Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

“Do you remember when I told you the funeral business was kind of conservative?”

A furrow forms between Jigsaw’s brows. “Yeah.”

My voice sharpens with frosty precision. “Please don’t walk up and stake your claim on me in front of a client like that again.”

He clenches his jaw and stares at me as if he’s debating my seriousness. Annoyed—at him and myself—I turn and head up the sidewalk. I hate conflict. I see enough of it at work.

“Hey.” Jigsaw’s hand closes around my shoulder, halting my escape. Before I can shake him off, he moves in front of me, cutting off my path.

I glare at the hand still resting on my shoulder and he backs up a step, lifting both in the air. “If I hadn’t known who he was, I wouldn’t have done that. I would’ve assumed it was a client and waited until you were finished.”

A bit of my fighting flame dims, and I relax my shoulders.

One corner of his mouth turns up, but I don’t think he’s amused. More like he’s trying to mask his own annoyance. “You also need to understand, in my world a biker standing that close to someone’s ol’ lady is asking for trouble.”

My temper shoots from mild annoyance to outrage. “Well we’re in my world and he’s a client of my family’s business.”

He sweeps one hand through the air between us as if he’s the oh-so-reasonable one here. “Did you see me punch his teeth down his throat?”

“Oh, be serious! He’s old enough to be my grandfather.”

“I’m dead serious.” He slides his gaze over me. “You’re a beautiful young woman.”

Ignoring that I press my hands to my hips and glare at him. “I’ve stood closer to some of your brothers, and you didn’t punch any of them.”

He taps the shoulder of his black leather vest. “Key words: my brothers. We share a patch.”

I’m still waiting for his playful grin to break loose, signaling that he’s joking. “Are you an actual caveman?”

The corners of his mouth twitch. “Descended from cavemen.”

Do not laugh. Don’t encourage him. I huff and push past his tall, hulking frame, hurrying to the porch steps.

“Get back here.”

“No,” I toss over my shoulder.

As my foot hits the second step, two strong arms wrap around my waist and yank me backward.

“Put me down!” I shriek.

“Not a chance, lady death,” he breathes against my ear as he turns us in a circle. “You know how much I love chasing you.”

Liquid heat shoots through my body.

“My father’s right inside,” I hiss.

“Good.” He lowers me until my feet land on the sidewalk and turns me to face him. “He should know how crazy I am about his daughter.”

A charming, lopsided grin sneaks over his face.

It’s impossible to be annoyed but I can’t give in this easily. “Crazy being the operative word.”

He shrugs. “I’ll own it.” He leans down. “Don’t forget, I know where Ulfric’s club has dropped a few bodies. I’m just worried about you,” he says against my ear.

I slide my gaze to his and find all humor gone. He’s dead serious. I guess I shouldn’t be shocked. Maybe the two motorcycle clubs used to go on murder sprees together instead of cruising New York’s finest scenic highways.

“Fine.” I curl my finger, inviting him to lean down again so I can whisper against his ear. “But don’t forget, I know how to drop bodies too.”



My feisty lady death.

Fuck, I love her.

She has no idea how much I wanted to punch Ulfric the second I saw him standing too close.

Not based on anything logical.

He wasn’t leering at her. Wasn’t crowding her space in a way that set off alarms.

Didn’t matter.

Something primal and stupid in me still wanted to knock him back a step. Thankfully, I didn’t since that would’ve been the exact opposite of what Wrath asked me to come out here and do. Offer support. And try to find out exactly how many Wolf Knights will be coming into town.

Ulfric was too smart to fall for that when I offered the clubhouse for his guests. At least I tried.

“Why are you really mad?” I ask Margot. It can’t just be because I walked up and kissed her cheek.

“I’m not mad.” She huffs and brushes a stray curl out of her eyes. “I just…he mentioned your club and I felt awkward not saying that I…that we…I don’t know. It felt like a weird conflict of interest.”

“You embarrassed to be with me?”

“No!” she shouts, then sends a sneaky glance around as if someone might be watching. “Whisper’s daughter has…strong opinions about her father’s club. Ulfric was just trying to reassure me there wouldn’t be any issues. I felt weird not saying, ‘yeah, I know, my boyfriend is a member.’ That’s all.”

I’ve never had a “professional” job like hers, but I think I understand what she’s saying. “You realize it was going to come up eventually, though, right? Better now than at the service.”

