Coal Read Online Chelsea Camaron, Jessie Lane (Regulators MC #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, Biker, Dark, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Regulators MC Series by Chelsea Camaron

Total pages in book: 63
Estimated words: 59183 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 296(@200wpm)___ 237(@250wpm)___ 197(@300wpm)

I need my package delivered first.

“Just wait until we add the squats to this, you big cry baby,” my woman taunts.

The hell with that. I’m going need to put my plan in action fast if I’m going to avoid that exercise.

Keeping up with Des as I scan the gym for Coal to show up is a bitch, but I finally spot him coming through the door. Des has started her countdown of our final fifteen reps when I wave my head for Coal to head on over to us.

Des calls out that we are down to three repetitions when Coal comes to stand in front of me where only I can see him. I pass the ball to Des, and that quick, he sticks his hand out with what I need lying in his palm. A little blue box holding one big-ass question inside.

Grabbing the box, I reach over, grab the ball from her with one hand, rotate my body, and hand her the box next.

“What the—” Des starts to say, but stops suddenly.

I wink at Coal that he can disappear, and he takes off.

Turning around, I see Des’s back trembling, and my heartbeat picks up. This is it, and I’m so fucking ready for it. I can only hope that she is, too.

Leaning in, I place my lips at the shell of her ear. “Turn around, sweetheart.”

Slowly, she does. There’s a dozen emotions written across her face as she holds the little blue box in her hands and looks at me with questions in her eyes. Silent tears start to trickle down her face. I can tell she’s nervous, but hopeful, too.

Getting down on one knee, I take her hands in mine. “Desirae, if it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be the man I am today. I wouldn’t be whole and happy. You did that for me. I was hoping that you might be willing to do it for the rest of our lives.” I open the box lid and turn it so she can see the diamond ring in the palm of her hands, which are trembling now. “Will you marry me, Des? Spend the rest of your life with me? Bust my balls till the end?”

Her breath hitches on a sob, and then she’s nodding like crazy, making me the happiest man in the world.

I’m just about to stand up and kiss her breathless when she surprises me by tackling me to the ground. Should have known my woman would take the initiative on that one.

She plants her lips on mine, and we kiss passionately.

Reaching down, I grab her ass and push my hips up into hers. The moment is perfect … until I hear Coal yell, “No fucking in the gym! Get a room, you two.”

We both laugh, and then I quickly take my fiancée home to show her body just how much I love her heart.

It’s always been about showing between us. Actions speak louder than words, and I’m glad to take action with her body any day, any time.


“Morgan, I’m home!” I walk in the door with the giant box in my hands, calling out for my woman. I don’t see her anywhere, but her car is parked in the driveway.

She walks out of the hallway that leads to the bedrooms and the back of the house with a smile on her face, stopping short when she sees the box in my hands.

“What in the world are you holding, Brett?”

Setting the box down on the couch, I place my hand firmly on the lid and point to the empty spot on the couch next to it for her to sit. “We need to talk.”

A wary look crosses her face as she slowly walks around to sit. “Talk about what, handsome? Why does this sound so serious?”

I give her a stern look. “Because it is. We have been together long enough, woman; it’s time we expand the family.”

Morgan’s jaw drops, her face painted in utter shock. “You want to what?” She shakes her head back and forth. “Brett, I love you. I adore Brooke like my own, but we just got her off to college. Madyson is doing good. Timing … Timing.” She is whispering by the end.

It takes everything I have not to smile, but somehow, I manage. “Expand our family, woman. It’s been too quiet around here since Brooke moved out. I’m ready to change that.”

My woman is looking at me like I have completely lost my mind. “Define expand, please. Because, if you’re talking about a baby, that’s a big step, Brett. I’m not sure we’re ready for that. We should financially save up money before having a kid. They’re freaking expensive. And college! Oh, my God, I don’t know if we could afford to put them through college yet—”

A whine from the box stops her dead in her tracks.

