Collect the Pieces – Lost Kings MC Read Online Autumn Jones Lake

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 121578 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 608(@200wpm)___ 486(@250wpm)___ 405(@300wpm)

“Dad,” I say with tired patience. “How many times do we hear that? We both know after eighty, it’s a gamble whether you wake up every day or not.”

His lips purse in disapproval. “You’re awfully cynical.”

I reach for the file on his desk and flip through the documentation, studying the death report. In the corner of the folder a scribbled note in my father’s handwriting reads—D, ref.

“She didn’t have a lot of family. Her niece says most of the estate is going to charity. Is this doctor upset he’s not in the will or something?”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

Well, this doctor just made my week a whole lot more difficult.

“I’ll call Colleen and let her know we may need to pick a different date.”

“Just say there’s a backlog at the medical examiner’s office. Don’t mention anything about the doctor raising suspicions.”

“Of course.” I’m not stupid, Dad.

I glance at the address in the file one more time. The street name sounds familiar. But I can’t place it.

“All right,” I murmur, pushing my annoyance at the delay aside. “While I’m waiting, I’ll help Paul with the Allen case.”

“That would be good.” He flips open the planner on his desk. “I have a consultation at nine tomorrow I’d like you to sit in on.”

I hesitate. “Okay. Any particular reason?”

He closes his calendar with a decisive thud. “No, you’ll understand once you meet them.”


The problem with our upstate and downstate charters being so intertwined these days? Being called for church twice in one week. Not that it didn’t happen before, but it seems to be the norm instead of the exception lately.

Rooster and I ride up together. I’ve missed this. We’ve ridden together for so long that we automatically move in sync. Weaving through traffic, a slight dip of his shoulder and I know to anticipate a lane change. We learned how to ride together. Friends of his uncle taught us, then brought us into the club out in Washington. Years of club runs, high-speed chases, back roads cruising, highway miles—we’ve done it all.

We arrive at Upstate early and back our bikes in close to the clubhouse.

“Surprised we’re not meeting at the new clubhouse in Empire,” I say to Rooster. “It would cut, what—thirty minutes off for the guys coming from Union.”

“I’ll let you suggest that to Rock.” He sets his helmet on the seat, then tips his head back, staring at the cold, gray sky. “I’d rather be here, honestly. It’s crowded and noisy down there.” He side-eyes me. “What’s wrong, you longing to hit up Crystal Ball after church?”

“Fuck no. I helped Dex out the other night and remembered all the reasons I’m not interested anymore.”

He rumbles with laughter, shaking his head as he circles around the bikes to meet me.

The skitter of a stone over pavement is the only warning I get before a thick, inked arm snakes around my throat and yanks me back into a viselike grip.

“What the—ack! Fuck,” I choke out.

Rooster—asshole that he is—busts up laughing.

“Look who it is bright and early, my two favorite fucknuggets,” Wrath says against my ear.

“Not…feeling…the…love, brother,” I gasp.

“You should be able to get out of this move easily,” he taunts. “I thought you were a master cage fighter?”

“He meant masturbator,” Rooster adds, grinning like a dick.

I roll my eyes, or at least I try to, seeing as Wrath’s forearm is steadily cutting off my oxygen.

“I don’t want to hurt you, bro,” I manage.

Wrath shakes with laughter, his chest rumbling against my back, his hold shifting just enough to cut my air further.

He asked for it.

I plant my feet and immediately go for his wrist, gripping it hard. Instead of fighting against his strength, I drop my weight while twisting my torso sideways, pulling his arm forward as I duck under it.

It’s not the cleanest or the prettiest escape, but I break free, gasping for air as I put some distance between us.

“Not bad.” Wrath shakes out his wrist, rolling his shoulders like he’s evaluating my technique. “Figured you’d go for the knee sweep.”

That would have been better. Damn, I’m getting rusty. “Told you I didn’t want to hurt you, old man.”

He wags a finger in my face. “Old man who just almost put you to sleep in the driveway.”

Rooster snorts. “This how you’re planning to greet us for church now?”

“Just trying to teach you situational awareness.” He reaches out and slaps Rooster’s cheek a few times. “Always be prepared.”

I pat the hunting knife strapped to my belt. “Bro, you came at me on the street like that, I’m not using an evasive maneuver, I’m straight-up stabbing you.”

Wrath’s eyes glint with amusement. “Duly noted.”

Great, he took that as a challenge.

A rustling in the trees grabs our attention, and Z, Rock, and Murphy emerge from the woods, making their way toward us.

“Aw, what’s wrong, big boy?” I ask Wrath in a high-pitched baby voice. “You weren’t invited to the presidential summit?”

