Daddy’s Naughty List Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14489 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 72(@200wpm)___ 58(@250wpm)___ 48(@300wpm)

Before I knew it, he was pulling into the parking lot of a small diner, its windows glowing with a warm light that spilled onto the snow-covered sidewalk.

“Have you ever been here?” I asked as he turned off the engine.

“A few times. You?”

I nodded and stared up at the neon sign that flashed Patsy’s. “Yeah, more times than I’ll admit to.” I laughed and looked at him to see him staring at me with this intense expression that turned me on. “I even used to work here on the weekends when I was in high school.” I still felt his stare, even though I made myself turn back to the little coffee shop.

I realized that Stefan’s presence did things to me that were not only confusing but made me feel a type of arousal I’d never experienced before.

“Let's head inside and get warm.”

After getting out of his truck, Stefan held the glass door open for me, the familiar chime going off, and I stepped inside. The interior smelled like cinnamon and coffee—like it did all those years ago, when I was a teenager.

It was a “seat yourself” place, so we picked a little two-seater booth in the corner. Stefan ordered a black coffee, and I ordered their signature hot cocoa with peppermint whipped cream.

Stefan leaned back in the booth, and I knew he was gearing up to start a conversation. “So, Holly Berry,” he began, and I rolled my eyes.

“Original,” I grumbled, trying to sound like I was irritated, but I wasn’t.

His damned smirk was back, the one that had my pulse beating in my clit. “You

Are so cute when you’re trying to act all badass.”

I burst out laughing, unable to stop the sudden sound.

“When I was a kid, everyone around me used to call me that during the holiday season.” I left out that it got on my nerves so damn bad back then, but hearing Stefan say it in his deep-ass voice was hot as hell. “Believe me, it’s not as charming as it sounds, when your elementary school classmates turn it into an insult.”

He shrugged, looking way too sexy. “Always live by my motto.” He eyed me with that smirk in place.

“And that is?”

“Fuck everyone.” He grinned, and I did the same thing.

“I like the way you think.” Before either of us could say anything else, the waitress brought us our order. I sipped my drink, the warm sweetness settling into my bones as his stare seemed to coat me in heat on the outside.

Stefan had this way of cutting through my defenses with a mix of teasing and genuine charm that had my walls lowering even more.

We stayed in the cafe for two more drinks before making our way back to his truck. We sat there for a moment while it heated, and then we started driving again in that cozy silence, which was only interrupted when I gave him the next direction to my house.

My heavy buzz had faded, but I was still pleasantly warm in all the right places, and the weight of the day had melted away. Stefan drove through the snow-covered streets, and I was fine not speaking and just enjoyed the ride.

When we finally pulled up to my place, I turned to thank him, only for him to cut me off.

“I’d like to see you again.”

I was so taken aback by his comment for a moment that all I could do was sit there and blink.

“If that’s something you’d like too.” The emphasis made it sound like a question, but I could hear in his tone he’d already made his mind up about it.

He leaned back in his seat, that cocky smirk still in place.

I didn’t need to think about it. I really enjoyed spending time with Stefan and wanted to see where this could go with him. “Pretty sure I’d like that too.”

He tipped his head back and laughed, his hand covering his abdomen, his Adam’s apple catching my eye, since he’d taken his fake beard off back at the bar, as his chuckle came from deep within him. “You crack me up, girl.” He stared into my eyes, grinning from ear to ear and showing off his white teeth. “You’re too fucking cute.”

My heart gave a little patter when he said that last part, and I was thankful—once again—the interior of the truck was so dark that he probably couldn’t see when he made me blush. He knew where I lived, but we hadn’t officially exchanged information, so once that was all said and done, Stefan was out of the truck, then opening the passenger side door and helping me out.

The cold air bit at my skin, but I didn’t feel as miserable as I did earlier, because Stefan wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in close to his big, muscular body.

