Crash Into You Read Online Nichole Rose

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Contemporary, Insta-Love, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 104
Estimated words: 95676 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 478(@200wpm)___ 383(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

His lips meet mine, butterfly wings against flower petals, before becoming more forceful. I open to him, allowing him to sweep his tongue inside and kiss rationality away. It dissolves like snow in heat, melting into a puddle before evaporating in a cloud of steam.

When he breaks away this time, I'm not the only one shaking. A faint tremble in his hands tells me that he feels as much as I do. That he wants as much as I do. And I feel him everywhere, like a breeze moving through me, touching each part of me and awakening desire I've only ever felt for him. No one else can take me where I need to go. No one but him. I'm certain of it.

He strips me silently, his gaze roving across each inch of skin he unveils. Before I'm even bare beneath him, my mind is drugged with pleasure, intoxicated. He's driven me there with each stroke of his fingers across my cheek, with feather-light kisses across my collarbone, and with firmer strokes of his palm against my sides, stomach, and thighs.

As he sheds his clothing, I touch him, too. Neither of us speaks as I explore, my fingers sliding over the tattoos on his arms and the firm ridges of his abdomen. He keeps his eyes locked on my face as I reacquaint myself with his body, but I don't meet his gaze again.

I feel…insubstantial. As if a firm wind might shred me like paper. A ripple starts in my chest, spreading outward. I want to tell him how beautiful he is to me and how much he means to me, but the words are stuck in my throat, refusing to form for fear they might undo me entirely.

He spreads me out on the bed gently, carefully, as if afraid he might hurt me. His gentleness is so at odds with how rough he was a few moments ago. It fractures a little piece of me. It's been so long since anyone has taken care of me. Too long.

"Cam." I whisper his name because I want to, because I have to…because I love the way it feels on my lips.

He kneels beside me, seeking out all those sensitive places on my body he's already memorized―the back of my neck, the hollow of my throat, the soft curve of my waist, and the backs of my knees. Each touch sends another shiver through me.

"Do you feel that?" he asks, trailing his fingertips down my arm. He wraps his fingers around my wrist, drawing my hand up to his chest, and then he presses my palm against him, over his pounding heart. His gaze finds me, two fixed, gray points drawing me in. "Right here?"

My heart thumps painfully, the rhythm matching his.

"I―" I shake my head, at a loss for words as hope swells in my chest, overwhelming me.

Does he feel it? How much he already means to me?

He dips his head, capturing my nipple in his mouth. I cry out as he wraps his teeth around it before moving on to the other. He laves the flat of his tongue across that one, pulling another soft cry from my lips.

"Feel it now?" he asks, lifting his head.

I shake my head again, tears blurring my vision. He doesn't know what he's asking me. What I want from him.

I'm in love with you.

Please don't break my heart.

He dips his head again, kissing a trail down my stomach and across my hips. His free hand seeks mine as he swirls his tongue around my belly button. I curl my fingers around his, squeezing his hand as his warm breath teases between my legs. He goes no lower though, simply laving his tongue across my stomach before he glances up again.

"Feel it now?"

"Don’t…" I turn my face away, swallowing hard. He's going to break me. I know he is. "Please don't."

He falls still as soon as the plea leaves my lips. "Look at me, baby girl."

I shake my head. "I can't."

"You can. All you have to do is open those gorgeous blue eyes."

He reaches for me again, touching, caressing, trying to soothe me, I think. Instead, he claims another little piece of me.

I expected rough, wild Cam. Gentle, loving Cam is wrecking me. When he touches me like this, he's touching every part of me, undoing me. He's making love to me, and there's no way I'm going to survive it. He's already shattered whatever defenses I had.

His head lands against my stomach. Another soft, unintelligible sound comes from his lips.

"Talk to me," he says softly. It isn’t quite a plea, but the words sound thin. Pained almost.

"I don't think I can," I whisper, cracking my eyes open.

He presses his lips against the subtle swell of my stomach, brushing back and forth. His gray eyes meet mine, full of some emotion I can't name. "Then don’t think, just feel. Can you do that for me?"

