Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

Something hard smacks my arm. “Ow.” I turn and glare at the offender—Rooster. “Why is everyone so violent this morning?”

“Are you going to be at Margot’s this week?”

“Probably. Why?”

“Want to meet up at Zips one of the days?”

“Maybe. I’m supposed to ride out and visit Jezzie.”

He raises his eyebrows. “Yeah? Everything okay with her?”

I shrug. “Just some brother-sister bonding.”

Rooster stares at me for a few seconds. “That’s good. That’ll be good for both of you.”

Uncomfortable talking about this here, I just nod.

Shelby and Margot return, putting an end to the discussion.

Margot rests her hand on my shoulder and leans so close her warmth washes over my cheek. Her lips brush my ear, sending a shiver of contentment over my skin.

“Here you go.” She sets a small plate of chocolate chip cookies in front of me. The chocolate chips are still shiny and look warm and gooey.

I pull Margot into my lap, curling my arm around her waist. “Thank you.”

The chatter around us cuts out. I pick up my head. Everyone’s staring at us.

“What?” I snap.

“Bro, are you actually smiling?” Hustler asks like he’s ready to call an ambulance and have me transported to the closest emergency room.

“Yeah…” Butcher elbows Hustler and frowns at me. “It’s not that scary serial killer smile he usually wears,” he murmurs just loud enough for everyone to hear.

“Oh my God, are you happy?” Hustler yells.

I level a bored, dead-eyed stare at Butcher, then Hustler. “You blow more hot air than two hamsters farting in a wool sock, you know that?”

The whole table erupts into laughter. Some of the guys return to poking fun at Birch for the willy story.

I still can’t believe he willingly shared that with everyone. They’ll never stop bringing it up. You couldn’t have water-boarded that story out of me.

“How does it feel to be one of the castrated brethren now, brother?” Dex asks with a shit-eating smirk.

Fuuuck, I should’ve known Karma would come to collect for all the times I’ve thrown that joke around.

I lift my coffee mug and return the smug expression. “Warm and delicious, thanks.”

Dex throws his head back, laughing like a big brother proud to witness his little bro choke down a big slice of humble pie. Dickhead.

Shaking her head, Margot slides out of my lap and into her chair.

“I’m going to refill my coffee.” I pick up my cup, then hover my hand over hers. “You want?”


I stand, then lean over to whisper in her ear, “Don’t eat my cookies while I’m gone.”

“Or… you could bring more back with you.” Staring at me with a dead-serious expression, she slowly reaches for the plate, grabs a cookie, and takes a big, obnoxiously sexy bite.

Fucking hell.

“I’m going to do very dirty things to you later,” I promise.

She licks a crumb from her lip, as if daring me to make good on that threat.

My little lady death will be the death of me yet. “I have better uses for that tongue.”

She licks her lips again. “Can’t wait to hear them.”

I shake my head and turn toward the coffee station, weaving between a few people on my way. The long folding table is stocked with white mugs, a few carafes, and cartons of creamer. I set my cup down and pick up a carafe.

Shelby slides in beside me, nudging me with her hip.

“I thought I’d never get ya alone,” she teases.

I arch a brow, keeping one eye on the cup so I don’t end up spilling coffee everywhere. “Oh yeah?”

She grabs a mug and a paper napkin. “I like Margot. A lot.”

A warm grin spreads over my face. Not that I need Shelby’s approval—but I still like hearing it. “Yeah?”

“Oh, yeah. And she sure seems sweet on you.” She squeezes my arm.

“You think so?”

“I can tell.” She rests her hand over her heart. “No tarot cards necessary.” A devilish grin lights up her face. “And even if my intuition was on the fritz—that knife she pulled on Dee-Dee was a dead giveaway.”

I can’t hide my smirk. I’m not even one bit upset Margot did that. “Our energies match, right?”

“I’d say so.” The smile melts off her face. “I like that for you, Jiggy. You should be with a woman who wants to fight for you. Who’s proud to be with you and only you.”

I can’t tell if this is secret code for she’s glad I’m no longer interested in her mom, or if she never approved of me hanging around with muffler bunnies. I like what she’s saying too much to ask for clarification. “I really, really like her, Shelby.”

“I can tell.” She cocks her head, her serious eyes drilling into me. “I like her too, Jiggy.” She steps closer and lowers her voice. “So, I wanna be straight with you, bestie.”

“About what, songbird?” Amusement colors my voice. I love when Shelby’s serious about something.

