Curious Read Online R.G. Alexander (The Finn Factor #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Finn Factor Series by R.G. Alexander

Total pages in book: 54
Estimated words: 50817 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 254(@200wpm)___ 203(@250wpm)___ 169(@300wpm)

Owen was destroying Jeremy’s control with his passionate response. He pushed back against his fingers, begging, “Faster. I need it. Work those magic fucking fingers in my ass and make me come.”

“Greedy bastard.” Jeremy sank his fingers deeper, desperately wishing his cock was the reason the man was going wild in his arms. Wishing Owen was ready to take him.

Not yet.

Jeremy’s cock rocked against Owen’s side as he worked him, bringing him closer and closer to the edge. He watched his fingers disappearing inside him, heard Owen moaning with every thrust. A dark thread of satisfaction wrap around him, knowing he was the only man who’d brought Owen this much pleasure. The only man to see him like this, bent over and willing. Hungry.

“That’s right,” he muttered, his fingers thrusting harder. “Ride my hand. God, that’s hot. This ass is begging to be fucked. Are you going to come, Owen?”

“Yes! Yes…Fuck. God damn it that’s—” Owen shouted his name when he came in his hand. Jeremy could feel the muscle contractions crushing his fingers with the force of the orgasm and how hard Owen was shaking. He forced himself to slow down, and then to stop, even though it was the last thing he wanted.

He pulled away and rinsed himself off before taking Owen’s wilting body into his arms, his own arousal tamped down in his desire to care for him.

I’ve got you, baby. You came hard and so perfectly for me. I’ve got you.

Jeremy held the endearments in with his tongue pressed to the roof of his mouth and guided Owen out of the shower, reaching for a towel to dry him off as they walked into the bedroom.

He was too shaken for words. His reaction was too emotional, feelings bubbling up to the surface that were difficult to contain.

What were they doing?

Ruining sex with anyone else forever. Ruining a lifetime of friendship and the life I’ve built around it.

That was his greatest fear. Not just because he’d seen it happen a dozen times before—a hetero guy dipping his toe in the man pool, loving it, and then running off to thump his chest and pounce on the first woman or twelve he could find to reaffirm his masculinity.

Leaving Owen safely seated on the end of the bed, Jeremy spun on his heel and went to the bathroom, using the time it took to brush his teeth to clear his head.

Owen wasn’t reacting the way Jeremy would’ve expected at all. He was the aggressor, even when he was on the receiving end. He kept asking for more, as if he’d just discovered chocolate or porn. As if he couldn’t get enough.

He didn’t know, couldn’t know how long Jeremy had dreamed of this. His own reaction was what really scared him. What could endanger their friendship. He wanted Owen. Owen. And now that he’d had a glimpse of what it could be like…

How hard would it be to go back?

His mind raced as he returned to the bedroom, toweling himself off while he walked. He had to go back. What was one night compared to nearly two decades of loyalty? Compared to the Finn family and all they’d done for him? Owen didn’t have to know how deeply this was affecting him. How much more he was realizing he wanted.

Only tonight. No one would ever know.

In the bedroom, he found Owen on his feet, running his hands through his wet hair and looking around. He walked over to the dresser and opened the top drawer, pulling out a pair of suspenders. His smile was wicked.

“My turn.”

Chapter Four

“What in the hell do you think you’re going to do with those?” Jeremy demanded. He couldn’t tear his eyes away as the bastard slid the suspenders through his other hand, stretching them.

Owen shrugged. “You don’t wear ties and I didn’t come prepared, so these will have to do.”

“No, Owen, okay?” Jeremy held up a warning hand. “I already told you. Be happy that I shaved. That’s my limit for the kinky shit.”

“If you were anybody else, I might let you get away with that answer.” Owen’s long strides brought him in arms reach, but in his expression, Jeremy saw something that kept him still almost against his will.

“But it wasn’t anybody else I was just bent over for and begging to finger my ass. I don’t beg. But I did for you because I trust you. Are you really saying you won’t even consider giving me a chance to show you something I can do for you that you might enjoy? That you won’t trust me back?”

Jeremy eyed the suspenders again, silently conceding Owen’s point but still wary. “What exactly is it you think I’d enjoy?”

“My undivided attention,” Owen answered with a slow smile.

Jeremy shook his head. “You just came twice and you want another round?”

