Cole Read Online Book by Tijan Free Complete Novels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Crime, Dark, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 100604 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 503(@200wpm)___ 402(@250wpm)___ 335(@300wpm)

She nodded. “It didn’t seem right. But I figured you’d tell me when it was.” She leaned forward, taking my hand. “I get it, Addison. I really do. He’s the first guy since Liam, and considering who he is—I really do get it. I wouldn’t have said anything either.”

I started crying. I didn’t know why. Maybe it was relief from unburdening myself, or maybe because I wasn’t going to lose my best friend after all.

“I’m sorry.” I waved my hands in front of me, fanning myself. “I hate crying.”

“I know.” She held my hand again. “I’m scared for you. I’m worried. I’m concerned, but he’s the guy, isn’t he?”

She wasn’t asking if he was the guy I was dating. “Yeah.”

“Then I’m happy for you.” She squeezed my hand, shaking my arm in the air as she pretended to squeal. “The head of the Mauricio family. Holy fuck of all fucks, Addison!”

I gave her a choked laugh. “I met the hit man for their family tonight—if he’s still their hit man, I don’t know.”

“Yeah.” She grinned, her eyes wide. “Holy fuck, indeed.”

I laughed again, and once I started, I couldn’t stop. I didn’t know what I was laughing about, I was just laughing. And Sia joined in. A slight chuckle, then more, and finally she was laughing almost as hard as I was. We sat at my kitchen table, holding hands and crying together. We must’ve looked crazy.

But I didn’t care. Not one bit.

I had my friend back, and only now did I realize how much I’d missed her.

Cole slid into my bed.

I woke as soon as I felt the covers lift. The cold hit my naked back, but his warmth soon replaced it. The feel of his body against mine, and I rolled over, a hmmm on my lips. I didn’t open my eyes.

“Hey,” he murmured, dropping a kiss to the side of my mouth. He wrapped an arm around my waist, his hand sliding over my hip. “Hmmm back. I like this.” I was naked for him. His hand moved down my leg and back up to my breast. “A lot.”

I shifted, sliding one leg over his and the other between his legs. I pulled him close so he was pressed against me. I laid back, my head resting against the pillow, and looked up at him. “I figured. It’s my present for you.”

He pinched my nipple, then rubbed his thumb over the tip. “Happy early birthday to me. I should always leave you alone with your friend.” He leaned close, sniffing. “You guys had a few drinks, huh?”

I rested my arms on his shoulders, keeping him over me. “We did, and it was glorious.” A yawn slipped out. “I told her everything, Cole.”

He stiffened before dipping his mouth to my shoulder. I felt his lips move over my skin as he asked, “Everything?” His hand dropped to my hip and tightened there a moment.

“Not the stables. Not what happened.”

His hand relaxed, sweeping over the outside of my leg before coming back up on the inside. My pulse picked up. My blood warmed, and soon lust pulsated through my body. Would I always want him this way? I lifted myself, locking my legs around his waist and pulling him down at the same time.

Cole’s eyes widened, but he pushed back, a satisfied smirk on his face. He rubbed against me, letting me feel how much he wanted me, too.

Yes. I silently answered my question. As his lips came down to mine, and I switched our positions to straddle him, I knew that my need for him wasn’t going away, at least not any time soon. And with that in mind, I rested one hand against his chest and took control. This time, it was about what I wanted.

Cole could dominate me next time. I shivered in anticipation.


The editors loved your article. We’re running it in next month’s issue. I’ll send the link when it goes live. You’ll have to fill out the forms attached for payment. We have another opening two months from now—would you be interested in doing another article? You pick the topic, but keep it similar to what you turned in. If this sounds like something you’d like to do, let me know. And again, great job!

Tina Gais


Onlooker Online Magazine

I stared at the screen, reading that email. It felt good. It felt damn good. Life was becoming normal—or as normal as it could be—and tonight would be another big moment.

I’d met Cole’s friends, so it was his turn to meet mine.

Emma and Carter had stayed for three weeks, but I didn’t see Carter again. Thankfully. Cole was content to come to my floor, and I assumed he met up with Carter during the day. I tried not to think about the attack, or what it meant for Cole. Would he retaliate? Was that why Carter was here? They didn’t tell me. Emma and I met for lunch a few times during those weeks, and if she knew, she never said a word either. It was the topic that wasn’t discussed, and right now, where we were, I was all right with that. I preferred it even.

