Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

Loco: Business associate of the Lost Kings MC. He covers the Ironworks area of the Lost Kings MC’s territory. He has appeared throughout the series and become a strong LOKI ally.

Eraser: Owns Zips, a racetrack near the Lost Kings MC territory. Married to Ella. We first met him in Renegade Path, and again in White Lies.

Lynn Morgan: Shelby’s mother. May or may not have hooked up with Jigsaw or Steer at some point.

Russell “Chaser” Adams: President of the Devil Demons MC in Western NY. (The Hollywood Demons series contains his story.)

Mallory “Little Dove” DeLova-Adams: Chaser’s wife. Daughter of mafia boss Anatoly DeLova.

Angelina Adams: Mallory and Chaser’s daughter

Linden “Stump” Adams: Chaser’s father. Former president of the Devil Demons MC.

Sullivan Wallace: Jake’s brother, and the owner of Strike Back Fitness. He’s a significant character in Bullets and Bonfires and has his own book, Warnings and Wildfires.

Jake Wallace: One of Wrath’s business partners in Furious Fitness. Jake has appeared off and on throughout the series since Tattered on my Sleeve. He sometimes holds self-defense classes for the ladies.

The mysterious “Quill” who we met in Diamond in the Dust and again in Crown of Ghosts. He is Chaser’s newly discovered half-brother.

Anatoly DeLova: Mallory’s father. Leader of the Russian mafia. Sometime business associate of the Lost Kings MC.

Stella: Pornographic film actress. The downstate charter is the sole investor in her production company. Ex-girlfriend of Z. Current…something of Sway. Her Sex in Every City series sometimes requires members of LOKI to work as bouncers on her film sets.

Inga March: Porn star, and former dancer at Crystal Ball. Sued the whole club for paternity of her son in After Burn (Lost Kings MC #10) Has not been seen since then.

Tawny: Sway’s ol’ lady. The former “Queen B” of the downstate charter of the Lost Kings MC.

Anya Regal: Porn princess of the Lost Kings MC, Virginia charter.

Shonda: Club girl from the Lost Kings, MC Virginia charter.

Lala: Club girl from Downstate NY.

Bonnie: Club girl from the Downstate club.


Devil Demons MC: Based in Western NY. Long-time friend of the Lost Kings MC. Their clubs are intertwined and share a lot of history. More of this is explored in the Hollywood Demons series.

Wolf Knights MC: Mostly an ally of the Lost Kings. They used to run Slater County but said they were dissolving their charter in White Lies and turning it over to the Lost Kings. As of Reckless Truths, Slater County is officially Lost Kings MC territory.

Iron Bulls MC: (From the Iron Bulls MC series by Phoenyx Slaughter): Southwestern outlaw club. Meets up and does business with LOKI once in a while.

Savage Dragons MC: (From the Iron Bulls MC series by Phoenyx Slaughter): Texas outlaw club.


Vipers MC: Used to run Ironworks until the Lost Kings took over that territory. Still active in other parts of the country.

South of Satan MC: Vermont MC who has stirred up trouble for LOKI in the past. Last disposed of in Reckless Truths.


LOKI: Short for LOst KIngs. Only to be used by members of the Lost Kings MC.

War room: Where the Lost Kings hold “church.”

Property patch: When a member takes a woman as his old lady (wife status), he gives her a vest with a property patch. In my series, the vest has a “Property of Lost Kings MC” patch and the member’s road name on the back. The officers also place their patches on the ol’ lady’s vest as a sign that they always have her back. Her man’s patch or club symbol is placed over the heart. Rock’s patch is a crown. Wrath’s is a star. Murphy’s is a four-leaf clover. Teller’s is a dollar sign. Z’s is the letter Z. Rooster’s patch is a rooster wearing a crown. As a joke, Wrath gave Rock and Hope a “product of” patch for baby Grace.


I use a mix of real and imaginary names to describe the places in my series. Again, I bend and shape geography to my needs as this is a fictional world that I have created.

Empire, NY: The territory run by the Lost Kings MC upstate charter. This is a fictional version of Albany, NY, the capital of New York State. Many of the Lost Kings MC’s businesses are located in and around Empire.

Slater, NY: Loosely based on Schenectady County. Until recently it was the Wolf Knights MC’s territory.

Ironworks, NY: Loosely based on Rensselaer County (Troy, NY). At the beginning of the series, it was run by the Vipers MC. It is now considered territory of the Lost Kings MC.

Union, NY: A fictional area two hours south of Empire, NY, where the “downstate” charter is located.

Crystal Ball: The strip club owned by the Lost Kings MC and one of their legitimate businesses. They often refer to it simply as “CB.” Located in Empire County.

