Crusher – A Texas Beach Town Romance Read Online Daryl Banner

Categories Genre: M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 71044 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 355(@200wpm)___ 284(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

But he also looks happy. So does Skip, who appears to be laughing at some joke Dad just said. I was ready to confront my old man and send him packing, but something about the smiles on their faces stops me.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Skipper happy.

As in smile-caliber happy.

Laughing. Among friends. With his dad, whom he had sworn for years would come to his next birthday, but never did, and now here he is.

But is it really a sign of change for our dad? Or just another of his tricks?

I feel a vibration in my pocket, pulling me from the moment. I slip out my phone and give it a look.


A little to the left, stud.

I quirk an eyebrow, confused. Then I look up at the crowd, scanning the people around the fire. There are more people here than I realized, scattered along the coast. Is he here? Where the hell—?

My phone buzzes.


Your other left.

I turn the other way—and there he is, dolled up in a white button shirt, sleeves rolled up to the elbow, and light blue jeans, his dark hair slicing down his forehead in cute, moody spikes that run off to the side, like he went for a simple part, then fucked it up for fun. After seeing that he’s got my attention, he pockets his own phone and gives me a cute wave.

My heart leaps at the sight of him. Despite everything with my parents, despite all the waiting around today with no clue what’s going on, despite my unsettled emotions and confusion in my chest, I find myself smiling like a shy schoolboy staring at his crush, happy he’s here to save me. I return his wave.

He stuffs his hands in his pockets and slowly comes across the sand, head bowed. When he reaches me, he lifts his face to mine, and his warm brown eyes fucking glow in the nearby firelight, capturing me instantly. How can he go from torturing me in a photo booth last night to looking ten times more delicious tonight?

His smile breaks. “We’re, um … not alone.”

“What do you mean?”

From behind Quintin come three others I didn’t notice approaching—the newcomers to Dreamwood: two guys, one of them in grungy punk attire, the other in an X-Men shirt, and a buzzed-head girl in short shorts with a tank top. If I had to guess, this is Quin’s friend Vann whom he’s staying with, his gamer boyfriend who has already gotten quite a reputation at the arcade, and their mutual gal pal.

“Hey there,” I greet them. “You must be—”

“Vann,” says the punk one. “Toby, my boyfriend, and Kelsey, our friend from Spruce.”

Toby smiles. “Nice to meet you officially. I’ve heard about you through Skipper, but we’ve never actually met. Your brother Kent gave us free funnel cakes last week,” he adds for no reason at all, then chuckles. “They were really good. Like, really crazy good. Oh, and also I—”

“Babe, you’re rambling,” says Vann with a smirk, then faces me. “Skipper invited us.”

The girl just stares at me, deadpan, unmoving. Toby fidgets, clearly having had more fun stuff to share.

“Well … thanks for coming,” I decide to say. “I’m sure my little bro appreciates it.”

“We’re happy to be here,” says Vann rather dryly as he gives me a onceover, sizing me up—and likely thinking the worst about me. I’m not sure that’s a battle I’ll ever win, no matter how nice I am to them, nor what I say or do.

“Your little brother thinks he can beat all of my scores at the arcade,” says Toby, jumping back in, cheery as ever, “but I told him even the best gamers in Spruce couldn’t take me on. Skip’s optimistic and determined, I’ll give him that. But hey, if the tables were turned, I can’t ride a skateboard to save my life, so—”

“Toby, you’re rambling.” Now it’s Kelsey saying it. She sighs and looks at me. “Forgive my stupid friends. We are gonna go back to the bonfire while you enjoy your final minutes with Quin before Vann takes him back to campus. We’re going in about ten. Vann, stop glaring at him. Toby, no one cares about your games. C’mon.” She turns to go.

Toby sputters, discouraged, then gives me a tiny smile anyway and says, “Bye!” Vann gives me a look before turning and heading off with Toby and Kelsey, the three of them rejoining Skipper and the others by the fire.

That leaves me and a red-faced Quin alone. We stare at each other for a moment before I chuckle, breaking the tension. “Your friends think I’m about to ruin you.”

“It’s just Vann, all Vann. Toby thinks he should leave me alone about it. Kelsey doesn’t care one way or another, as long as I don’t take you back to their place to bang you. Her words, not mine.” He smiles at me. “It’s good to see you again.”

