Daddy Fox – MC Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 215
Estimated words: 217988 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1090(@200wpm)___ 872(@250wpm)___ 727(@300wpm)

Wait . . . what had he said? Den?

That wasn’t a very normal word to use.

“Would you like to come to my den with me? I have sweets and a large TV. I’ll even buy you some gaming equipment.”

“Do you realize how creepy that sounds?”

Things were getting really bizarre. And that was saying something.

“It does?”

“You’re trying to lure me into your house. It’s odd.”

“Did it work?”


“No?” The other man’s voice grew tight. Was he upset with his answer? But had he really expected him to say yes?

Who was this guy?

Be careful.

“No, thank you?” he said hesitantly. What could he say to put him in a less murderous mood?

“Very polite. I like that. Good boy.”

Good boy? What was happening here?

And why did being called that send a thrill through him? This guy wasn’t his Dom. He wasn’t anything to Brody. He’d broken into his house and threatened him.

Fuck. This could be it. The end of his short life.

That sucked.

“You know, I could hurt you. Only, my Bunny likes you. She sees you as a friend. I thought it was good for her to have a friend. And then you went and kissed her.”

Holy. Shit.

“Is Autumn your Bunny?” he asked.

“She is. I really should get rid of you permanently for kissing my girl.”


Brody swallowed heavily.

“But like I said, she likes you. And you appear to be good for her. She seems better with you around.”

The other man suddenly snatched his phone from his hand. Fuck! Why hadn’t he thought to call 911? His phone had been right there. “You didn’t even know you still had this in your hand, did you? No sense of self-preservation.” He started scrolling through the messages on his phone.

“Hey! That stuff is private.”

The other man just stared him down.

“Or you can feel free to look at it, I guess.” Yikes. This guy was scary as fuck.

And he kept going back to that word he’d used.


Could it be him? The Fox?

Was there an assassin in his kitchen?

Did Autumn have any idea that she’d attracted the interest of a crazy person?

“I thought I’d want to cut the dick and balls off any man who touched her and stuff them down their throat. But for some reason you’re different.”

“I am?”


“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?”

A small smile crossed the other man’s lips. “It best be a good thing. For you.” He leaned in close, his mouth a mere inch from Brody’s. He was all too aware of how much taller the other man was. He was broader, more intimidating, decidedly more dangerous.

Yet, a thrill of pleasure filled him. Along with a healthy dose of fear.

“Are you scared of me, Brody?”

“Think I’d be a fool not to be,” he managed to say.

“Good boy. Very smart of you. You’ll take care of my Bunny for me when I’m not around.”

“No,” he replied, before he fully thought it through.

The other man’s eyes grew glacial. “Excuse me?”

Brody faked a bravado he really didn’t feel. He straightened his shoulders. He didn’t know why he couldn’t just do the smart thing and agree with the other man. It would be so much smarter just to say whatever he wanted to hear, then when he was gone, he could call Ink and tell him everything.

“Why wouldn’t you want to look after her?

“I do want to look after her.”

The other man’s eyes flared. “Then why did you say you wouldn’t?”

“I won’t do it because you tell me to. I’ll do it because she’s amazing. She’s sweet, kind, and funny. Because she’s my girl.”

One beat of silence. Two.

Good Lord, he was going to throw up. Yep, he was about to vomit all over the intruder in his kitchen.

“This is like a bad joke,” he muttered.

“What is?”

“Me, standing up to you.”

A small smile graced the other man’s lips. “Is that what you’re doing, Pup? Standing up to me?”

“I . . . I think so.”

“Hmm, seems I underestimated you.” He ran his finger down Brody’s face. Why the heck did that feel so good? Brody licked his lips.

“I’ve never been attracted to a man. But you’re different. I did say I wanted two Littles.”

“I . . . I’m not a Little.”

“No?” The other man frowned. “I thought you were. This is new to me. Perhaps I got it wrong. Unless you’re lying. You wouldn’t be lying, would you?”

“No, I, uh . . . I, uh . . . I’m more of a Middle.”

“Ah, yes, a Middle. That’s right.”

Was this really the conversation they were going to have before this maniac killed or kidnapped him?

“I must admit, you intrigue me.”

Did that . . . what was he saying?

Was he saying that he was interested in him?

“I wonder what it would feel like to kiss you. Like you kissed my Bunny.”

“Shit. Please don’t cut my dick off.” He cupped himself protectively.

