Daddy in Waiting – The Forbidden Fun Read Online Cassandra Dee

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 29
Estimated words: 27255 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 136(@200wpm)___ 109(@250wpm)___ 91(@300wpm)

Now, my daughter will stop at nothing to play with Jamison and Jeremiah, so I set her down as she sprints toward them. She catches Jamison’s eye, and he holds up a toy truck as if he’s been waiting to give it to her. Jamison and Jeremiah are only a month younger than Emily, and they’re as close as siblings, although of course, it’s actually their mother who’s my daughter’s sibling. Nobody minds though, and all the adults laugh as the three babies squabble over the toy truck. I take the opportunity to slide my gift for Rob in place, and then straighten just as Mindy sashays over.

“We’re just one big happy fam, right?” my friend asks while squeezing my shoulder. Her gorgeous husband Jake looms behind her, Jenna and Jethro hoisted in each arm. The two older kids are almost four now, and chatter to one another.

“Yes,” I say emphatically. “How are Jenna and Jethro by the way?” I ask, nodding at the twins.

“Oh, you know,” Mindy says with a smile. “They’re good. Jenna is scheduled to see her dad next week, and I just want that to go okay.”

I nod seriously because Jenna’s father is actually Marshall Wilson, a boy Mindy used to date. She got pregnant by Marshall with Jenna, and then in a surprise coincidence, got pregnant by Jake with Jethro at the same time. It’s called superfecundation and sounds like something out of a mad scientist’s lab, but it really exists, and Mindy gave birth to twins. So actually, my little Emily has three nephews and one niece. I say the more the merrier, and I love Jenna, Jethro, Jamison, and Jeremiah with all my heart.

But now, I have to move this party along because I have a special surprise planned.

“Where’s your dad by the way?” I ask Mindy. She shrugs and says, “Not sure. Maybe he went inside to look for you?”

Of course he did. I glance at my daughter, and see that she’s still playing happily with Jamie and Jeremy.

“Cool. Could you watch Emmy a minute for me?”

Mindy grins.

“Yeah sure, girlfriend. No problem.”

With that, I slip back into the house that Rob and I share. My man wasn’t much of a decorator before, but after I announced our pregnancy, he invited me to move in and I re-did the place. Art prints put pops of color in otherwise monochromatic rooms, new curtains let the sunlight in, and photos of friends and family sit on almost every shelf. It’s a home filled with love, and absolutely delightful.

I step into the kitchen and sure enough, my man is there.

“Hey you,” he murmurs, his arms wrapping around my waist. “I must’ve just missed you.” He kisses the top of my head.

“Hey,” I say, leaning against him with a smile. “It’s almost time for cake.”

“I know, that’s why I went looking for you.”

I laugh and pull him closer. “Oh please, you just wanted a break from the attention.”

“Hmm, you’re right. Maybe I did.” He kisses me gently on the lips, but it soon grows ravenous. “Maybe I wanted a moment alone with just you, sweetheart.”

“Easy there, Robbie,” I giggle. “We don’t have time for the kind of fun you have in mind because my parents are right outside. You don’t want to give them an eyeful, do you?”

“I wouldn’t mind,” he says, a wicked gleam in his eye. “Besides, I’m pretty sure that Marcy and Peter are aware that we have sex. After all, we do have a child together.”

I laugh and swat his arm but it’s all in good fun because my parents accepted our relationship, no questions asked. I don’t know if it’s good or bad, to be honest. They were so pushy about me having a baby and the minute I announced I was pregnant, they were over the moon. Of course, there was some concern because Rob’s so much older than me, but at the same time, Marcy and Pete have been acquainted with Rob for years. My parents know he’s a good man, and were just happy to see me with someone secure, stable, and loving.

“Oh my god, you’re so bad,” I giggle. “But you know Marcy and Pete. My parents really want more grandchildren so maybe they’d want to see us doing the dirty on the kitchen counter.”

Rob’s eyes flare and he advances on me, a certain something growing hard in his pants. But I stop him once more with another smile.

“We have guests, big boy,” I coo. “We shouldn’t be doing this now. Come on,” I say, pulling him by his sweater back outside. The alpha male is grumpy, but he trails behind me.

Meanwhile, out on the deck, our friends have gathered. The cake has blue and white frosting, and in the center of it is a “Happy Birthday” topper. Jake has just finished lighting all forty-four candles and steps back to survey his work with satisfaction.

