Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

I swat his arm. “Not the time.”

The amusement slides from his expression, leaving something darker.

“How awful.” I swallow hard. “I thought he just had a vicious mouth. But…to kill your own grandmother?” I tip my head up and stare into Jigsaw’s eyes. “She was a nice woman. I only met her a few times, but she was very kind to me. How could anyone…how could he hurt her?”

Jigsaw stares at the ceiling. “Uh, because he’s a greedy fuck? Money makes some people do evil things.”

“I know. Believe me.” I wave my hand in the air. “I’ve seen enough fights break out over money or family heirlooms. But this? And then two more women? Friends of his grandmother, I suppose.”

Jigsaw presses his palms together like he’s praying to the Lord above. “Can I kill him now? Please?”

He’s so utterly sincere, I can’t help laughing. “No! You still want to do it for the wrong reasons.”

“Nope.” He leans forward, all serious expression and convincing eyes. “That’s an added bonus. Killing defenseless old ladies is fucking low. It’s not like they were suffering and he was trying to help ease their misery. He wanted to hurry them off the planet to steal their money. That’s absolutely death-worthy.”

He’s not wrong.

I sigh, rubbing my forehead. “Honestly, I’d rather see him arrested and disgraced first.”


“Before he dies. Remember, my criteria includes a failure of the justice system as well.”

He growls, low and frustrated. “All right. But if he gets acquitted or too light a sentence, it’s game fucking on for that motherfucker.”

I don’t argue, but the dark satisfaction that flickers in my chest is enough to tell me I won’t try to stop him.

I might even join him.


The bombshell about Margot’s ex lingers like a bad snowstorm. I definitely thought he was an asshole. But a killer—no. A piece of shit who murders old women deserves to die. Never mind that I already hated the guy. I’d feel the same way even if he hadn’t been so cruel to my woman.

Margot still seems so rattled.

“Come on. You need to eat something,” I pat her knee and stand, holding my hand out to her.

“I need to change.” She stares down at her all-black outfit. “I feel gross.”

“Go ahead. I’m going to order a pizza.”

“Ohhh,” she moans and closes her eyes. “That sounds perfect right now.”

“Good. Meet you in the kitchen.”

“Deal.” She leans up and kisses my cheek. “Thank you.”

I pull out my phone and place the same order I did last time. Then we’ll have leftovers for tomorrow.

Gretel scurries into the living room and hops up on Margot’s lounge chair. “Mroar.”

“You gonna eat some pizza with us, G-kitty?”

She plops her paws on my leg and stretches.

“Come here.” I pick her up and she rubs her head against my chest.

Margot finally wanders out in red plaid flannel pants and an oversized red sweatshirt with a black cat face on the front. It kind of reminds me of one of the patches our Virginia charter hands out. I open my mouth to say that, then stop. The pussy patch has a bit of an unsavory backstory. Although now that I’m with Margot, I kinda want to call Ice and see if his club’s doing the pussy patch challenge again.

“You look good in that.” I pull her into my arms, and she rests her check against my chest.

“You say that with everything I wear.”

I shrug. “Then it must be true.”

She laughs softly.

My phone vibrates and I pull it out. “Food’s here.”

“That was fast tonight.”

“I’ll be right back.”

After we eat, Margot leans back and stretches her arms overhead, letting out a contented sigh. The weight of the afternoon still seems to cling to her but at least she has more color in her cheeks.

I reach over and settle my hand on her thigh. “Feel better?”


“Should we⁠—”

“I don’t want to talk about it anymore tonight. Tomorrow morning, I’ll need to tell my dad. And I still have so much work to do for Whisper’s funeral.” She slides off her stool and moves closer, pressing her body against my side. “I’d like to do something else tonight,” she finishes in a low rasp.

Her voice. Her eyes that lower as she sweeps her gaze over me.

Whatever she has in mind, I’m in.

I finish my seltzer in one swallow and set the glass on the bar. “What’d you have in mind?”

“Well.” She curls her hand around mine and tugs. “Remember the first time you came over?”

She pulls me toward her lounge chair, a playful smile dancing over her lips. “For my first lesson.”

“Fuck yes. How could I forget?”

“Well, I think about it a lot.” She stops at the foot of the chair.

“As do I.” I curl my arm around her waist and yank her against me. “Loved every second with you. Already knew a few lessons weren’t going to be enough.”

