Courage Runs Deep – Tungsten Protective Services Read Online Aliyah Burke

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 45135 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 226(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 150(@300wpm)

“Neha,” he pouted.

“You weren’t that cute as a child and it’s less than adorable now coming from what is supposed to be a grown ass man. Leave Hank before I have them remove you.”

She closed the door on his cussing.

Some brother. All he ever wanted was a place to stay and access to her money. With another yawn, she scurried back to her bed, cursed at him for allowing her warm cocoon to cool but tugged the blankets up over her head and succumbed to the sleep she desperately needed.

The following day she stayed in bed, sleeping, reading, and just being away from the submarine. At some point, she knew she had to call her parents but wasn’t ready for that drama yet either because they would want her to help Hank.

Her friends had checked in on her and she would meet with them later. They knew she liked to rest when she got back. So long as they knew she was okay, they would let her be. Most of the time.

Making her way back to the base, she went to the gun range. She actually found the act of shooting relaxing. She wasn’t an expert marksman by any means, but she could shoot. Pretty much anything.

Taking the spot furthest down on the range, she walked toward it, not paying attention to the group huddled around and listening to instruction. That wasn’t her business.

“Take your positions.”

Whoa now!

She almost stumbled over her feet at the power in that voice. Deep. Commanding. Made for the bedroom.

Who knew the Range Master here sounded so yummy. Refusing to look over her shoulder at him, she kept on her way, determined to create her own version and use it tonight. Tall dark and handsome. The last one here she’d met was a wiry gunny. Just not her type.

With her luck, neither was this one.

Exactly why I am not looking and allowing reality to ruin my imagination. She set up, sighted down her target and fired off her clip.

When the weapons down cry came, she complied instantly and pulled her protection out of her ears. She watched him, striding into view pausing by each target and giving a score.

He glanced at her and made his way down to her target. His mirrored shades and attire had her sweating in her shoes. There was something about him.

Had to be the voice. Right?

She didn’t know him, hadn’t fucked him but damn if her body wasn’t reacting as if they were on an intimate level of knowledge with one another. He stood by her target for a moment, his gaze flashing between her and it. At least she assumed so, given his shades she couldn’t be positive.

Fuck, did I do something wrong? Unease slithered up her spine when he spoke into a radio he’d pulled from his waist before executing a spin and marching up toward her. The closer he came, the more difficult it was for her to breathe.

She didn’t move, didn’t reach for her cleared weapon, just stood there. Waiting. For this other proverbial shoe to drop.


“Lieutenant Neha Kirk, sir.”

This she could handle. Had it through OCS and training for the sub. Intimidation tactics and seeing if could hold her own. Her rank was on the collar of her coat, but her nameplate was covered up.

“You fired your entire clip?”

“Yes sir.”

“Who taught you to shoot?”

She almost looked at him. Almost. It wasn’t fair, that voice which was going to bring to orgasm tonight, questioning her about who taught her to shoot.

“My father sir.” The one decent thing that asshole had done for her.

He grunted. Even that was sexy sounding.

“Nice job. Close grouping. You could teach that class a thing or two.”

She hadn’t been expecting that at all and turned to look at him, hoping her mouth wasn’t gaping like a fish searching for air.


The man was chiseled everywhere. Square jaw, no facial hair. Arms were impressive in his uniform and damn if that distinction didn’t continue down his legs. She just took a quick peek. Okay, a few quick ones.

“Thank you, sir.” She wanted to see his eyes.

It wasn’t to be. He gave her a brief nod and strode off, allowing her to follow him with her gaze and drink her fill of his ass in that camouflage.

Stop it, she yelled at herself. She wasn’t touching anything here on base. Even if that man had been interested. He was still to close to where she worked. After every sacrifice she’d gone through to get here, she wasn’t jeopardizing that for anyone. Not even a hot ass man who looked like he knew his way around a bedroom and a woman.

At least that’s what her overactive mind was thinking.

She did two more targets and left. As she was walking back to her car, she picked up her phone to call her parents. Somedays she wished she could be the child they were proud of instead of them telling her she needed to help her brother.

