Cole Read Online Book by Tijan Free Complete Novels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, Crime, Dark, New Adult, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 100604 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 503(@200wpm)___ 402(@250wpm)___ 335(@300wpm)

There was no doubt that he intended both of us to stay, and that thought had my usual ache coming back. I could already anticipate the feel of him over me when he stepped close. My eyes flicked up.

He focused on my lips, and I held my breath, knowing what was next. I closed my eyes as his head lowered, and a second later, his lips touched mine. My pulse skipped before speeding up as his mouth opened over mine, taking charge. I gasped, surging up on my toes to press more fully against him.

“Addison,” he murmured, his lips moving over mine.

That sent a whole other rush through me. “Yes?” I didn’t open my eyes. I wanted to stay there, right where we were.

“Do you want to go to bed or do you want to eat?”

That was a no-brainer. I wrapped my arms around him. “Bed, please. Now.”

Coming back down, I could only lie there as Cole trailed kisses down my throat all the way to my stomach before pulling out and resting beside me. Even my eyelids were exhausted. I watched him with heavy eyes as he grinned at me.

I chuckled softly, but had no words. I didn’t feel the need to say anything. Cole wrapped an arm around my waist and tucked his head into my shoulder. His eyelashes grazed my skin as his eyes closed. It felt right to be here in silence—just us and someplace beautiful and private.

It was later, much later, when I realized I must’ve fallen asleep. Cole had left the light in the bathroom on, but that was off now.

“Cole,” I whispered.

His arm had moved farther down to my hip. He was stretched out beside me on his back. “Yeah?”

I heard the sleep in his voice, but asked anyway, “Did you turn the light off in the bathroom?”

I didn’t need to say anything else. He was off the bed in one smooth, quick movement. I couldn’t hear him, but I could see his shadow in the dark. He went around the bed to the window, first pressing against the wall next to it. He stayed there, peering outside, and my chest grew tighter with each passing second.

Something was happening. Something that wasn’t good.

“Cole?” I kept my voice low.

“Shhh.” His was even lower. Then his hand moved, and the moonlight bounced off something hard. He pulled it closer, and I saw the end of a gun.

He had a gun. Cole was the mafia.

It hit me in the chest like a battering ram. I’d forgotten, or I’d forgotten about the dangers that came with it, until now. The blow was fierce, and it bowled me over. I could only stare at his gun.

“Get dressed, Addison.”

He didn’t move from the window.

I rolled off the bed and dressed on the floor, making as little sound as possible. When I reached for my boots, he said, “There are shoes in the closet. Crawl there and grab a pair.”

I heard him moving as I did, and figured he was doing the same. Once inside the closet, I felt around on the floor and found some sneakers. Pulling them on, I crawled back out. My heart was trying to pound its way out of my chest as I did.

My hand brushed his once I got to his side, and his own came to my shoulder. He urged me behind him, just a little bit.

“Sir.” A voice spoke from the stairs, through the closed door.

Cole turned swiftly, blocking me, with his gun held out straight. “Don’t move.”

“It’s me. Carl.”

Cole lowered the gun, but kept his arms straight. He rested the gun at his side, pointing to the ground, and took a few steps toward the bedroom’s door. “You okay?”

“I am.” Carl didn’t come into the room or even open the door. “There’s no movement out there. Both barns lost electricity, and the house down the way is out, too.”

“Still.” Cole’s hand came to my shoulder and squeezed lightly. “We should head back to the city. I’ll let Ruby know I didn’t stay the night.”

“Okay. I’ll be in the car, sir.”

Carl left, and this time I could hear him moving down the stairs. After a moment the front door to the barn opened as he left, crossing the yard to the car. Cole waited, watching him go. Once Carl was inside the vehicle and safe, Cole’s hand dropped from my shoulder. “Okay, let’s g—”

Later, I would remember that we were given warning: the lights went out.

Later, I would think how there should’ve been more warning. Like a feeling, or a premonition.

Later, I would realize that there’d been none of those, just the lights. That’d been it.

It was jarring when it happened. And I knew the sound would never leave my mind. I’d hear it over and over again for the rest of my life.

