Cole Read Online Book by Tijan Free Complete Novels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Crime, Dark, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 100604 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 503(@200wpm)___ 402(@250wpm)___ 335(@300wpm)

I wanted to ask when she went crazy, but it took too much effort to talk.

“They found you on the security feeds. I guess your bitch of a mother-in-law had good timing because the second you were whisked out, one of your boyfriend’s security guards rounded the corner. It was eerie how close it was. In one of the frames, the back of your dress was just disappearing around the corner when he came in.”

Sia shivered, shaking her head. “But yeah, that’s when I went nuts. I got so mad. It welled up in me, and I let loose. I was breathing fire. I think it was because I was right there. I was in the frame the whole time. I could see myself as I watched Carol stick you with that needle, and then a guy swooped in behind her. Well, he’d been there the whole time, but as soon as she got you with the needle, he turned around and caught you. No one else noticed anything happening. You were there; then you were gone. And after seeing that, I raged out. I yelled. I threatened everyone—your boyfriend, too. I was ranting about Carol. Thank God, most of the room was emptied by then. My business rep won’t be the same, but who knows. Maybe no one will mess with me again.”

She didn’t believe what she said. I could see it in her eyes, but I just squeezed her hand back.

“Anyway, Jake gave me a sedative. He wanted to call the cops, but Cole said absolutely not, and that was it. Cole and his team left, and we didn’t hear anything about you until this morning when Carter Reed rang Jake’s elevator. Jake was trying to keep it together, but I could tell he was geeking out like he did after the first event. Carter Fucking Reed was in my living room—that’s what he kept saying once he left.”

Sensing another ramble, I whispered, “What did he say?”

“Not much, to be honest. He said you were upstairs at Cole’s place, and he wouldn’t leave your side, but he needed to. Carter asked if I’d sit with you. He said that was the only way Cole would ‘take care of business.’ I don’t know what that means, and I didn’t ask, but here I am. Jake asked to come up, too, but Carter said no. And I don’t have a phone. They wouldn’t let me bring one up here. If I need to call out, there’s a landline I can use.” She glanced over her shoulder. “There are two big guys out there, and I’m sure a whole bunch more are stashed away somewhere. Your boyfriend might look like he goes around on his own, but he doesn’t. I’ve seen, like, thirty guys come in and out of this building this morning.”

“How long?”

It felt like a rock was stuck in the middle of my throat, and I had to talk around it. When I did, the edges scraped against me, drawing blood. It fucking hurt.

“It’s a little after seven o’clock now. I’ve been with you since about nine this morning. I heard some of the guys talking. They brought you in early this morning sometime. Then Cole made everyone wait or something.” She beamed at me, forcing a cheerful note into her words. “But I’m sure he’ll be back soon, and you can snuggle up to your big bad boyfriend. By the way, I totally approve after seeing him in action Friday night. If he doesn’t say it, I’m telling you: That man is in love with you.”

I mustered up some strength. I had to know. “Where?”

Sia shook her head, her mouth curving down in sympathy. “I don’t know where he is, but whatever he’s doing, I’m sure it’s for you. He’ll be back. He didn’t want to leave you. Even when I got here, he didn’t want to go. It took almost everyone convincing him that you’d be fine. Carter Reed was telling him to go, all the guys, or most the guys—and side note, they’re mafia guys, so I thought there’d be this whole ‘I take orders, but don’t say anything else’ kind of thing.” She shook her head. “Not the case. Your boyfriend’s their leader—I got that—but the guys were talking like they were a team or something. It was kind of cool. They all love him. I could tell. But anyway, even Dorian came up and reassured Cole that the entire building was locked down. Guards are everywhere. All the doors are under surveillance…” She trailed off.

It had been him.


It was him—the memory exploded in my head.

The hallway door opened, and the light lit up the room. One brief second…and I saw him. I saw the man who had interrogated me. I saw his back, then his profile as he turned down the hallway.

