Daddy’s Naughty List Read Online Jenika Snow

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 16
Estimated words: 14489 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 72(@200wpm)___ 58(@250wpm)___ 48(@300wpm)

I could tell by the way his eyes moved that he sized me up.

For just a second, he wondered if he could take me if need be.

Newsflash, asshole. You couldn’t in this life nor the next.

There were a hundred different things I could say to this prick, but the fact that he not only stood Holly up but also talked shit about her where they worked had me ready to punch him in the face.

“So you’re the motherfucker who treated my girl like shit,” I said by way of greeting, my voice low and cold.

His confusion faded to unease as he glanced at the three guys he was with. But when he saw they had their gazes averted, he looked back up at me. “Excuse me?” He furrowed his brow. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don't even know you. "

“No, you don’t, but you know her. Isn’t that right?” I stepped to the side and gestured behind me, so he had a clear shot of where Holly sat. I didn't need to look at her to know she was staring at us. I felt her focus drilling into my back.

The prick’s eyes widened, and he snapped his head up in my direction once again. “Look, man. I don’t know what she told you⁠—”

I leaned in, my voice dropping to a near-growl as I stared right into his fucking eyes. “Let me make something very clear. You fucked up, man. Holly is so far out of your damn league it’s laughable. She was throwing you a pity bone by being willing to go out with you in the first place.” I slowly grinned, but it wasn’t one of humor. It was with dark intent, because I wanted this asshole to know what he missed out on… and how he’d fucked up. “And now you’re out here, dragging her name through the mud, because you couldn’t handle being called out like the pathetic douchebag you are?”

He swallowed hard and leaned back, his survival instincts warning him to get away from me. But he was trapped in the booth, with me blocking the only way out.

I wanted to get back to my girl, so I cut right to the chase. “So here’s what’s going to happen. You will stop talking about her,” I continued, my voice like steel. “And if I hear even a whisper of you disrespecting her again, you’ll wish that you and I had never met. Understand?”

The color drained from his face, and he nodded quickly.

“Good,” I said cheerfully as I straightened to my full height. “Now, get out of here, so Holly doesn't lose her appetite.” I took a step back, and he and his friends scrambled to their feet, threw some cash on the table, and bolted, leaving their half-eaten meals behind.

It was only when they were out of the restaurant that I returned to Holly. She was staring at me with wide eyes and her lips parted in surprise.

“You… really did that.” She didn’t phrase it like a question. “I can’t believe you confronted him.” Her voice was laced with disbelief.

I slid back into my seat, leaning across the table until our faces were inches apart.

“Why?” she whispered.

“Holly,” I said, my voice soft but firm, “no one disrespects you. No one. And I’m not going to sit back and let anyone try.” I shrugged and took her hands in mine. “I could see your discomfort written across your face. It pissed me off, so I ensured he knew never to make you feel that way again.”

Her lips parted, but before she could speak, I leaned in farther so I could kiss her.

It was deep and passionate, and I lifted my hands so I could cradle her face… because she was the most precious thing in the world to me.

When I pulled back, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes wide with emotion, and her lips parted and glossy from when I dragged my tongue across them.

“I love you.” The words tumbled out before I could stop them. “I don’t care if it’s crazy, reckless, or fast. I love you, Holly. And nothing and no one will ever take you away from me.”

Her lips trembled, her eyes watered, and then she smiled. It was the kind of smile that lit up the darkest corners of my past until I saw everything that was good and right that surrounded me.

“I love you too,” she whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of my heart. “It’s insane, I know, but God, Stefan, I love you too.”

At that moment, I knew there was no going back. Holly was mine, and I was hers. I might not have deserved her, but I’d do whatever it took to let her know exactly how much I cherished her.

And, of course… I’d do it all while making sure she was good and sated every single night.

