Craving Her (Savage Brothers Second Generation #8) Read Online Jordan Marie

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Biker, Erotic, MC Tags Authors: Series: Savage Brothers Second Generation Series by Jordan Marie

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 83236 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 416(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 277(@300wpm)

He looks at me like I’m insane, and fuck, maybe I am. Then all at once he lets out this loud belly laugh. I guess I should be glad he at least finds me entertaining because there’s no way in hell he’s going to listen to what I tell him to do.

“You got it bad,” he mutters. “You sound like I used to be over my Benita.”

I instantly feel guilty. I do a lot of business for the club with the Cincy chapter. I’ve gotten to know all of them pretty well. Heavy lost Benita unexpectedly. He grieves for her every day. He’s a lucky S-O-B to have had that kind of love in his life.

“Yeah, I do,” I admit. “She’s too young for me.”

“Young is good. You can spend time showing them exactly what you like and helping her discover what she likes.”

I shake my head. “Skylar deserves better than me.”

“So, you’re saying you’re going to step aside and let some other asshole claim her?”

“Hell no,” I snap, making him laugh.

“Good. I was starting to worry you were going stupid on me, son.”

“You’re not that much older than me, Heavy. Drop the son crap.”

“Where is little Miss Skylar?” he asks, taking a swig of his beer and leaning back against his seat.

“Hiding somewhere with Trudy. Supposedly studying for her exam tomorrow,” I mutter.

“You have her running scared already?”

“I haven’t seen Skylar afraid of anything, and that’s the damn truth. Mostly, I think she just wants away from me.”

“I’ve changed my mind,” he grumbles.

“What do you mean?”

“You are stupid. That little girl is a bundle of fears. She’s dying for someone to see her outside of her family.”

“What do you mean?” I mutter, bringing my beer to my mouth, taking a swig.

“She’s lived her life in the shadows of her siblings and gets lost in the mix. I have nothing but respect for Bull, but as far as I can tell, he sometimes forgets he has Skylar. Do you know she told Trudy that her mother was the only one to come to her high school graduation a few years ago?”

“Skylar did kind of mention that to Breaker, I think. I’d just found out the woman I was looking forward to sinking my dick into was jailbait, so to be honest, I was having a hard time concentrating on anything,” I grumble.

That confession makes him laugh again. “I could see how that’d be a hard pill to swallow.”

“You have no idea. Then, I found out that she was Breaker’s kid sister on top of that. Felt like the damn world was crumbling around me.”

“I can understand that. I think what you need to understand is Skylar isn’t like other women.”

“Oh, trust me. I definitely understand that.”

“I bet you do. What I’m trying to say though, is Skylar is dying to spread her wings and live the kind of life where she can just be herself.”

“She doesn’t have that?” I ask.

“Hell no. The kid may make a damn good doctor, but I don’t think that’s what she wants out of life. She’s doing it purely because it’s going to make her mother proud. She wants to differentiate herself from the others. In her heart, she doesn’t think she could compete with any of the people who are supposed to love her unconditionally. Let’s face it, her family are some pretty big shoes to fill.”

“Why would Skylar feel she has to compete with them? That doesn’t make sense. Shit, she doesn’t even have anything to do with the club back home. This is the most I’ve ever seen her around a clubhouse,” I continue to argue.

“She’s always coming here. Why do you think that is, man?”

“Why don’t you tell me? It appears you’re the one that has all the answers.”

“I’m old. I pay attention. Skylar feels comfortable here. She has freedom that her parents and siblings don’t give her in Kentucky. They still see her as a kid. I suspect they will do so even after she has kids of her own.”

Images of Skylar’s stomach stretched with my baby flash through my mind and my pants begin to get really uncomfortable as my dick hardens and tries its best to stretch out.

“I’m assuming there’s a point to you telling me all this.”

“There is. I think instead of worrying about shit you can’t know the answers to just yet, prove to her you’re worthy because you see her when everyone else in her life refuses to. I think if you can manage to do that, you’ll find that woman will open her heart to you in ways you could never imagine,” he murmurs. Without warning, he kicks his chair back as he stands, slaps his hand down on my back, gives me a grin, and walks away.

I watch him go, thinking over everything he said. I never thought my Peaches would be someone I could have in my life. Now, I’m starting to have hope. I’m already addicted to her—and I’m not talking just sexually. When I’m near her, I feel more alive. Everything around me fades and my day is instantly energized. There’s a happiness I’ve never felt in my life.

