and have a serious conversation about his intentions? I mull all this over while I get dressed and carefully apply my makeup. I don’t intentionally put on my prettiest sundress, it’s just the one that’s hanging closest to me after I yank it from the back of the closet. A little dab of perfume behind my ear is casual. Another little dab on both wrists? Well, I don’t want to play favorites.

Outside, the day is hot and sunny. I tug my hair up and off my neck and twist it into a low bun.

Everyone’s at the breakfast table eating when I arrive.

Aiden’s among them, sipping coffee when I stroll up and meet his gaze.

My brow arches, and slowly, he releases a smile. It’s like he was trying to hold it back, not quite willing to give in to it.


“There she is! We were wondering when you were going to join us,” Dante says.

“Well can you blame the girl for needing her rest? Word is she was up pretty late last night,” Stephanie teases.

“At least someone was getting some action,” Dante groans.

I turn my back on the group as I fill my plate at the buffet, hoping no one can tell I’m flushed from head to toe.

“It’s actually so sweet to see you two finally together,” Stephanie says. “The rest of you don’t know, but Aiden and Maddie have lived together for years as roommates—”

I pause and whip around, hoping to cut off whatever she’s about to say. “Stephanie, they don’t want to hear our story. It’s boring. Let’s talk about what we’re going to do—”

“No! I love hearing how couples first got together,” Cadence says, clapping her hands together excitedly.

Stephanie grins. “Let’s just say Maddie has been obsessed with Aiden since day one.”

I’m paralyzed. Completely numb as I stand beside the buffet table.

“She’d call and talk to me for ages about her crush on him and how she felt like he’d never see her as anything other than a friend.”

So this is what it feels like.

The truth spilling out like the pages of my diary raining down for everyone to read.

“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Cadence says. “And obviously it worked out.”

Tears gather in the corners of my eyes. My hands are shaking so badly my fork rattles against my plate.

“And what about you, Aiden?” Dante asks. “Was it love at first sight for you too?”

I can’t look at him. I’m a live wire. Exposed.

His charming voice cuts through the ether. “Not exactly.”

Not exactly.



My body starts to move before my brain can catch up to it. I’m leaving the group before I think to offer a reason over my shoulder.

“I’m going to go change,” I say quickly, blinking away tears. “I didn’t realize everyone would be in their bathing suits already. I’ll be right back.”

I carry my empty plate with me back to our bungalow, hurrying along the path.

I’m in shock. Nothing feels real. The landscape whips by me. A lizard scurries past. It’s all happening, but my brain is too busy trying to convince me this is all just a waking dream.

I hole up inside, behind the privacy of the door, and I try to process what Stephanie just said. Words like “crush” and “obsessed” leap out and make my stomach squeeze tight. What am I supposed to do now? What could I possibly say to Aiden that could make this all go away?

It’s one thing for us to both mutually lose control like we did last night. That feels like it was spur of the moment. Fun. Silly.

This is the exact opposite of that.

Stephanie revealing to everyone that I’ve been obsessed with Aiden since day one is not the way I wanted him to find out I had feelings about him. There is no downplaying words like obsessed. It makes me sound crazy.

Worse, he’ll think everything she said is true. And it is! But he didn’t need to know that.

The door opens behind me and I whip around, smiling huge.

“Are you okay?” Aiden asks.

My plan forms on the spot as words tumble out of my mouth.

“Oh my god, yes. Don’t listen to Stephanie. I think I told her one time that I thought you were cute or something and she ran with it.”

I roll my eyes teasingly.

Aiden stops in the doorway, brows furrowed.

I wipe my cheek, aware of a lone tear slipping down.

I wish he wouldn’t notice. I also wish he hadn’t followed me back here.

“It sounded like more than a one-time thing,” he prods.

I force out a laugh. “I’m sure I did tell her more than once. I mean, it’s no secret that you’re attractive, but that doesn’t mean I’m obsessed with you.” I shake my head. “In fact, I talk to her about all the guys I’m dating. I think I just told her last week that I think Dan is kind of cute.”

