Cyrus Read Online Jessica Gadziala (The Henchmen MC #9)

Categories Genre: Biker, Erotic, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Henchmen MC Series by Jessica Gadziala

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 79007 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 395(@200wpm)___ 316(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

It was new for me.

But I was enjoying the ride.

Even if the blue balls were getting genuinely painful.

She'd be worth the wait.

I heard a grumble and a thump that, I imagined, was her cell hitting the floor after she checked it, and tried to put it back while still half-asleep.

I dried off, moving out into the main room in the towel since I forgot to grab clothes, never having given too much thought to walking around naked in front of a woman before because, like I mentioned, it was usually post-fucking naked.

"Why didn't, oh," she stopped mid-sentence, eyes dropping toward my chest, stomach, lower.

I forced the smile to straighten out, not wanting her to think I caught her eye-fucking me - though I totally had. "Why didn't I what?" I asked, going for casual even though the way she sat up, pushing her wild hair back, and squinting at me with sleepy eyes was making it so that the towel would soon not be hiding anything.

"Wake me," she supplied after a minute as I moved to sit down on the edge of her bed with her.

I couldn't exactly tell her it was because I needed to jerk-off while she was still asleep, so I side-stepped it completely. "You're up now. There is breakfast downstairs. If we hustle, we can fit it in before Bookjam so a growling stomach doesn't get in the way of your nerd-out."

"Oh okay," she said, jumping up in just her short tee and panties, somehow wrestling out of her robe in sleep.

But, weirdly, as soon as she was on her feet, she actually jumped in a half-circle, her eyes huge.

"Alright. I can't just let that one go. What was that, bunny rabbit?" I asked, grinning.

"Nothing," she rushed to say, her word actually tumbling over mine she was in such a rush to say it.

"Ah, now we both know that's not true. Come on, give it to me."

"I don't have pants on."

My eyes went down, taking in her bare legs, trying not to look at the little swatch of pink fabric hiding her pussy. "I can see that." When my eyes moved up again, hers simply wouldn't meet my gaze, looking down at her feet, eyes half-closed. "Ree, what is it? You don't want me to see..." Her ass. That was the only explanation. She had no problem with me looking at her bare legs, or being eye-level with her pussy, but she jumped to make sure her backside was facing away from me. "Baby," I said, trying not to smile because I knew it was serious to her, even if it was ludicrous to me, "there's nothing wrong with your ass."

I kid you not.

She rolled her fucking eyes at me.

At that, I did have to smile a little.

"You haven't seen it," she insisted, raising her chin a little.

"I can check it out right now if you want," I offered, smirk toying with my lips. "I'm down to worship that ass," I added.

"Be serious."

"About you, Ree, I'm pretty fucking serious," I offered, reaching out to put my hands on her hips, pulling her until her legs hit my knees, unable to pull her any closer lest the towel open and completely expose me, which I was pretty sure was not needed in the moment. "I get that you might have your issues with it, but I can guaran-fucking-tee you that this ass," I said as my hands slid back and down to sink into it, making her body jump, but not pull away, "is fucking perfect. I know that's not where your mind is at, or will be anytime soon, but somehow, someday, someway, I am going to make you believe that too. Now go get your geek gear on so we can hustle."

She gave me a long, heavy look, then nodded, moving off to do so, still trying to mostly-hide her ass, but not being ridiculous about it.

As she hid herself away to dress, and I moved to find clothes for myself as well, I had to fight the urge to bring it up to her again. Insecurity was normal for all intents and purposes, but almost always completely irrational. Especially when it came to a woman's softness. You know, the thing men liked most about women. If we weren't turned on as all fuck by those, we'd probably be fucking dudes. That was kinda how it worked. Tits, ass, thighs, hips, those were the things we wanted to sink our fingers and teeth into. And yet they were the things women made themselves sick over. It made no fucking sense. And I didn't like the idea of Reese thinking any part of her was undesirable enough to actually fucking hide from me.

But you didn't help ease an insecurity by trying to rationalize it out of someone. My only course of action was to use my long game, slowly show her how much I liked her ass until she maybe started liking it as well.

