Daddy’s Little Sunshine Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Contemporary, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 70558 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 353(@200wpm)___ 282(@250wpm)___ 235(@300wpm)

Daddy was perfect.

“You were adorable.” He rolled me off and onto the bed, wrapping his arms around me and snuggling me close again. “You were wearing cute pajamas and didn’t realize it until I’d already given you your food.”

“I forgot it was visit day until you pulled up, and I was so excited I ran to the door.” I’d been kind of worried until he’d smiled and said he liked my jammies.

He’d even said jammies like he already knew he was a Daddy.

“You were so nice. I loved it when you came to visit, so I planned out my shopping so I could make you come lots and lots.” My confession made Daddy laugh and my face got so hot, I buried it against him. “I just wanted to give you hugs, Daddy.”

His chest jerked but he kissed my head and hugged me tight. “You were so nice, too, and you made me feel very special, sunshine.”

Because Daddy was special.

“And now I get to do special things with you that are even better than just bringing you pizza and cookie dough.” Daddy laughed when my head popped up.

“Oh, Daddy. That’s very special too, though, so don’t stop.” Oh, that reminded me. “Daddy. You said I could bring stuff to your house. I get to bring my pillows and blankets and toys and all my stuff, right?”

He was back to laughing again. I liked making him happy. “Yes, sunshine. I’m surprised you just remembered that.”

“I was distracted.” By hard, happy things and a loud tummy, so it was time to feed me. “Come on. Let’s make pancakes and I’ll tell you what we need to pack.”

As I climbed off the bed and tried to drag him with me, I realized something really super important. If he let me bring my important stuff, that meant I could live with him if I got a terrible roommate like one who couldn’t stand chicken nuggets and barbecue sauce or one that thought boy littles had to be princes.

“That look is making me think I need to be the one worrying about something, sunshine.” Daddy was looking at me like he was very suspicious as he climbed off the bed and followed me. “Should Daddy be worried?”

“No, silly. You love me.” That would make it just fine. My friends online said so. “That’s the most important thing.”

Daddy rolled his eyes. “I’m new to being a Daddy but I’m not an idiot when it comes to my sunshine.”

“You’re so silly.” And smart, so it was time to change the subject. “Are we going to paint my playroom or leave it white and hang up lots of pretty art?”

Either would be fine, but Daddy needed something to occupy his mind while he made me pancakes or he’d start asking questions I wasn’t sure he wanted me to answer.

He sighed but he let me change the subject. “I can take a hint.”

Yep, he was really, really smart.

He made his thinking frown. “Let me think for a second. Do you have to go potty?”

“No.” Because Daddy slept like a rock. “I’ll go start making you coffee, Daddy.”

“Do you mean boil the water for instant coffee?” Daddy took a step and then stopped. “Do you have a coffeemaker?

“Now I do.” Beaming, I bounced back over to him and kissed his cheek. “Did you know they come in pink?”

I’d have bought one sooner if I’d known they were so cute.

“My online friend helped me find it. He said every Daddy needs coffee to make them happy in the morning.” He knew lots of Daddies and was very helpful.

And very opinionated.

“He said I could even put sparklies all over it but I haven’t had time. I’ve been organizing.” Yes, that was a good word for it.

Daddy laughed, though. “Yes, organizing.”


Before I could pout and get a tiny bit theatrical, he kissed my nose. “You’re so cute.”


“You’re really sneaky sometimes.” Smart Daddies were hard…my friend told me that too. “I’m going to go make you coffee before you say something else smart.”

He was dangerous this morning.

Daddy seemed to think it was a compliment based on how he laughed as he went to the bathroom, though.

But if Daddy wanted to reward me for being sweet to him, I wasn’t going to tattle on myself. I’d just be smiley and thank him very nicely.

Because I was Daddy’s princess sunshine, so I shouldn’t burst his bubble and make him realize I wasn’t sweet all the time. He didn’t need to know that. That would just make him sad…or frustrated. No, he could figure that out once I moved in with him.

Because the chances of me having a roommate who was okay with princess dresses, and toys, and littles, and my Daddy seemed slim.

My backup plan was going to be amazing and sparkly and toy-filled, though, so there was nothing to worry about.

